Period: 1300 to
Daily Life/Culture
This was when fashion was very important because it showed wealth. The men in the upper class wore tights or stockings. Over the top of it, they would wear big coats called doublets and would usually wear a hat also. They would be lots of different colors because it showed wealth. The women in the upper class would wear long, colorful dressed. The dresses were high waisted and had long sleeves. They also wore expensive jewelry to show how wealthy they were.
Source: Life in Rennisances Notes -
Period: 1300 to
Daily Life/Culture
Hair was a very important thing during the renaissance. For women, blond hair was seen as very stylish for them. If women didn't have blond hair they would bleah their hair or buy wigs. For men, hairstyles changed all the time. At some points during the renaissance long hair, for men, was the style and other points it was short hair. Beards also were only popular at different times.
Source: Life during the Renaissance Notes -
Period: 1300 to
Daily Life/Culture
During the renaissance women and men had very different roles. Women were just supposed to keep the house supervised and take care of the children. On the other hand, the men had control over everything and everyone in the household. He made all the decisions and had all the finances.
Source: Life during the Renaissance Note -
The compass has helped people discover new things and it also helped with trading. The compass helped people know which way they were going so they wouldn't get lost. It also helped with trade routes to know where to go. People also discovered the whole western world because of this.
Source: Nolan's invention project -
Literary Works
The Devine Comedy was a poem written by Dante. It is about a soul going through a journey to have salvation. The soul experiences hell, purgatory, and heaven. This poem taught people about Christianity. Religion was a huge thing during the renaissance so this is why it was very popular.
Source: Artistic Movements of the Renaissance Notes -
Literary Works
The Canterbury Tales is a collection of 24 different stories. It is about a group of 29 pilgrims going to Canterbury. It is about there journey to the shrine of St Thomas Beckett.
Source: Artistic Movements of the Renaissance Notes -
Patrons of the Arts
In 1397, the Medici family created a banking system in Florence, Italy. The banking system became very popular so they became wealthy. With this money, they were patrons and would pay and support artist.
Source: http://www.themedicifamily.com/The-Medici-Bank.html -
Renaissance Art/Artists
Lots of new techniques to do art were started during the Renaissance. Before there was not a lot of depth in paintings. Frescos started painting on plaster with water-based paint which made the painting have more depth and texture. Artists made painting look more realistic because they figured out how perspectives work.
Source: Artistic Movements of the Renaissance Notes -
Literary Works
The Book of the City of Ladies is a book about how women should get the same opportunity as men do. If they actually got this opportunity it says that women would be just as smart and successful as men. This book was also written by a woman which was very unusual back then because women weren't educated.
Source: Artistic Movements of the Renaissance Notes -
The Catholic Church
At one time there were three popes. The pope died and when they tried to elect a new one they couldn't decide so there were two at once. Then late people still couldn't decide on who to follow so they elected a third pope so there were three at one time. -
Renaissance Art/Artists
Donatello sculpted Saint George and this was one of his most famous sculptures. The reason it was so famous was that it was a free-standing sculpture which was hard to do. It also was very realistic and looked just like Saint George which is why people liked it so much.
Source: Artistic Movements of the Renaissance Notes -
Renaissance Art/Artists
Jan Van Eyck was a famous painter. He was famous because he was one of the first people to use oil paint. He also made the painting very realistic. He would have subjects sit there to be painted and he focused on all their feature to make it very realistic.
Source: Artistic Movements of the Renaissance Notes -
The printing press helped spread the news to everyone. With the printing press, they could make books and other things like that. They could print a newspaper and that is how everyone knew what was going on. Since they could also make books they could educate people. The people that were educated could make books and the non-educated people could read them.
Source: Daelyn's invention project -
Patrons of the Arts
The Catholic church was a patron for artists when they wanted them to paint the church walls. The church would request artists to paint very specific scenes out of the bible. The Catholic church did this for most of their church's because they liked how it looked.
Source: Artistic Movements of the Renaissance Notes -
Renaissance Art/Artists
Leonardo de Vinci painted the Mona Lisa in 1503. This is a very famous piece of art and probably the most famous. There are a lot of questions about the Mona Lisa because nobody knows who it is or why he painted it. People don't know if she was a real person or just someone he made up.
Source: Artistic Movements of the Renaissance Notes -
Renaissance Art/Artists
In 1512 the Three Ages of Man was painted by Titian. This painted was to show the best and worst parts of life. The people on the left are very happy so that is seen as the best part of life. The man in the back looks very upset so that it shown to be the worst part of life.
Source: My Artwork paper -
Martin Luther & the Protestant Reformation
The church would sell indulgences. The indulgences were said to have made the time in Purgatory shorter for people that died so lots of people wanted to buy indulgences and even bought them for themselves. The bad thing about this was that most people were very poor so they would spend all their money just to buy one indulgence. The bible also never said that indulgences are a real thing so the church actually made them up. The church was taking the money for themselves.
Source: ML and PR notes -
The Catholic Church
The Catholic Church was selling indulgences to people. The indulgences were supposed to make the time in Purgatory less. The time in Purgatory was determined by your sins. People would buy them after their loved ones died. At some points, they even bought them for themselves. The bad thing about indulgences was that the bible didn't actually say anything about it. This meant that the church made them up. -
Oct 31, 1517
Martin Luther & the Protestant Reformation
This was the day that Martin Luther nailed his 95 theses to the door of the Wittenberg Castle church. These 95 theses were very important because all of Martin's supporters printed it out in mass so everyone could see it. These 95 theses changed everything for the Catholic church and it is why the Christian church is divided into so many groups.
Source: https://www.history.com/topics/reformation/martin-luther-and-the-95-theses -
Martin Luther & the Protestant Reformation
Martin Luther translated the New Testament to german. This was so all of his supporters could actually read the New Testament for themselves. They were only taught about from the pope and now they were able to interpret it in their own way. -
Scientific Discoveries
The Heliocentric Solar System was discovered in 1543. It was when they discovered that the sun was actually the middle of the solar system instead of the Earth. Lots of people still didn't believe this by it was the truth.
Source: https://www.universetoday.com/33113/heliocentric-model/ -
Scientific Discoveries
The Scientific Method was invented in 1621 by Francis Bacon. It is the method used to show how an experiment is done. It uses a hypothesis and evidence to show how it is done.
Source: Anna's invention project -
The Adding Machine is a big help in math today. It makes adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing big numbers way easier. Back then you could not do complex things with it but it still helped. Over the years people made many different versions of it so today we have a calculator that most people have in their pockets on their phone.
Source: My invention project