Music 3

Renaissance Time Line

  • Period: Jan 1, 1300 to

    Peasants Only Bathed about 2-3 Times a Year - Daily Life

    During this time hygiene was very bad and it wasn't really the first priority either. the Christian Church ended up being really against the "indulgences" of bathing because of the nakedness. And due to this many diseases where passed from person to person through bathing in public places and from not bathing at all. Daily Life Powerpoint
  • Sep 22, 1306

    Eye Glasses - Scientific Inventions

    Eye Glasses - Scientific Inventions
    The first eyeglasses didn't really have an owner although many claimed that they had created them. They were handheld because they didn't have hooks to go around the ears. During this time there were 2 different types of glasses, one is for near-sighted people or some for far-sighted people. This creation set the foundation for glasses like bifocals and helped people understand eyes that need glasses.
  • Mar 18, 1320

    The Divine Comedy - Literary Works

    The Divine Comedy - Literary Works
    The Divine Comedy Written a year before Dantes death was labelled one of the Renaissance's best works of that time. This was a story about Dantes travels through Hell to the normal world and then finally into the divine world which is the Heavens. This helped the renaissance understand the writings of Hell, purgatory, and paradise.
  • Jun 11, 1397

    Harpsichord - Daily Life

    Harpsichord - Daily Life
    The harpsichord sort of looks like a smaller earlier version of a piano and played it by plucking the cords. This instrument was used in many festivals, parties, and other social gatherings to create music to socialize to and dance to.
    This is important to the Renaissance because it was one of the first instruments created in this time that led to more modern day instruments like the keyboard and piano.
  • Jun 14, 1397

    The Medici Family - Patrons of the Arts

    The Medici Family - Patrons of the Arts
    The Medici family is one of most well-known families in the Renaissance. After creating the best banking system within Florence, Italy they became super rich, and what do super rich people do? Spend alarming amounts of money on paintings of themselves! The Medici family would hire tons of artists to paint their portraits to show off their riches to the world and support upcoming artists.
  • Aug 5, 1473

    Landscape drawing for Santa Maria Della Nueve - Patron of the Arts

    Landscape drawing for Santa Maria Della Nueve - Patron of the Arts
    This drawing was commissioned by Santa Maria Della Nueve from Leonardo Da Vinci. It was believed to be one of his first sketches after he was done with his apprenticeship. It was a sketch of the valley of the Arno and Montelupo Castle.
  • Oct 8, 1488

    Titian - Renaissance Art/Artists

    Titian - Renaissance Art/Artists
    He started his artistic training in a workshop. His frescos were some of the most renowned art pieces that were celebrated by his country and around the world. His main styles of art are Venetian and European which spread rapidly in popularity. He showed people realistic versions and 3-D paintings.
  • Oct 14, 1503

    Mona Lisa - Renaissance Art/Artists

    Mona Lisa - Renaissance Art/Artists
    One of Leonardo's most famous paintings int he entire world! Some say this piece is creepy due to the way the woman's eyes follow you around the room, oddly enough for many years we couldn't identify this woman. This really gave Leonardo the publicity from the old and modern world and shows a real example of realism.
  • Jul 12, 1513

    Relics - Catholic Church Pre-Reformation

    Relics - Catholic Church Pre-Reformation
    Relics could be anything really, It is any kind of item that has been close to Jesus on earth. The church created these to raise profit and help their churches flourish and buy more. It also gave people the false hope that buying these could please God, as we learn Martin Luther will shoot down this idea and bring a different one into the Chruch.
  • Jan 1, 1517

    Pilgrimages - catholic Church Pre-Reformation

    Pilgrimages - catholic Church Pre-Reformation
    Pilgrimages were a way to reach a holy place and in the Catholic Church, it was very important to reach these places. Some would be The Holy Land, Rome, etc. But most pilgrimages locations were already owned by the Catholic church and money could be made off of it. This would influence modern-day pilgrimages by reaching the holy places as a great honor.
  • Jun 6, 1517

    95 Theses - After Protestant Reformation

    95 Theses - After Protestant Reformation
    Martin Luther created a list of problems he had with the Catholic church. Some things were like the use of indulgences, relics, and other religious things that involve buying things in order to make your life better after death. His followers would try and make these changes in the church but the Catholic church would fight it for awhile.
  • Aug 7, 1517

    Use of Indulgences - Catholic Church Pre-Reformation

    Use of Indulgences - Catholic Church Pre-Reformation
    John Tetzel made these. Indulgences gave people a short sense of hope when boughten. These let people believe that the more they bought these the less time they'd spend in purgatory before heading to Heaven. You could also buy an indulgence for a dead relative that was believed to be stuck in hell or purgatory.
  • Jan 3, 1521

    Martin's Excommunication from the Church - Protestant Reformation

    Martin's Excommunication from the Church - Protestant Reformation
    Pope Leo X claims that Martin Luther had been causing an extreme amount of trouble since 1517 when he posted the 95 theses. The pope decides to write a letter to the church he went to and they sent him out. Little did he know this would only fuel Martin's need for change and strengthen his fight for it.
    Without this event, Martin wouldn't have the motivation to create change in the Catholic church and church around the world.
  • Sep 20, 1522

    German Translated Bible - Protestant Reformation

    German Translated Bible - Protestant Reformation
    Martin who was the German leader of the Protestant translated the Bible into German. This was thought to be a huge revolt against the Catholic church and what they stand for, they thought only the most deserving should be able to read the bible. But the book also said that indulgences were not the way to go and this was upsetting to the church.
  • Apr 21, 1546

    Saltarello - Daily Life

    Saltarello -  Daily Life
    It was one of the first dances invented within the Renaissance. You and your partner would take 3 steps forward and hop back one to the music. This was fairly popular at parties because it didn't require much learning or moving for the lady and her huge party outfit. If you're performing this in a bigger group you would move around while dancing.
  • Aug 8, 1563

    The Tower of Babel - Renaissance Art/Artists

    The Tower of Babel - Renaissance Art/Artists
    This painting was created when Pieter heard the tale of the Tower of Babel when God punished them for only being able to speak one language. Their goal was to make a tower that could touch the Heaven's to tell God they didn't need them, but they didn't have tongues so they didn't get very far.
    Pieter the Elder was truly inspired by tales of places which started more paintings of different places to be painted.
  • Sep 20, 1565

    The Harvesters Pieter Bruegel - Renaissance Artists/Art

    The Harvesters Pieter Bruegel - Renaissance Artists/Art
    This was commissioned by the Antwerp merchant Niclaes Jongelinck for his home. Pieter made this a series of paintings that follow the different times and seasons of the years. Pieter made these paintings through watching the different seasons past by and sketched them as they happened leading into a 6 pieces art series.
  • Jupiter's Discovery - Scientific Discoveries

    Jupiter's Discovery - Scientific Discoveries
    After Galileo created his version of the telescope he was looking at the constellations and saw the first glimpse of Jupiter. By using these 3 little stars he was able to pinpoint the exact place where Venus, Mercury, and Jupiter were placed. Galileo was one of the first astronomers to look and label stars and planets during the Renaissance which then started modern day space exploration and studies.
  • Rings of Saturn - Scientific Discoveries

    Rings of Saturn - Scientific Discoveries
    And one other thing Galileo found those few days in January were the Rings of Saturn! He had thought that the rings around the planet were moons surrounding it or handles on it, he named it to be the first tripled bodied planet. Two years after he saw them disappear and was super confused about the ring's whereabouts, as it turns out Saturn was just if a different phase of it's life.
  • Phases of Venus - Scientific Discoveries

    Phases of Venus - Scientific Discoveries
    Galileo also discovered the phases of Venus around the same time he discovered the Planet Jupiter. He found that Venus' phases were visible through his telescope and then he found the times and days when certain parts of Venus' face were lit up. Now we can easily follow Venus' phases in the skies without counting the days.
  • Submarine - Scientific Inventions

    Submarine - Scientific Inventions
    Leonardo Da Vinci also created the first design for a Submarine.
    While making this design used in modern day for military purposes and exploration he also created a helicopter design and many other things. Without his forst designs our miltary machinery would not have been achieveabl.
  • Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems - Literary Works

    Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems - Literary Works
    This is where Galileo took 2 theories, one being that all the universes revolved around the Earth and another stating that all the planets revolved around the sun. He wrote this book using fictional characters to write this book because he was recently accused of heresy for having thoughts about us not being the center. This book helped others understand his thought and feelings about Earth not being the Center of the Universe.
  • Two New Sciences - Literary Works

    Two New Sciences - Literary Works
    This book was written after our dear Galileo was put under house arrest. It was written over the ideas of physics on how strength and motion correspond with one another. It's referred even in modern day physics and during the renaissance helped others understand the world of physics and gave them a stable foundation for others to build off throughout the years.
  • Girl with the Pearl Earring - Renaissance Artists/Art

    Girl with the Pearl Earring - Renaissance Artists/Art
    It was thought that this painting was done of Johannes Vermeer's oldest daughter who is seen a lot throughout his paintings. This picture was so famous that it was actually referred to as the Dutch Mona Lisa which showed how moving this piece was that it was compared to one of the most famous pieces in the world.
  • - Scientific Inventions

    - Scientific Inventions
    Leonardo created the first human supported, functioning Parachute in 1783. He made the design more of a Triangle shape and was made of linen and wood as a basic support. His design was built off of for many years made into activity parachutes and ones for military purposes.