Repeal of Stamp Act

By Ayota
  • Proclamation of 1763

    Britain told the colonist that they could not settle west of the Appalachian mountains because they did not want to fight with the Native Americans Colonist Reaction: Colonists and land speculators petitioned Parliament, which resulted in the boundary line being moved back.
  • Period: to

    Sugar Act

    Law passed by the British Parliament setting taxes on molasses and sugar imported by the colonies Colonist Reaction: They boycotted English products, and this earned the attention of Great Britain by hurting them financially.
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    Quartering Act

    Required the colonials to provide food, lodging, and supplies for the British troops in the colonies. Colonist Reaction: disputed the legality of this act because it seemed to violate the Bill of Rights of 1689
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    Stamp Act

    an act passed by the British Parliament in 1756 that raised revenue from the American colonies by a tax in the form of a stamp required on all newspapers and legal or commercial documents Colonist Reaction: British troops stationed in the colonies during the Seven Years' War. It required the colonists to pay a tax, represented by a stamp, on various papers, documents, and playing cards.
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    Repeal of Stamp Act

    After months of protest, and an appeal by Benjamin Franklin before the British House of Commons, Parliament voted to repeal the Stamp Act in March 1766. However, the same day, Parliament passed the Declaratory Acts, asserting that the British government had free and total legislative power over the colonies. Colonist Reaction: Happy that the appeal went through.
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    Repeal of Stamp Act

    After months of protest, and an appeal by Benjamin Franklin before the British House of Commons, Parliament voted to repeal the Stamp Act in March 1766. However, the same day, Parliament passed the Declaratory Acts, asserting that the British government had free and total legislative power over the colonies. Colonist Reaction: Happy that the appeal went through.
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    Tea Act

    this allowed the British East India Company to bypass tea merchants and sell directly to colonists Colonist reaction: The colonists had never accepted the constitutionality of the duty on tea, and the Tea Act rekindled their opposition to it. Their resistance culminated in the Boston Tea Party on December 16, 1773, in which colonists boarded East India Company ships and dumped their loads of tea overboard.
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    Battle of Bunker Hill

    First major battle of the Revolution. It showed that the Americans could hold their own, but the British were also not easy to defeat. Ultimately, the Americans were forced to withdraw after running out of ammunition, however, the British suffered more deaths. Colonist Reaction: The inexperienced colonial forces inflicted significant casualties against the enemy, and the battle provided them with an important confidence boost.