The Catholic Church #1
The first indulgences were sold in 1095. The indulgences were sold by the church as “a free path to heaven.” Martin saw this as unfair because the poor were spending all their money for a fake piece of paper. The church was doing this just to raise money for a new church and they wouldn’t actually pass purgatory and go straight to heaven.
http://law2.umkc.edu/faculty/projects/ftrials/luther/lutherindulgences.html -
The Catholic Church #2
Purgatory takes place in the afterlife after death. Purgatory is considered the holding life after death. You go there and that is when it is decided if you are to go to heaven or hell. Purgatory was established in 1160.
"Luther" (movie) -
Literary Works #3
The Divine Comedy was actually a poem written by Dante Aligheri. Aligheri finished this poem in 1320, a year before his passing. The poem talked about life after death and how you would go through purgatory and then heaven or hell.
https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1gMRGcOaM0w2erIM8FBxve0LSutk1nEGQ6usfYo8Ctjc/edit -
Sep 27, 1389
Patrons of the Arts #1
Cosimo de’ Medici was born on September 27, 1389 and was a big patron during the renaissance. The whole Medici family was very wealthy and helped artists play a big part during the renaissance. If it weren’t for the Medici family buying the artists work, the artists wouldn’t have a name or be out there.
https://study.com/academy/lesson/patrons-of-renaissance-art-roles-influence-famous-works.html -
Art/ Artists #2
Jan Van Eyck was a northern artist. Van Eyck was born in 1390 and painted in a unique way. Van Eyck would use natural substances and oils in his paints to give it a more realistic look. This led painting and architecture to where it is today.
https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1gMRGcOaM0w2erIM8FBxve0LSutk1nEGQ6usfYo8Ctjc/edit -
Invention- Blast Furnace
Invented by Henry Bessemer in the 14th century. The blast furnace was used to make different types of metals. These metals could be used for multiple things such as building structures for buildings and homes. The blast furnace has allowed the making of vehicles, trains, and etc.
https://create.piktochart.com/output/43662288-blast-furnace -
Literary Works #2
The Canterbury tales were written by Geoffrey Chaucer. Chaucher never actually got to finish them because his goal was to write 100 stories. Due to his death he only finished 24 until 1400 when they were published after his passing.
https://study.com/academy/lesson/did-chaucer-finish-the-canterbury-tales.html -
Period: 1400 to
Daily Life/Culture #1
Housing during the renaissance is very diverse compared to now. The lower classes homes were small and made of wood and stone. There were very few windows on the house and on the windows were shutters. In the middle of the homes set a fire to keep the house warm. Those of the upper class had much larger homes along with large gardens and people to tend their gardens and homes.
https://www.homeadvisor.com/r/renaissance-and-baroque-architecture/ -
Period: 1400 to
Daily Life/ Culture #2
During the renaissance the average person would relatively eat the same thing day to day. Most people were peasants and they ate soup, along with the soup came a piece of bread. The soup consisted of a bunch of leftovers, which most of the time included carrots and potatoes because those were very common at the time.
https://www.ducksters.com/history/renaissance_food.php -
Period: 1400 to
Daily Life/ Culture #3
During the renaissance each class dressed to their own. The lower class would wear very thin fabric due to it being more common and a lot more reasonable price for them at the time. In the upper class women would wear an undercoat covered by an overcoat, these materials included silk and velvet. The men would wear dress shirts under a dress-like outfit with long socks and pants that went to the knees.
http://www-personal.umd.umich.edu/~cfinlay/sumptuary.html -
Literary Works #1
The Book of the City of Ladies was written by Christian de Pizan and was finished in 1405. During the Renaissance men and women weren’t seen as equal to one another. Pizan’s book argues that women are just as important and worthy as men. This has helped push and lead toward equality.
https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1gMRGcOaM0w2erIM8FBxve0LSutk1nEGQ6usfYo8Ctjc/edit -
Invention- Printing Press
The printing press was invented by Johannes Gutenberg in 1440. The printing press was very useful because it was a very efficient and time consuming way to create newspapers, flyers, and books faster. The printing press has helped the industry and many businesses prosper.
https://create.piktochart.com/output/43662288-blast-furnace -
Art/ Artists #5
Leonardo Da Vinci was born in 1452 and was well-known for his work. Da Vinci created many paintings, including one of the more common ones such as the Mona Lisa, and got his name “The Renaissance Man.” Da Vinci would study the human body in and out, break it down, and make his art very true and realistic.
https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1gMRGcOaM0w2erIM8FBxve0LSutk1nEGQ6usfYo8Ctjc/edit -
May 21, 1471
Art/ Artists #1
Albrecht Durer was born on May 21, 1471. Many people thought Durer really resembled Da Vinci in a way. Durer really dove deep to try to understand the human body and its ways to make his paintings very precise and detailed. This helped with not only art, but anatomy, and the human way.
https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1gMRGcOaM0w2erIM8FBxve0LSutk1nEGQ6usfYo8Ctjc/edit -
Mar 6, 1475
Art/ Artists #3
Michaelangelo was born on March 6, 1475. He painted, sculpted, and was into architecture. He is well-known for his frescoes that are located in the Sistine Chapel and The Creation. Michaelangelo made the people in his paintings have perfect bodies and all around perfect appearance.
https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1gMRGcOaM0w2erIM8FBxve0LSutk1nEGQ6usfYo8Ctjc/edit -
Art/ Artists #4
Raphael was born in 1483 and is also very well-known for his painting skills. A couple of his more common paintings are the Depictions of the Virgin Mary and his Frescoes. These paintings are available and can be seen in the Vatican Palace.
https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1gMRGcOaM0w2erIM8FBxve0LSutk1nEGQ6usfYo8Ctjc/edit -
Patrons of the Arts #2
In all the Medici family was a very wealthy family throughout. They were a very wealthy and powerful family throughout the renaissance. The Medici family opened up a bank in the fifteenth century that helped with their wealth which helped them support the artists.
https://study.com/academy/lesson/patrons-of-renaissance-art-roles-influence-famous-works.html -
Martin Luther & the Protestant Reformation
The 95 theses were written by Martin Luther. The 95 theses were written to show every reason to not follow the church and prove that what they were doing was wrong. Martin Luther wrote the 95 theses and had them finished in 1517.
https://www.luther.de/en/95thesen.html -
Martin Luther & the Protestant Reformation #2
Martin’s rewriting of the bible was to allow the German people to understand the bible, break it down, and know what it exactly means. The German people didn’t always know everything that was stated in the bible while they were being lied to. Martin started translating it in 1517.
https://www.museeprotestant.org/en/notice/martin-luther-translator-of-the-bible/ -
Jan 3, 1521
Martin Luther & the Protestant Reformation #3
Shortly after Martin Luther posted his 95 theses he faked his death on January 3, 1521. He faked his death because the church viewed him as a heretic. They were later going to punish him and kill him anyways so he figured faking his death was the best choice at the time.
https://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/martin-luther-excommunicated -
The Catholic Church #3
A relic is a little statue, painting, or something of importance. Relics were given to those of the higher class such as popes and kings. The relics that were given from person to person were those of someone with importance so the relics had meaning and were special. The first relic that was given was in 1563.
https://depts.washington.edu/hrome/Authors/nmdaybaz/ChristianRelics/pub_zbarticle_view_printable.html -
Scientific Discoveries #1
Up until the 16th century it was believed that the Earth was the center of the Solar system. In the 16th century it was discovered that the Earth was not the center of the solar system. Nicolaus Copernicus had discovered that the sun was actually the center of the universe not the Earth. This has helped scientists with a lot of research and discoveries out of the Earth.
https://docs.google.com/drawings/d/143e-I1isE6wL8gmfwi8GSo6eE9quxkH199dVmOj6_K0/edit -
Scientific Discoveries #3
The telescope was invented in 1608 by Hans Lipershey. Later, it was improved and reinvented by Galileo. The telescope helped scientists discover more things about our solar system that we wouldn’t know without it. There are two lenses and a tube and they make seeing distance a lot better and more efficient.
https://www.smore.com/tf9rq -
Scientific Discoveries #2
The Scientific Method, also known as the Baconian Method was first invented by Muslim Scholars. Francis Bacon created a newer version that revolved around inductive reasoning in 1621. This new method was to help scientists break down their work, study it, and veer it into facts. This has helped many scientists come up with discoveries and back it up with evidence.
It says it is too long to add the link, but I used Anna Marine's canva poster -
Invention- Eyeglasses
The eyeglasses were invented actually invented around 1825, but had been thought about long before during the renaissance. Salvino D’Armate was the one to actually come up with the idea and design them, but along with him Allesandro Della Spina helped him and was the one to spread them to the people. This has made it more beneficial for people to not run into things, see clear, and not get hurt.