Caesars reforms
Reforms in Rome introduce public works and increased citizenship -
After years of decline. Odoacer (leader of Germanic invaders) ousts the final emperor of Rome. -
Oct 28, 1284
Emperor Diocletian
Divides the empire into two parts-east and west. -
Apr 21, 1509
Roman republic
The roman republic is formed, with only the patricians eligible to serve in the senate. -
Latins migrate
The latins migrate to the Italian peninsula and settle on the Tiber river. -
Julius caesar
Julius is assassinated by the senate. His famous last words are "E tu, brute.?" -
served as emperor while the city of Rome burns -
He becomes emperor and appoints his horse as consul. -
Jesus is born in roman-controlled Bethlehem -
Caesars armies
Cross the rubicon and defeat pompeys army in civil war.... "Veni, Vidi, vici!"