
  • Apr 12, 1296

    Florentines started building the Duomo di Santa Maria del Fiore

  • Apr 12, 1300

    Reniassance Art started

  • Apr 12, 1300

    Mongols made it eqasier to travel in the Silk Road (started)

  • Apr 12, 1300

    Dante Alighieri wrote the Divine Comedy

  • Period: Apr 12, 1300 to


  • Apr 12, 1341

    Francesco Petrarch concidered as the founder of Italian Reniassance humanism

  • Apr 12, 1350

    Reniassance began in Italy

  • Apr 12, 1436

    Duomo di Santa Maria del Fiore was finished

  • Apr 12, 1469

    Lorenzo the Magnificent started to rule Florence

  • Apr 12, 1500

    Giorgio Vasari wrote that donatello's DAVID was "so natural... it is almost impossible to believe it was not molded on the living form

  • Apr 12, 1510

    The School Of Athens was Painted