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Renaissance & Reformation Timeline

  • 1285

    Scientific Discoveries #2: Eyeglasses

    Scientific Discoveries #2: Eyeglasses
    The eyeglasses were made to help people see things. Some people had troubles seeing things far away and some have trouble seeing things that are close, eyeglasses made it possible to see. The date for the making of eyeglasses is not known but they were made in the year 1285. The glasses had many different designs and have developed throughout the years. The first glasses were made out of metal and the lenses were made out of quartz.
  • 1300

    Daily Life/Culture of the Renaissance #2: Education

    Daily Life/Culture of the Renaissance #2: Education
    During the beginning of the Renaissance mostly all the education was on reading, writing, and math. No matter what the education was about it was all based around religion. Education was for middle and upper class boys, but some poor kids could go if they were talented. All boys went to a small school with all boys but some of the richer kids went to a private school and focused of grammar.
  • Period: 1300 to 1400

    Daily Life/Culture of the Renaissance #1: Trade

    During this time Italy took over European trade.Traders in popular Italian cities started to grow their business so they could continue their activities throughout Europe. They would trade many different things like woolen cloth and silk or metal goods like armor. Big cities that traded most items were Venice, Milan, and Florence. Traders from Venice would buy spices and other good from Arab.
  • 1320

    Literary Arts #3: The Divine Comedy

    Literary Arts #3: The Divine Comedy
    Dante started writing The Divine Comedy in 1308 and finished in 1321. The Divine Comedy was a poem about a imaginary trip to Purgatory, Hell, and Heaven also known as paradise. Through this imaginary trip Dante is being guided by a Roman poet named Virgil. At the end of their trip Virgil leads Dante to the Empyrean where Dante sees the glory of God for a quick moment.
  • 1400

    Literary Arts #2: The Canterbury Tales

    Literary Arts #2: The Canterbury Tales
    Geoffrey Chaucer never really finished The Canterbury Tales he died in 1400 which lead to the poem ending. The Canterbury Tales is about a group of pilgrims that are traveling to Canterbury Cathedral from London. To help pass times on their journey each pilgrim tells to tales the one with the best tale will earn a free supper once they return. The Canterbury tales was a major work in literature. This book was also written in English.

  • 1400

    Daily Life/Culture of the Renaissance #3: Family

    Daily Life/Culture of the Renaissance #3: Family
    Family were a big part during the Renaissance. Families were very secure this is why there was arranged marriages. Marriage arrangements would start at age 2 or 3. Because of arranged marriages the grooms family would receive money from the brides family. The man was always the center of the family. He would manage all the finances and had all authority over his children
  • 1405

    Literary Arts #1:The Book of the City of Ladies

    Literary Arts #1:The Book of the City of Ladies
    In 1405 The Book of the City of Ladies was published. This book was written in appreciation of women. The first part of the book talks about Reason, Rectitude, and Justice. The second part is a story about 11 ladies and their political and military accomplishments. The third section is about holy women and women who have helped during this time.
  • 1434

    Patrons of the Arts #1: Medici Family

    Patrons of the Arts #1: Medici Family
    Cosimo de Medici dominated the city and ended up taking it over. The whole Medici family was very rich and ran the government. Florence was dominated by Cosimo and Leorenzo de Medici by their personal influence and their money. In the 1400 Florence started to have a economic decline. At this time a Dominican preacher criticized the corruption of the Medici family and started to take over. People started to get frustrated with Savonarola's rules and Medici's returned to power.
    Textbook Page 164
  • 1440

    Invention #1: Printing Press

    Invention #1: Printing Press
    Johannes Gutenberg is the inventor and creator of the printing press that was starting to be made in 1440. Before the printing press was invented you has to carve letters in wood or stone blocks. Then it developed into letters that were made out of tin and ink made out of linseed oil and soot.
  • Apr 15, 1452

    Renaissance Artist/Art #2: Leonardo De Vinci

    Renaissance Artist/Art #2: Leonardo De  Vinci
    Leonardo de Vinci was born on April 15, 1452 in Tuscany. He was a painter, architect, inventor, and many other things. Leonardo was a prime example of Renaissance man. A couple of his most famous paintings are the Mona Lisa and The Last Supper. Da Vinci died at age of 67 at Cloux.
  • Mar 6, 1475

    Renaissance Artist/Art #3: Michael Angelo

    Renaissance Artist/Art #3: Michael Angelo
    Michelangelo was born on March 6, 1475 in Caprese. Michelangelo was a very talented and inspirational artist. He painted the Sistine chapel and carved multiple different statues for the Shrine of St, Dominic. When he was 21 years old he went to Rome to sculpt the Pieta. Michelangelo had a big impact in the art world.
  • Dec 11, 1475

    Patrons of the Arts #2: Pope Leo X

    Patrons of the Arts #2: Pope Leo X
    Pope Leo X was born on Decmeber 11, 1475 and was the son of Lorenzo and Clarice Orsini. When he turned 8 years old he went into minor orders and was the Abbot of Montecassino and Mormondo by 1486. He went to the University of Pisa for 3 years. Then in 1942 he became a cardinal. He spent much of his time in the arts and science. He also was a big supporter of scholars and poets.
  • Apr 6, 1483

    Renaissance Artist/Art #4: Raphael Sanzio

    Renaissance Artist/Art #4: Raphael Sanzio
    Raphael was a artist and a designer. He was born on April 6, 1483 in Urbino, Italy. A year after his father had died he started in the workshop of Urbinoi's leading painter and he passed his master by the age of 12. One of his famous paintings are the Madonna and Child. Most of his paintings strongly influenced ideal beauty and harmony of the Renaissance.

  • Nov 10, 1483

    Martin Luther & The Protestant Reformation #1: Martin Luther

    Martin Luther & The Protestant Reformation #1: Martin Luther
    Martin Luther was born in 1483. He was a professor, pastor, German theologian and a church reformer. Martin started the Protestant Reformation in 1517 on October 31 when he published his 95 Theses. He had three brothers 2 of which died when outbreaks of the plague were happening and 1 who lived until he was adult. Martins father was set on making Martin a lawyer but that didn't happen Martin became a pastor. Martin also translated the bible into German.
  • 1498

    Renaissance Artist/Art #1: The Last Supper

    Renaissance Artist/Art #1: The Last Supper
    The Last Supper painting was finished in 1498. This painting was showing Jesus having his last meal with his Apostles.Jesus knew one of his Apostles were going to betray him but he didn't know which one was going to. During the supper Jesus said whoever is going to betray to reach for the bowl of water as he did and Judas reached for the bowl. The painting shows Judas reaching for the bowl the same time Jesus is.
  • 1508

    Scientific Discoveries #3: Heliocentric Solar System

    Scientific Discoveries #3: Heliocentric Solar System
    In 1508 Nicholas Copernicus brought Aristarchus of Samos idea to life. The Heliocentric System is a model that shows the sun is assumed to lie on a central point. This model was never really brought up because people could not explain why the stars remained in the same place and didn't move around the viewpoint of the sun.

  • 1508

    Renaissance Artist/Art #5: The Sistine Chapel

    Renaissance Artist/Art #5: The Sistine Chapel
    The Sistine Chapel is a very famous interior space that Michelangelo started to paint in 1508. In 1508 Pope Julius II hired him to paint the ceiling. Michelangelo had gained a lot of stardom through his sculpting abilities but he didn't have much respect with the brush. He started painting it by painting the Noah Fresco then realized it was too smal and needed to paint it much bigger.
  • 1511

    The Catholic Church #3: Simony

    The Catholic Church #3: Simony
    Simony was selling or buying something spiritual to raise money for the church. The church was very corrupted because the people running the church didn't really know what they were doing and were not very qualified. They were trying to get rid of simony so the church wouldn't be as corrupted anymore. Simony wasn't very known in the first 3 centuries of the christian church.
  • 1517

    Martin Luther & The Protestant Reformation #2: Indulgences

    Martin Luther & The Protestant Reformation #2: Indulgences
    Indulgences were first sold in 1517. A indulgence is thing you can buy and once you buy the indulgence it is supposed to set your loved one in purgatory free. Once they are free from purgatory they get to go to heaven. There was also a thing called special indulgences. A special indulgence could set one of your love ones free or heal someone here on earth. Martin Luther did not agree with indulgences and thought it was wasting money.
  • 1517

    The Catholic Church #2: The Bible

    The Catholic Church #2: The Bible
    During the renaissance not many people could read the bible so they would listen to what people told them. In 1517 Martin Luther started to translate the English bible into German so people could actually understand and read the bible. Martin Luther translated the bible when he was in prison in Wartburg. Luther translated the New Testament and continued to translate the whole bible until 1534 when he finished.
  • Oct 11, 1517

    The Catholic Church #1: Martin Luther nails 95 Theses to church door

    The Catholic Church #1: Martin Luther nails 95 Theses to church door
    On October 31, 1517 Martin Luther went to the Castle Church in Wittenburg and nailed his 95 Theses to the door. This paper would begin the Protestant Reformation. These Theses would criticize the excesses of the Roman Catholic Church. Luther wrote these 95 Theses because he did not feel right about what was going on. One of the big reasons this started up is because the selling of Indulgences.
  • Oct 31, 1517

    Martin Luther & The Protestant Reformation #3: 95 Theses

    Martin Luther & The Protestant Reformation #3: 95 Theses
    Martin Luther believed you could get out of purgatory and reach heaven through faith and divine grace instead of indulgences. Since he believed this he deiced to write something called the 95 Theses. The 95 Theses was a list of questions and propositions. Martin also reflected on things like the "St. Peter's Scandal" in the 95 Theses. The 95 Theses eventually became the foundation of the protestant reformation.
  • Invention #3: Flushing Toilet

    Invention #3: Flushing Toilet
    The first flushing toilet was designed in 1596 by John Harington. He made it for Queen Elizabeth I. The flushing toilet has come along ways since the beginning, for example they have added things like a vent so it didn't smell like methane. They also added other assorted items to make it more efficient.
  • Invention #2: Telescope

    Invention #2: Telescope
    In 1608 Hans Lippershey was the first person to invent the telescope. When he first invented the telescope it was called the Dutch perspective glass then after a couple year the name got changed to telescope. The telescope all started when two children looked through the lenses and realized it made something on the church look bigger. So Lippershey then put lense on the end of a tube and the telescope became a thing that has helped many people.
  • Scientific Discoveries #1: Adding Machine

    Scientific Discoveries #1: Adding Machine
    Wilhlem Sihickard and Lenoardo de Vinci had the first idea to make the adding machine then it was created in 1642 by a son trying to make his fathers clerk job easier. Blaise Pascal was the inventor. The adding machine was a wooden box with dials inside, the dials then would spin and it would add or subtract for you. The adding machine has developed into the calculator.