Renaissance timeline

  • 1184


    The Inquisition was a group of institutions within the Catholic Church who tried to investigate heresy and other things throughout the catholic church.
  • Jul 20, 1304


    Petrarch was born in Tuscany and became a poet and scholar in Italy. He is most famous for his writing of the Canzoiniere. He died in 1374 on July 19th.
  • 1395

    Johan Gutenberg

    Johan Gutenberg
    Johan was a German Inventor who changed history by creating the printing press. This invention made it so you could get documents and other writings around the world a lot faster and more efficient.
  • 1400


    This was the study of past civilizations like ancient Greece and Rome also trying to make the world around them a better place.
  • 1436

    Printing revolution

    Printing revolution
    The printing revolution was started by the invention of the printing press because of this everyone was able to publish books faster and the common people now learned to read and information spread.
  • Jan 1, 1449

    Lorenzo de' Medici

    Lorenzo de' Medici
    Lorenzo was part of the Medici family who ran Florence and were patrons for artists. Which means they paid all of there living expenses and bought there art.
  • Oct 27, 1469


    Erasmus was one of the main writers and activists for the Renaissance and Humanist movements. He was the greatest northern scholar of the time.
  • 1471

    Albercht Durer

    Albercht Durer
    Albrecht was a famous painter and artist. He made a lot of book covers. He trained as goldsmith at first and was an apprentice to his father.
  • Mar 6, 1475


    Michelangelo was a famous sculptor and artist in Florence. He is most known for The Frescoes on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel. He also sculpted David from the Bible in Florence.
  • Feb 7, 1478

    Thomas More

    Thomas More
    Thomas started by studying law then worked his way up through the ranks becoming Lord Chancellor of England. He was also a well known Philosopher.
  • Apr 6, 1483


    Raphael was an artist and architect in Italy. He is best known for The Vatican and his Madonnas. He also helped design buildings.
  • Nov 10, 1483

    Martin Luther

    Martin Luther
    Martin Luther was a a German Munk who did not like the way the catholic church was using indulgences and abusing power. He wrote the 95 theses to show what was wrong.
  • Apr 2, 1489

    Thomas Cranmer

    Thomas Cranmer
    Thomas Cranmer was the first protestant Archbishop he was appointed by king louis XIV to run the religion in England
  • 1491

    Ignatius of loyola

    Ignatius of loyola
    He was a priest and theologian he started the Jesuit order in 1534 and influenced the Counter-Reformation.
  • Apr 10, 1509

    John Calvin

    John Calvin
    John Calvin was the founder of Calvinism which was a religion based off of Luthers 95 these but with some of his own twists.
  • 1540

    Heliocentric Theory

    Heliocentric Theory
    This is the first theory that the Earth revolved around the sun and so di other planets.
  • 1545

    Council of Trent

    Council of Trent
    The Council of Trent was made to help the counter-reformation and was a Main part of it.
  • Scientific method

    Scientific method
    This method started in the Renaissance when scientists started to rely on observations and hypothesis's to prove their theories.