Harlem renaissance

Renaissance Timeline

  • U.N.I.A (universal negro improvement association)

    U.N.I.A (universal negro improvement association)
    founded by Marcusgarvey the U.N.I.A was a very important group for african americans, it earned blacks alot more respect and set standards for blacks that made it more comfortable for them to live wide spread around the world.
  • Jazz

    During the harlem renaissance jazz became very popular, in fact it was the most popular and enoyed genre of music of this time. jazz was a syncronized tune played from different instruments that orignated from the old fashion blues. Jazz players created an unique and new sound that people of harlem loved and accepted.
  • Buddah

    is an image created Lois Mailon Jones during the harlem renaissance time that exposed the religion of buddah. jones was probably a devoted buddist and was most likely a religous person.
  • Louis Armstrong "aint misbehavin"

    Louis Armstrong "aint misbehavin"
    During the harlem renaissance louis armstrong was one of the most popular and appreciated jazz player of his time. He first appeared on stage in 1929 with his first recording called aint misbehaving. This event gained louis armstorng a heap of fans and follewers and it also was the start of a career that would bring great respect to the genre of jazz.
  • The Southern Diaspora

    One of the main events that precipitated the Harlem Renaissance was the displacement and migration of Southern Blacks from the south to the industrialized north. This was known as the the southern diaspora,Many former slaves left the south looking for work and to escape the institutionalized racism that fueled the southern economy. This is were majorty of harlems talent came from.
  • Cluad Mckays "Flirtation"

    Cluad Mckays "Flirtation"
    UPON thy purple mat thy body bare
    Is fine and limber like a tender tree.
    The motion of thy supple form is rare,
    Like a lithe panther lolling languidly,
    Toying and turning slowly in her lair.
    Oh, I would never ask for more of thee,
    Thou art so clean in passion and so fair.
    Enough! if thou wilt ask no more of me! This was poem written by cluad mckay during the harlem renaissance,he describes his flirtation for this imagenary in a poetic way
  • Chain Gang

    Chain Gang
    In this painting, enormous hands hold scythes, pickaxes, and shovels, symbolizing the brutal work of the chain gang.william Johnson who created it during the times of the harlem renaissance,may have seen men like this when he was a child in South Carolina, but he might also have chosen this subject while working for the Works Progress Administration, where archivists worked to preserve the stories and songs of the gangs.
  • Langston Hughes "HARLEM"

    Langston Hughes "HARLEM"
    What happens to a dream deferred? Does it dry up like a raisin in the sun? Or fester like a sore— And then run? Does it stink like rotten meat? Or crust and sugar over— like a syrupy sweet? Maybe it just sags like a heavy load. Or does it explode? This poem was written by langston hughes during the harlmem renaissence as hes contemplates on what happens to a deffered dream.