Period: 1300 to
The Renaissance dance
People would do The Renaissance dance for entertainment. The girls that dance to the song and the men would play the mandolin and other instruments.
https://www.ducksters.com/history/renaissance/daily_life_in_the_renaissance.php -
Dante The Divine comedy
Dante The Divine comedy was poems. The poems told about how the soul's trips to heaven, to hell, and to purgatory.
https://www.biography.com/writer/dante -
Jul 18, 1387
Chaucer the Canterbury Tales
Chaucer the Canterbury Tales was a bunch of stories told about the murder of the archbishop by king Henry the 2nd 's followers. this was important because this was the beginning If the division of the church and state notes.
http://www.librarius.com/ -
The Papers
After Martin Luther nailed his 95 Theses to the Catholic church door, the printing press became useful. The printing press shared the statements made in the Theses with everyone. The Theses told what and how the church was doing things like having people pay for their salvation. It told how the church was turning bad.
https://www.ducksters.com/history/renaissance_science.php -
Oct 5, 1503
The Mona Lisa
This painting was created in the year of 1503. The Mona Lisa was painted by Leonardo da Vinci. The Mona Lisa is famous because of the curious smile and the fact that she don't have eyebrows. Leonardo became really good at painting bodies. This helped people to become more curious about and want to study the anatomy of the human body.
https://www.ducksters.com/biography/leonardo_da_vinci.php -
Jul 1, 1508
Sistine Chapel
This painting was created by Michelangelo in 1508-1512. It took a couple of years for him to paint this large painting which covered the ceiling of the Vatican church. The Pope asked Michelangelo to paint it. This painting shows various stories out of the Bible. It is important because the Vatican is the symbol of the Catholic church. Religion was important at this time.https://www.britannica.com/biography/Michelangelo/The-ceiling-of-the-Sistine-Chapel -
Period: 1509 to 1547
King Henry the 8th
When King Henry the 8th was 17 years old his father died and left him the throne, he married his brother's wife, his own church, he was not legally married to his brother's wife he look for another girl and went away from the Catholic Church. He's then married four others.
https://www.ducksters.com/history/renaissance/daily_life_in_the_renaissance.php -
Nov 10, 1511
Studies of the Fetus in the Womb
This painting is important because when Leonardo da Vinci was dissecting a part of a woman's uterus he found a fetus in the uterus. He was also the first person to correctly draw the uterine artery and the vascular system of the cervix and vagina. This helped to generate more studies of the human body.
Studies of the Fetus in the Womb -
Nov 25, 1512
Portrait Of A Man In Red Chalk
This painting was created because leonardo wanted to see the authenticity of how he would look. He also wanted to do his next one
Studies of the Fetus in the Womb. His fascination in the human body help his paintings become popular. The work of Leonardo inspired other painters to paint with such accuracy.
https://www.leonardodavinci.net/self-portrait.jsp -
The beginning of Pope Leo's reign
During the Renaissance Pope Leo was ruling at the time and he was not taking the Reformation seriously. He don't like what Luther was saying. He continued to follow what he was doing. This was important because Luther got tired of it and posted the Theses in hopes that the Pope would change.
https://www.britannica.com/biography/Leo-X/Conflict-with-Luther -
Oct 5, 1513
St John The Baptist
This painting was created on 1513. This painting of St John the Baptist is pointing to the sky or known as the heavens and through Baptising the people can get true salvatation was an important part of the new belief in the church. https://www.britannica.com/biography/Saint-John-the-Baptist -
The Indulgence
With the Indulgence what Pope Leo was making the church do was just to get their money. He thought that tho only thing that matters is money and getting all the High archi. The indulgences was important because people began to realize things needed to change in how religion was being preached and what was expected of people was not right.
https://www.thoughtco.com/indulgences-their-role-in-the-reformation-1221776 -
95 thesis
During this year Martin Luther wrote up the 95 Theses and he nailed it to the church door. He do this so everyone could see and to show the people how bad the church was. What the church was actually doing was wrong and he wanted to tell the people everything that it was wrong in what the church was teaching the people. This was important because new types of churches came about.
https://www.history.com/topics/reformation/martin-luther-and-the-95-theses -
Ferdinand Magellan
During this year he begins his journey around the world. This was important because people began to wonder about the rest of the world. They wanted to send more explorers and they wanted to get different things from other parts of the world. They would be exposed to New ideas.
https://www.biography.com/explorer/ferdinand-magellan -
The Old And The New Testament
This was the year when Martin Luther finished translating the Bible from Greek into German. Wile Martin Luther was translating the Bible into German the people on the outside of the place he was hidden they thought that he was killed on his way back to Germany.
https://www.museeprotestant.org/en/notice/martin-luther-translator-of-the-bible/ -
Feb 18, 1564
The death of the famous Italian painter Michelangelo
The famous Italian painter Michelangelo died on February 18th 1564 it was his 84th birthday
https://www.biography.com/artist/michelangelo -
May 15, 1570
Culture and Life
During this time, people began wearing nicer clothes, eating nicer food and liking the arts. There were more artists, merchants which made the middle class bigger. People liked to dance and go to festivals and sporting events. They would were costumes to Masquerade parties. This was important sign of change. https://www.ducksters.com/history/renaissance/daily_life_in_the_renaissance.php -
The Microscope
This tool was invented to help see the tiny organism and other parts of cells. They would use this to see what tiny organism you would have in your body. The use of lenses for the microscope helped them to see far away like in the telescope. The lenses also helped for people to have eyeglasses. The lenses was important because it helped them to see things they didn't know existed.
https://www.ducksters.com/history/renaissance_science.php -
William Shakespeare
William Shakespeare is done building the Globe theatre. After having the Globe theatre built he then started writing the plays like hamlet, and Romeo and juliet. Attending plays was some of the entertainment they had back then. This was important because people became more social, sharing stories, and understanding the life of others through plays.https://www.britannica.com/topic/Globe-Theatre/Rebuilding-the-Globe -
The first opera was created
Bryce Harper's Opera was created to show off people from all around. People all came to the place to watch the actors preform. This was important because people were getting out and appreciating the arts. This would lead to many performances.
https://www.oxfordbibliographies.com/view/document/obo-9780195399301/obo-9780195399301-0176.xml -
Hans Lippershey
Gallery was the person that use thus telescope made by Hans Lippershey is the guy who created the telescope to discover the moons of Jupiter.
https://www.ducksters.com/history/renaissance_science.php -
The moons of Jupiter
This is a year wouldn't get rid of early signs of the moons of Jupiter. This was important to help people want to learn more about how the world works and make new discoveries.
https://www.space.com/16452-jupiters-moons.html -
The Thirty Year War
During the beginning of 16-18 this is the beginning/start of Thirty Year War. People have to ration their foods and their water. Amber children had to also fight in the war
https://www.britannica.com/event/Thirty-Years-War -
The Moon, The Sun, and The Earth
Has figured out that the Earth is not the center of the universe the sun is and Galileo Galilei agreed. Was Galileo agreeing with him he was sentenced to death soon after
http://www.nmspacemuseum.org/halloffame/detail.php?id=123 -
The creation of Newton's law of motion
Issac newton's law of motions were created because he realized when an object is in motion stays in motion and an object is at rest it will stay at rest.