Researching other radio news broadcasts
- secondary research
- by listening to other radio broadcoasts we are learning more about the strucutre of them and memorising the relevant information that will be useful when constructing our own radio broadcast.
Codes and Conventions
listen to another radio broadcast and note down the code and conventions. Also listen to the language used and whether it formal or colloquial.
- secondary research -
Local area research
Find out more about the local area and the interests of the target audience.
We have found the Kilburn literary festival using both secondary and primary research.
This will be good to have as a news item as it consists of a variety of news values (timeliness , proximity , human interest and recency -
Pimary research - local area
visit places in the local area find out their interests about local radio news broadcasts and possible news item
- questionnaire / survey = primary research -
Primary research - visit the local activity centre
- see advertisments
- what activities are taking place ?
News values
- learn about the different news values
- discuss what news values will be used
Where do stories come from
Primary research - watch videos talking about news values and where news stories come from e.g. universities , churches... -
How is the internet sensoring headlines?
Secondary research - magazine article