Renaissance & Reformation Timeline

  • Jan 1, 1350

    Black Death (life)

    Black Death (life)
    Once Black Death stopped spreading marked the beginning of the Renaissance. It is estimated to have killed 1/3 or even up to 1/2 of Europe's population at the time.
  • Jan 1, 1350

    Food (life)

    Food (life)
    During the Renaissance, the food you ate depended on your social status. The lower class ate simple soup and bread while the upper class would have more variety to eat such as meat and vegetables. [Life during the Renaissance notes]
  • Period: Jan 1, 1350 to Jan 1, 1517

    Corruption (pre-reformation)

    Corruption in the church was a big deal. Instead of earning status in the church you could pay to earn a higher status []
  • Period: Jan 1, 1350 to Jan 1, 1517

    Political conflict (pre-reformation)

    The popes believed that they should have more power than the kings and queens. This, of course, angered the kings and queens. []
  • Period: Jan 1, 1350 to Jan 1, 1517

    Selling Salvation (pre-reformation

    The church would sell indulgences. These were to get people out of purgatory and into heaven no matter how bad a sinner you were, this of course was false and they didn't truly do anything. [Martin Luther notes]
  • Apr 10, 1389

    Cosimo De Medici is Born (patron of the arts)

    Cosimo De Medici is Born (patron of the arts)
    Cosimo de Medici was the first of the Medicis to be in power. He also started the first bank in Europe []
  • Jan 1, 1449

    Lorenzo de Medici is Born (patron of the arts)

    Lorenzo de Medici is Born (patron of the arts)
    Lorenzo de Medici is Cosimo's grandson and another one of the Medicis that ruled over Florence. He was considered a patron of the arts and one of it's biggest supporters []
  • Jan 1, 1450

    The Printing Press (invention)

    The Printing Press (invention)
    The printing press was improved upon by Johannes Gutenberg. It was originally invented in China but was not as widespread or produced before Gutenberg's design.
  • Apr 15, 1452

    Leonardo Da Vinci is Born (artist)

    Leonardo Da Vinci is Born (artist)
    Considered one of the most famous of the Renaissance artists for his most famous work, the Mona Lisa. A true Renaissance man for his many talents such as mathematician, artist, sculpture, inventor and scientist. []
  • Mar 6, 1475

    Caprese Michelangelo is Born (artist)

    Caprese Michelangelo is Born (artist)
    Michelangelo was a famous artist during the Renaissance. Michelangelo is most famous for his works for the church such as painting the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel. []
  • Jan 1, 1485

    The Flying Machine (science)

    The Flying Machine (science)
    Originally designed by Leonardo da Vinci. It never truly worked but it set the groundwork for future flying machines []
  • Jan 1, 1503

    Mona Lisa (art)

    Mona Lisa (art)
    The Mona Lisa is the most known of all the art of the Renaissance. It was painted by Leanardo De' Vinci and the subject (model) is still unknown. []
  • Jan 1, 1508

    Sistine Chapel (art)

    Sistine Chapel (art)
    Michelangelo painted the Sistine Chapel's Roof. It was painted between 1508-1512. []
  • Jan 1, 1509

    The School of Athens (art)

    The School of Athens (art)
    The School of Athens was painted by Raphael. Raphael painted this showing many important figures from the Renaissance and Greek philosophers. []
  • Jan 1, 1517

    95 Theses (reformation)

    95 Theses (reformation)
    Martin Luther came up with 95 complaints he had about the church and posted them on the door of the church of Wittenburg, Germany. This jumpstarted the Protestant Reformation
  • Jan 3, 1521

    Luther is excommunicated from the Church (reformation)

    Luther is excommunicated from the Church (reformation)
    Becuase Luther won't retract what he said in the theses the church excommunicates him. This means he is no longer part of the church and no longer a monk. []
  • Jan 1, 1534

    Luther translates the bible into German (reformation)

    Luther translates the bible into German (reformation)
    Luther translated the bible from latin to german while in hiding. Luther does this so that the common person can read and understand the bible. []
  • Jan 1, 1543

    Heliocentric Solar System (science)

    Heliocentric Solar System (science)
    Copernicus proposed that the sun is the center of the solar system. The only reason he proposes this is because it "looks right", he didn't understand that the planets didn't orbit in perfect spheres. []
  • Romeo and Juliet (literary works)

    Romeo and Juliet (literary works)
    Written by William Shakespear about two lovers. It is one of Shakespear's best-known works of the renaissance. []
  • Renaissance Dancing (life)

    Renaissance Dancing (life)
    Dancing during the Renaissance was primarily used to show off clothing of the upper class. It was introduced in the late 1600s. []
  • Violin (inventions)

    Violin (inventions)
    The violin is a common musical instrument found in most orchestral bands. Invented by Andrea Amati in the early 1600s. []
  • Hamlet (literary work)

    Hamlet (literary work)
    Hamlet was written by William Shakespear. It is about Hamlet who kills his uncle after his uncle kills his father and then he himself becomes king. []
  • Telescope (inventions)

    Telescope (inventions)
    The telescope was created by Galileo. He first sold it to the military to help fund for his future research into the planets. []
  • Macbeth (literary works)

    Macbeth (literary works)
    Macbeth was written by Shakespear. This play is about a man killing the king and then becoming the king and dying because of his earlier actions. []
  • Galileo Believes in Heliocentric Model (science)

    Galileo Believes in Heliocentric Model (science)
    Galileo supports Copernicus in his views on the heliocentric model. He believed however that the planets orbits were not perfectly circular. []