Renaissance Time Line

  • Feb 11, 1320

    The Divine Comedy

    The Divine Comedy
    This is a book written as a poem. It is about how a person’s soul goes through salvation.
    "Artistic Movement of the Renaissance" from classroom
  • Feb 18, 1377

    3 Popes

    3 Popes
    There were 3 popes that were elected by different parts of the church. The church council elected a pope and so did the french cardinals.
    "Martin Luther and Reformation" from classroom
  • Feb 23, 1386


    Donatello is an artist from the renaissance times. He was also a sculpture and made realistic sculpture of Saint George. He had veins, muscles, and other real looking details.
  • Feb 8, 1400


    Artists studied the human body inside and out. They did this so they could make more realistic sculptures and paintings.
  • Feb 12, 1400

    The Canterbury Tales

    The Canterbury Tales
    It’s a combination of many stories put into one book. It’s about how 29 different pilgrims went into St. Thomas Beckett’s tomb.
    "ArtisticMovements of the Renaissance" from classroom
  • Feb 20, 1400

    Social Class

    Social Class
    Peasants wore nasty clothes with barely any color because of their social class. Higher class people wear fancier clothes meaning they are dyed different colors and are very colorful.
  • Feb 21, 1400


    People traded in trade centers in different cities. They traded different kinds of things like food, clothing and more.
    "Life During the Renaissance" from classoom.
  • Feb 13, 1405

    The Book of the City of Ladies

    The Book of the City of Ladies
    This book told everyone that women are as smart as men if we gave them education. They could also be as successful too if they had the same chances the men got.
    "Artistic Movements of the Renaissance" from classroom
  • Feb 15, 1436

    Filippo Brunelleschi

    Filippo Brunelleschi
    He is always inspired by the roman builds. He designed the “Basilica di San Lorenzo”. He also built it.
    "Artistic Movements of the Renaissance" from classroom
  • Jan 1, 1449

    Lorenzo de'Medici

    Lorenzo de'Medici
    His younger brother and he was a ruler of Florence together. He was also a patron of arts and letters.
  • Feb 22, 1450

    Printer Press

    Printer Press
    The printer press was invented by Martin Luther’s followers in 1450. They created it to take Luther’s 95 theses and make many copies of them to send out to many people. They created thousands of copies which made Martin Luther more well known.
  • Aug 1, 1464

    Cosimo de'Medici

    Cosimo de'Medici
    He had a little but growing book collection from Niccolo Niccoli. Cosimo is also a patron of the arts.
  • Feb 16, 1483


    Luther started his teachings of how the bible is always right and that reading and learning the bible itself will help to have a better life. People who followed Luther didn’t agree with the catholic teachings.
    "Martin Luther and Reformation" from classroom
  • Feb 16, 1490


    He does huge paintings on ceilings covered in wet plaster. He does more realistic and 3D paintings. This style of painting is called “Fresco”
    "Artistic Movements of the Renaissance" from classroom
  • Feb 23, 1500

    Money Problems with the Church

    Money Problems with the Church
    The church tricked people into paying for stuff to get the to heaven. They paid for indulgences and simony.
    "Martin Luther and reformation" from classroom
  • Feb 13, 1517

    New Religion

    New Religion
    Lutheranism started a church so now the Christian Church will fight against Lutheranism. They fight with them because they don’t agree to what they are doing.
    "Martin Luther and Reformation" from classroom
  • Oct 31, 1517

    95 theses

    95 theses
    Martin Luther wrote up the 95 theses and nailed them to the church’s doors. The 95 theses were about statements and questions he had about the church’s doing.
  • May 2, 1519


    Leonardo is also an artist and made the famous Mona Lisa painting and much more. Leonardo even took a look inside the actual human body so he can see and understand more about how humans functioned.
  • Feb 14, 1520


    Made paintings of the famous virgin mary. He also made beauty in a way no one else could.
    "Artistic Movements of the Renaissance" from classroom
  • Feb 17, 1534

    German Bible

    German Bible
    Martin Luther stayed up one night with the latin bible and the greek bible and translated it into german (the main language). This makes it easier for other people of the church to read the bible for themselves.
  • May 24, 1543

    Heliocentric Theory

    Heliocentric Theory
    The Heliocentric theory is the universe in a model showing that the sun is in the center with other planets going around it. Everyone else accepted the idea after Copernicus died.
  • Feb 19, 1550


    Children of a very young age would have their parents already planning their wedding. The husband or dad for the family was always in charge of what happened and the wife didn’t do anything.
  • Feb 7, 1564

    Universe Theories

    Universe Theories
    Many people thought that the earth was in the center and all the other planets orbited us. Galileo told everyone that the sun was in the center and did experiments on them.
  • Telescopes

    Telescope lenses and microscope lenses were invented by Galileo. They were being made better very frequently and helped a lot.
  • Pendulum

    Galileo made the pendulum to keep the tempo for clocks. He studied using hanging lamps.