Period: to
My Life
First ultrasound of me growing. -
Second ultrasound before I was born. -
I was born at St John Hospital in Deroit, MI. I was born with brown hair and brown eyes at 16:45 weighing 7lbs and 1.5oz and 21" long. My parents are Nancy and David DeCook. "Monday's child is fair of face." -
First Picture
First picture taken at the hospital. I was only 24hrs old and it almost looks like I was posing on purpose. -
First Day Home
The family came to visit me on my first day home from the hospital in the Thompson St house in Mt. Clemens, MI. My father took a week's vacation to help my mom. Met my great Grandma Boccia for the first time -
Stability control
Renee holds head up well and over shoulders. Weighs 8lbs 7oz and height of 22" -
Discover voice
Baby Renee discovers her own voice, coos, and babbles. -
Clergyman Dominic Rossi baptized me at the San Franceso Church in Mt. Clemens, MI. My Godmother is my Aunt Marilynn and my Godfather is my Uncle Rick. -
Most major vaccinations given by primary care physician. -
Reach for first objects. Weight 10 lbs 12 oz and height 23 3/4". -
Laugh aloud for first time. -
Renee sits up with support. Height 26 1/2 " and weight 13 lbs 5 oz. -
Developed skills to crawl. -
Baby Teeth
First teeth popped up from the bottom gums. Weight 14 lbs and height 27 inches. -
Annual ski trip
Went to my first restaurant. We went to the Big Boy in Bay City. -
First vacation
Week long vacation to Houghton Lake with the family. First vacation at 10months old. -
Walking with support and holding hands. -
First Birthday
We had a big yard party. We had BBQ turkey, stuffing, rolls, and salad. My mom made a Mickey Mouse cake. I received a rock and ride horsey from mom and dad. We had our first family portrait taken. -
Walking alone with no help and speaking multiple words. Weight 19 lbs 15 oz and height 30 inches. -
Child Care
Our Lady Queen of Heaven child care center Day Care beginning at 14 months. -
Christmas 1984
Christmas was exciting. I received a a huge stuffed bear from my godfather, home made cabbage patch dolls from my Grandma, and a Care bear. Met Santa for the first time and cried really hard. -
First Play
I went to see Sesame Street Live at Cobo Hall. -
Zoo trip
Went to the Detroit Zoo for the first time with my Godmother and Cousins. -
First Haircut
Renee's bangs grew into a long peek that Mom trimmed off around 14 months. Weight is 26 lbs. -
Second Birthday
We had a big backyrad party. We had submarine sandwiches and my mom made a Big Bird cake. My mom is pregnant with my baby sister Natalie. We had our second family portrait taken. -
Baby sister
My baby sister Natalie was born. She was born at St John Hospital in Detroit. -
Chicken Pox
Really bad case of chickenpox. All over the body, scalp, ears, eyes, mouth, between toes. The day after Christmas. -
Had grown 8 teeth. Four on the top and bottom. -
First Motion Picture
I saw Walt Disney's "Song of the South". Also stayed at the Wheels Inn in Chatham, Ontario. -
Third Birthday
We had another back yard BBQ for my birthday. BBQ turkey and my mom made a Raggedy Ann cake. Got my first pair of rollerskates and used them for the first time. -
Potty trained
Finally potty trained after 3 years 1 month. Weight 31 lbs and height 37 inches. Received the HIB Immunization. -
Oaklahoma trip
Went on an R.V. 25' bus. We visited my cousin Darren in Oaklahoma. -
First Ice Show
I went to see Snow White on Ice at the Joe Louis Arena. -
My teacher was Mrs. Donnelly at Tenniswood Pre-School in Clinton Township, MI. Received first TB skin test. Weight 35 lbs and height 40.5 inches. Renee loves school and had an excellent teacher. -
Swam by myself with a life jacket in my Aunt Susan's pool. -
Rode my first tricycle, this was an early 4th birthday gift. -
Fourth Birthday
It was so hot on my fourth birthday that we thought being outside would be better, but there was no releif. My Aunt Sharon, Uncle Joseph and cousins Antonina and Giovani came over from Belgium to visit. -
Had first individual swim lessons. -
Health Screening
I passed the pre-school hearing and vision screening test for Tenniswood Elementary School. -
First Dog
My first dog Puffy was a white poodle-terrier. She was 17yrs old when she died. -
Preschool Diploma
I was awarded this diploma for completing the course of work and play at Tenniswood School. -
Moving Day
We moved from my first house in Mt. Clemens to our new house in Farmington Hills, MI. -
My Teacher was Mrs Tyler at Beechview Elementary School in Farmington Hills, MI. Rode a bus for the first time. I was 5 years old and my favorite activity was ballet. Wore a Korean wedding dress for my first school play. Weight 38 lbs and height 42.5 inches. Also received the 5yr booster shot. -
Second dog
We just got a new dog today. Her name is Kasey and she is a pure bred Britney Spaniel puppy. -
Rode first bicycle in the spring at 5 1/2 years old. Also went on my first trip to Colorado and Tennessee that summer. -
Bowling Birthday
Party at noon at the Drakeshire Lanes in Farmington Hills with my friends from school. -
1st Grade
My teacher Mrs. B Hendershot at Beechview Elementary at age six. My favorite activity was Jazz dance and spending time with our new puppy Kasey. received happy grams from teacher for good behavior and good work every week. Weight 43 lbs and height 45 3/4 inches. My religion techer was Mrs. Burnstein at St. Fabian catholic church. -
First Perm
My Aunt Marilynn gave me my first perm. We were getting ready for my first communion pictures. She did a great job, but I had a lot of hair. -
Creativity Springs Alive
Farmington Public Scools creativity springs alive program. This was an arts program for the community that I attended through Beechview Elementary Scool. -
Second Grade
I had Mrs. M Johnson at Beechview Elementary School. Weight 40 lbs and height 48 inches. -
I started catechism with Mrs. Margaret Lenaghen at St. Fabian Catholic Church in Farmington Hills. -
Celebrated for the first time the Sacrament of reconciliation in the curch of St. Fabian. -
Eucharistic Celebration
At the Church of St. Fabian in Farmington Hills, I received my First Communion. My immediate family came to the mass and my extended family came to my home afterwards to celebrate. -
Third grade
My teacher was Mrs. Loniewski. earned a certifact of merit award for the summer reading program. -
Catechism Class
All God's Children Program -
I joined the girlscouts with troup 2422. -
Max and Erma's
Cream of the Crop sundae salute birthday club award. -
Fourth Grade
My teacher was Mr. Workman. -
Hernia Surgery
U of M Ann Arbor Dr. Polley. Left Inguinal hernia removed and recovery was quick. All the nurses liked me. -
Certificate of Success
This was a certificate of successful completion of the Beechview School year. -
Swimming class
Mercy Community Center, graduated as a pink fish. Awarded a Golden chili pepper award for excellence from Mr. Workman. -
Swimming class
Mercy community center graduated as a purple fish. -
Fifth Grade
My teache was Mrs. Lori Williams and she inspired my to become a teacher of some kind one day. My best friends were Brian Fink and Christy Cannon. -
Day for strings '93
5th grade string players were invited to the Farmington Public schools Day for Strings concert. I played viola in the 5th grade orchestra. -
Good News
Received post card from Mrs. Williams about my excellent work in class. Also received a certificate of merit for the summer reading program. -
Farmington Area Philharmonic
My parents and I saw the 1812 performance of the Farmington Philharmonic. -
Orchestra Award
Certificate for the fifth grade orchestra from the conductor and the head of music. I played Viola in the Orchestra. -
Post card
Received another personal post card from Mrs. Williams. I gave her a scented wooden apple the last day of class. She wrote to me about how much she enjoyed it. -
Reading award
I was a super reader during the summer sessions of enrichment. -
Post card
Exchanged post cards with my favorite teacher during summer vacation. Mrs. Williams at Beechview elementary was one of the most inspiring teachers I ever had. "Prior Preperation Prevents Poor Performance." -
Cadet performance
I performed in the Cadet Orchestra at East Middle School. I played Viola in the Orchestra -
A Christmas Carol
Saw A Christmas Carol at Oakland Univerity's Meadowbrook Theatre. -
Sugar Loaf vacation
The family went on a ski vacation to Sugar Loaf resort. We went on my Father's birthday. I had gotten my first cassette tape for Christmas and enjoyed the whole vacation. -
First pet died
My hamster died. I found her curled up in a ball, frozen, and with her eyes opened. -
Uncle Bennie Died
He was like a father to me. He died of a heart attack. My sister was crying a lot and I knew how she felt. But I didn't have any more tears left. We went to our aunt's house after the funeral to eat, but I didn't feel hungry. -
Winter cadet concert
Performed in the Cadet Orchestra for East Middle School. -
Wax Museum
Wax Museum of the Solar Flares team at East Middle School. I presented the life and accomplishments of Juliet Gordon-Low the founder of the Girl Scouts. -
Babysitting Skills
City of Farmington Hills special skills course. This course taught me the fundamentals of child care and first aid skills. -
Hawii Vacation
The whole family went to Hawii during summer vacation with our friends from Amway. -
Fall Collage Concert
East Middle School I sang in the 7th grade choir and the show choir. -
Private viola teacher
Farmington Public schools music department private lessons for Viola with Mrs. Pfeiffer. -
Titan of the week
East Middle School titan of the week award for excellens in the community. I had volunteered to sell bagels and juice for my favorite teacher Mrs. Smerigan. -
Varsity Fall Concert
Performed in the Varsity Orchestra and Symphony Orchestra. -
Day for Strings '95
A special day for all string instrument students in the Farmington Public School system to play together. Played viola in the Middle School orchestra. -
EMU Concert Tour
Tour of the EMU symphony orchestra and the campus. -
Solo & Ensemble
Won first place at the Farmington Solo & Ensemble with a viola duet with Julia Mazanka. -
Winter Concert
International Season Greetings concert I was in the 7th grade choir and the show choir for East Middle School. -
Farmington Hills
A special day for all choir students. -
Combined concert
An evening of instrumental Music featuring the bands and orchestras of East and Warner Middle and Harrison High Schools. I played Viola in the Orchestra -
Instrumental Solo Ensemble
Won first place with Julia Mazanka with a viola duet. -
Spring Fling
East Middle School vocal and music department concert. I sang in the show choir Encore. -
Pops Concert
East Middle School concert, I was in the varsity orchestra and loved every minute of it. -
Perfect attendance
perfect attendence on all quarters from my teacher Mrs. Smerigan. -
School Honors
I was awarded perfect attendance for the whole school. -
Thirteenth Birthday
I am babysitting now, but I don't have a lot of jobs. I am earning a lot of money. My dog Kasey is 7yrs old. I did not have my period yet, but I probably will soon. I hope it does, cause I can't wait. I had a Fondue birthday party with badmitten and fun. Only two of my friends showed up, but my mom made it fun. -
Show Choir
I am in Encore, the best choir in East Middle School. We travel everywhere as one big happy family. I have three awards from it already. -
Fall Collage Concert
I was in the show choir Encore and in the 8th grade choir as well. I also performed in the Concert Orchestra -
Winter festival
This was just a performance for the Concert Orchestra to celebrate the holidays. -
First Date
I went on my first official date with David Polite. We went with a group to a local arcade. He broke up with me the next day because his friends didn't like me. -
Honor Roll
I completer all the academic requirements listed on the Honor Roll of East middle School. -
We went to Disneyworld Florida. This was the 25th anniversary celebration for Disney. -
Battle of the Books
Participated in the Battle of the Books SemiFinal Round for the local middle schools. -
The Holy Sacrament of Confirmation in the Church of St. Clare of Assisi in Farmington Hills. My sponsor was my cousin Andrea. She is my favorite cousin and I look up to her a lot. Now I am confirmed in the Catholic Church. -
Day for Strings '97
A special day for all string instrument students to perform and learn together. I performed viola in the high school orchestra. -
Marching Band performance
Braces with Dr. Josephine Finazzo. -
Marching Band performance
Winter Concert
we played Chritmas and holiday songs for the the concert. I played Viola in the Orchestra -
First Boyfriend
For four weeks I dated Donald Urbany. We held hands and went on group outings together. -
Combined winter concert
An evening of Instrumental Music featuring the bands and orchestras of East Middle School, Warner Middle School, and Harrison High School. I played Viola in the Harrison Orchestra. -
Guys & Dolls
Harrison High School presented Guys & Dolls in the Auditorium I helped with the set building. -
California Trip
We went on a family vacation to San Diego, California during summer vacation before High School. We walked around a five floor outdoor mall and went to multiple restaurants. We visited my cousin Robert and his wife in his new house. We went to the Sandiego Zoo and we also went to Sea world and saw lots of animals. We went to the wild animal park and I saw a family of sleeping Cheetahs. -
First Period
I got my first period on our vacation right when it was warm enough to swim. I was worried because it lasted for five days and the blood was a little weird. -
Driver's Ed
Today I started driver's ed. It is from 9:30-12:30 after class I visit my friend Kathy because she lives right across the street. -
Driver's Permit
I took my test today and got an 85 out of 80. I now have my driver's permit. -
Freshman Year
Harrison High Schhol - Principal Randy Horn. The teachers I had were Mr Phillips, Madame Caicco, Mr. Short, Mr. Schumaker, Miss Ryan, Mrs Harris, and Mrs. Golden. -
Tag Days
Tag day fund raising with the local High School marching bands and a combined Band-O-Rama concert. -
Marching Band performance
Reaching the top
Harrison High School marching band took third place in the flight III with a score of 84.1. -
The Harrison Marching band performed "EFX" during the natonal championships in Indiana. We received a division 1 rating. -
Grandpa Frank Died
At 2am my grandfather died and on Friday he will be creamated. I found out after school. I will be going to the evening service on Friday. My dad is really upset because my grandpa died of emphasema. -
Marching Band performance
marching band performance
Washington DC trip
We went on a family vacation to Washington DC after my Freshman year of High School. -
Sophmore Year
My teachers were Mr. Philips, Madam Caicco, Mr. Ludwig, Miss Hill, and Mr. Harmon. -
Regional Marching Band Championship
Performance at the University of Toledo for the Regional Championships. -
Marching Band State Champs
Competition at the Silverdome in Pontiac, MI. We loved competing against all the state bands. -
State Championship
The Harrison High School marching Band displays winning form at the Pontiac Silverdome. We captured the Michigan Competing Bands Association (MCBA) Flight III State Championship with a score of 81.2. -
Marching band performance
We performed music from the movie "Hair" for the 1999 season. -
Boosters and performance of the Marching Band and Orchestras of the local High Schools. Also, I dated John Rumbell for a while during Sophmore year of High School. I even went to the Senior prom with him. -
Collage Concert
Harrison High school collage concert. I went to the concert to support my friends that were playing that night. -
Symphony Orchestra Concert
We performed in the North Congrational church in Farmington, MI. -
Pregnancy Prevention
We were given test babies to take home for a whole week. This was for chilcare knowledge. It helped learn not to have premarital sex the hard way. It felt like some sort of eversion therapy becuase I didn't want to have sex before I was married when the project was finished. -
Pop's Concert
Performed in the Syphony orchestra and band together in a grand performance. -
Driver's Test
Passed the Michigan drivers test the first time. -
Mrs. Pheiffer Died
My favorite private lessons teacher for Viola died of breast cancer. I found out the day after new years. She was very kind and always available for anything. She taught me most of my technique for viola. I will miss her very much. -
WMU application
Applied to Western Michigan University to start my first year of college in the Fall. I am really excited. I toured the campus with my parents and it was the most beautiful city. It will be my first choice college. Plan B is Michigan State or Central. -
Finished First Year
I can't beleive I got through my first year of college. It was so intense. My first love, Sept 11, getting mono, and everything. I'm glad I made it through. -
5th Annual Symphony Concert
Honored as a senior performing in the symphony orchestra. I got a red carnation because I am graduating this year. -
Graduating with Honors
I found out that I made it! I am going to graduate with honors. All the hard work I had to do through high school and especially this year is finally paying off. I get my cap, gown, and tassles today. I can't wait. -
Senior Farewell
Swing Out for the seniors in the High School Gymnasium. -
Senior Prom
My senior prom at the Anthenium in Greek Town in Detroit. -
Senior Prom
I had so much fun. We went to the Warner Mansion to take pictures before the dance. I wore the same dress as someone else. She took a picture but I think she looked better. The dance was at the Athenian in Greek Town in Detroit. I took my ex Brent and I don't think that was a good idea. -
Graduation Day
Senior High School graduation at the Compuware Sports Arena in Plymouth Township MI. -
WMU orientation weekend
My dad and I went to Western for the orientation weekend. This is a big weekend event for parents and students. I had to take a buunch of placement tests to get into certain level classes. My dad and I toured the campus and it was great. Really excited and nervous to start college. -
Las Vegas Trip
Traveled to California with my boyfriend Keith. We haven't kissed yet, but he invited me to a family wedding with him and his family. We flew to Las Vegas and spent a day there at the Harrahs Hotel. Keith and I joked that we could get married and no one would know, but we didn't. -
California Trip
Traveled to California with my boyfriend Keith. He invited me to a family wedding with him and his family. We drove to his aunt's house from Vegas with his Mom and brother Chris. -
18th Birthday
Keith and I made our relationship official. We had a long meaningful conversation about how we felt. We are officially Boyfriend and Girlfriend now. All this before everyone showed up for the BBQ party. My birthday was great. I lot of friends showed up and we played games and had a lot of fun. -
Bronco Days 2001
This is the official move in week for Freshman at WMU. There are games, parties, and lots of fun for everyone on campus. I live in Garneau hall and my roomate is Katie. This is a week long orientation and party event. -
Attack on America
I was waiting for class to start when someone came into the lecture hall and said that the US was being attacked and we had to return to our dorm rooms. When i got to my dorm room I saw the new that several planes were hijacked this morning and two crashed into the World Trade Center in New York City. A plane also crashed into the Pentagon and there reports of several other hijacked airplanes. The Trade Center buildings fell around 10 in the morning. The whole campus closed. -
Went to the Sindecuse Health center because I fainted in the shower and eating feels like work. The doctor said that I had the worst case of mononucleosis she had ever seen. -
MLK day weekend
Today I lost my virginity to Keith. It hurt a lot and I can't beleive how weird it felt. We tried a second time and it felt much better. He loves me and he said he will take it as slow as I need to. -
First Valentine
This is my first Valentine's day with Keith. He gave me a home made card and a long letter telling me how much I mean to him. He also bought me daisies and chocolates. -
WMU riot
There was a huge riot on St. Pattys day weekend at WMU. I saw some cars set on fire and someone put a couch in a bonfire. I don't understand why the huge party turned into a riot. It was all over the news and I was really dissapointed. -
Keith's Birthday
Today is Keith's 20th birthday. We are at his grandparent's cottage for the whole weekend. It is soo much fun! -
1yr Anniversary
I had my first anniversary with Keith today. This is the longest relationship I have ever been in. I think it's going pretty great. -
Grad Party
My best friend Ali graduated and we celebrated at her house at her grad party. -
Move in day
Today I moved into my dorm at WMU. I live in French hall on the fourth floor, the top floor. We went to the Ground Round for dinner to celebrate. Keith help my parents move me into my dorm room. -
Anthony & Jen Wedding
My best friend from high school got married today. Anthony and Jen had their wedding at Vladimir's on Grand River in Farmington Hills. -
Jesus Christ Superstar
I saw Jesus Christ Superstar at the Miller Auditorium in Kzoo. This performance stared Sebastian Bach as Jesus. I had a lot of fun and saw it with the music appretiation class. -
Cousin's wedding
My cousin Kelly got married to her long time boyfriend Charlie today. It was an outdoor reception and it was very beautiful. I brought my boyfriend Brian and we had a lot of fun. It was very hot but the whole family had a lot of fun. -
New Puppy
We adopted our new puppy Jesse from the Michigan Humane Society. She is a German shephard, pitbull, rotweiler mix. The box of puppies was found on the side of the road and brought to the humane society for adoption. -
I received a huge three page long hand written appology letter from Keith. He stated his love for me and how it was a huge mistake letting me go. I don't feel attracted to him any longer, but it was a nice gesture. I know he will always love me and I will always love him. He will only be a friend to me now though. I see that now. -
Stephen Lynch Concert
I went to the Live Stephen Lynch musical comedy concert with Emily and Keith. We had a blast! Keith and I knew the words to every song and sang along. He even had new songs that were hilarious. -
Engagement Party
We went to play Bocci Ball with the family at Plazzo di Bocce in Orion Township. Andrea and Butch are getting married on New Years and I can't wait. I won a girft basket during the party and we played lots of Bocce with the family. -
Friend's Wedding
My friends Lynette and Brian got married at St. Fabien catholic church. My friends were in the wedding party. It was fun the reception was at Grand Celebrations in Farmington. -
Family wedding
My cousin Andrea got married to Kevin (butch) Barry. This was in Green Bay, Wisconsin. The reception was at Lambeau field. Butch is an assistant coach and we celebrated 2 NYE events during the reception. -
CPR course
Worked at Henry Ford Hospital and took a CPR course to pursue my interest in health and first aid. -
Tim Home from Iraq
My friend Tim came home from Iraq. He served in the Marines and has become a man since he left. We threw a big party for him at his parent's house. -
Alia leaves for Japan
My best friend from WMU is leaving to move to Japan. She is teaching English at a company called Nova. I am planning to visit her and I will miss her a lot. -
23rd Birthday
Went on the Detroit Princess Cruise with a few friends and co-workers to celebrate on the 26th of August. I shared the birthday celebration with a girl from work. -
My sister's first apartment
I helped my sister move to her first apartment with my parents and my friend Rich. I am scared because she will be by herself. She is strong though so she will be fine. -
First Date
Had my first date with a guys whom I will never forget. This was the start of the worst relationship I have ever had. His name was Christopher Hewitt. -
Sister's 21st Birthday
My sister had her 21st birthday today. We were very drunk and had a lot of fun. -
Japan Trip
I went to visit my friend Alia in Japan for two whole weeks. It was the most fun and the most money I have ever spent. I went by myself and stayed at her house in Owada, Japan. it was amazing. -
Chris's Family Dinner
I met Chris's family for the first time. It was just his older brother Matt and his dad Jim. It was pretty uncomfortable and I didn't feel very welcome, but I thought it might be because it was the first time meeting everyone. -
New Years
Chris's 27th birthday. My shift at the hospital changed to midnights so we couldn't celebrate together. His friends took him out drinking and they showed up at the hospital drunk. I had to escort them out. -
Chirs and I got engaged after onlya few months of dating. He gave me his family ring and promised to buy me an engagement ring when he could. -
Last straw
Chris slammed me into the wall with apartment door after getting in a huge fight. I went home crying and my parent's helped me move out of the apartment. I kept saying that it would pass and it would be better after the weekend. They didn't let me make excuses and moved all of my things back home. -
Baby Shower
My friend Emily is having her first baby shower. We had the shower at the Ypsilanti Community center. It was really cute and Keith came in at the end for the presents. -
Emily's Shower and Bachelorette Party
We had the bridal shower at the Ypsilanti Community center and afterwards met at the Red Roof in for the Bachelorette party. We started off the night at Dominick's in Ann Arbor and after we went to the Ann Arbor Comedy Showcase. Then we went bar hoping for the rest of the night. We had a party bus and I had a lot of fun. The three of us that were left went to breakfast the next morning together. -
Keith and Emily's Wedding
The ceremony was an outdoor wedding on Eastern michigan University's campus. The reception was amazing and it was at the Weber's Inn in Ann Arbor. -
Uncle Rick's Funeral
My godfather Rick died of Emphazema this week. He was my father's brother. I was angry because he didn't take care of himself or try to slow the progression of the disease. -
Natalie's 25th Birthday
I threw a birthday party for my sister's 25th birthday. I wanted to make a big deal for her because no one made a big deal for mine. -
I hosted Thanksgiving for the first time this year. I made a complete vegetarian menu. It was a hit and everyone loved the food. -
Rich's graduation
My best friend Rich graduated from MIAT after a very succesful career in school. I am so proud of him and I hope he gets a wonderful job. -
I am tired of not finding active people to hang out with. A friends told me about the website and I did my first meeting today. I felt like I've known these people for a long time. I had so much in common with a lot of people in the group. -
Anti-valentine's Day Party
I went to a valentine's Day party with a bunch of people from MeetUp. I met a really nice guy named Bryan. He seems sweet and he's really cute. -
First Date
Met Bryan at the Fountain Walk in Novi. Had sushi dinner at Godaiko in Novi. We then went to Lucky Strike arcade. Then we hung out at Denny's afterward to settle down. This was the best first date I ever had. I think this guy is really great. -
Wine Tasting
Bryan and I went on a wine tasting date in Royal Oak. We had a lot of fun and listened to live Jazz music. Afterwards we stayed at the bar and had a few too many Martinis. -
Boyne Ski Weekend
Went on a ski weekend with Bryan and two other couples. We have been dating for 1 month and it was a really nice getaway. I don't think I should tell him this yet, but I can already see us as a serious couple. -
Dayna and Matt's Wedding
My cousin Dayna is getting married to Matt. They live in Chicago and the wedding will be downtown. Bryan is coming with me and the weekend should be amazing. -
Had my fainals this week. I did really well, but was really anxious the whole week. When I got home today I found a package from Bryan in the mail. He sent me a pound of his favorite coffee because i loved it the first time I tried it. He sent it to me just because! Suprise! -
Bryan's 31st Birthday
Took Bryan to a wine tasting in Farmington Hills for his birthday. Then went back to Ann Arbor to have dinner and hang out with his friends for drinks. -
Broncos vs UofM
The first football game of the season. Bryan and I will be on opposite sides of the fence on this game. I went to WMU and he went to UofM, but we will be partying in Ann Arbor. -
Camping Trip
Weekend camping trip to Silver Lake with the MeetUp group. Bryan and I are going together for our first camping trip. -
Camping trip
Bois Blanc island camping trip with MeetUp group. There will be multiple fireworks displays for the holiday. Bryan and I will be camping together the whole weekend. -
Camping trip
Going to Ludington to see the Meteor shower with Bryan.