
Renaissance & Reformation Timeline

  • 30,000 BCE

    Needlecraft started

    Needlecraft started
    Needlecraft was a popular hobby in the renaissance. Needlecraft is making designs and embedments into fabric or another surface. This provided income for the maker but it also helped to show wealth for the buyer. This advanced the wealth in this time and it helped to separate the different classes.
  • 33

    The start of the Catholic Church

    The start of the Catholic Church
    The Catholic Church started in 33. Catholics claim that Jesus told Peter that he was to be the first pope. The Catholic Church claims that is when the church started. Over time the Church grew in number and power.
  • Period: 33 to

    Mass started

    The Catholic Church requires you to go to mass to learn how to be a better person and how to get to Heaven. Mass is where the Priest talks to the people about what he wanted to ta;k about from the Bible https://www.historylearningsite.co.uk/the-counter-reformation/the-roman-catholic-church-in-1500/
  • 1214

    Scientific Method was created

    Scientific Method was created
    The scientific method is used to help people go through a ‘test’ to see if something works or not. The scientific method helped to create a lot of things. Without it, other discoveries would not have been discovered since they would have needed the scientific method to find the new discovery. New Ideas & Inventions - Renaissance google doc
  • 1337

    Filippo Brunelleschi

    Filippo Brunelleschi
    Filippo Brunelleschi was an artist that loved Roman architecture. He brought Roman architecture into Florence, Italy when he built the Basilica di San Lorenzo. This helped the spread of Roman architecture into Italy.
  • Sep 27, 1389

    Cosimo de Medici was born

    Cosimo de Medici was born
    Cosimo de Medici was the most popular patron of the arts in the Renaissance. Cosimo de Medici helped pay for painters to paint really good paintings. This gave even more wealth back to Cosimo de Medici because he paid really good artists that became really popular.
  • 1390

    Jan van Eyck was born

    Jan van Eyck was born
    Jon van Eyck was most commonly known for using oil paints to paint. Using oil for paintings gave them depth and realism. Jon van Eyck was not as focused on the perspective on the painting, but he was more consumed but how detailed it was. http://www.jan-van-eyck.org/
  • 1400

    Frescos started becoming popular

    Frescos started becoming popular
    Frescos were paintings done on wet plaster in the shape of a dome for better depth perception to the viewer. This helped to create a new type of art, art in domes and it was also realistic art. Frescos were usually big and in big fancy buildings.
  • Period: 1400 to 1499

    Dresses worn in the 1400s

    Dresses and clothes in the 1400s are were people started becoming more wealthy and they all started showing it in what their clothes looked like. They made clothing more elaborate and more detailed to show how much money they had. This helped to divide the classes even more than before. Peasants could not afford fancy clothes and middle class could not afford the clothes that kings would wear. https://fashionhistory.fitnyc.edu/1410-1419/
  • 1434

    Medici family

    Medici family
    The Medici family was a whole family who became wealthy by becoming bankers and investing in art. A lot of great artwork has come from this families investments. Without this family, the world would have less art and the art would not have advanced as quickly.
  • 1440

    Printing press

    Printing press
    In 1440 the printing press was invented by Johannes Gutenberg. He could now print off papers in mass production. This improved many things. It helped to get things people wrote out and available for many people. https://www.canva.com/design/DADOsFquEH0/seaRNGge64DvJfzrs8p7LA/view?utm_content=DADOsFquEH0&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link&utm_source=sharebutton
  • Mar 6, 1475

    Michelangelo was born

    Michelangelo was born
    Michelangelo was more focused on frescos. His most known fresco is The Creation. He tried to paint people in perfect proportions to make them look the best they can look. Michelangelo painted very detailed paintings with depth. ARTISTIC MOVEMENTS OF THE RENAISSANCE notes
  • 1490


    Raphael was an artist in 1490-1520. He painted paintings that were really realistic and that had depth. When he painted people he made sure to paint them as beautiful as he could to make them look good. ARTISTIC MOVEMENTS OF THE RENAISSANCE notes
  • 1490

    Leonardo was born

    Leonardo was born
    Leonardo was an artist in the renaissance time period who was known as “The master of realistic paintings”. He was known for how realistic his paintings were. He studied the human body to better understand how to paint them in a more appealing way. Leonardo was very talented and painted many paintings in his life. ARTISTIC MOVEMENTS OF THE RENAISSANCE notes
  • 1505

    Martin Luther became a Monk

    Martin Luther became a Monk
    Martin began his adventure as a monk in 1505. While being a monk he learned what was wrong with the Church, he published his 95 theses, and he went to Rome. While trying to become a monk he recognized how wrong the church's teachings were and that's when he decided to make a movement, which was shown in his 95 theses
  • May 1, 1514

    Heliocentric universe was discovered

    Heliocentric universe was discovered
    The heliocentric universe was not first accepted by the world because they thought the earth was the center for such a long time. Nicolaus Copernicus was the first person to see that the sun was the center of the universe
  • 1517

    Indulgences were first sold for the rebuilding of St. Peter's Basilica

    Indulgences were first sold for the rebuilding of St. Peter's Basilica
    Indulgences were pieces of paper that the Church made people think could save them if purchased from the church. Indulgences helped pay for the church's needs and wants. Indulgences claimed to save your soul from going to Hell. https://www.britannica.com/topic/indulgence
  • Oct 13, 1517

    The 95 theses were written

    The 95 theses were written
    The 95 theses did a lot in the renaissance. The 95 theses let the people see the truth about the Catholic Church. The people finally saw that the Church was cheating them out of their money by selling them a paper that did nothing and how the Church lied to everyone all the time. http://www.online-literature.com/periods/renaissance.php
  • Oct 31, 1517

    Martin nailed the 95 theses on the door

    Martin nailed the 95 theses on the door
    Martin Luther nailed 95 statements telling what was wrong with the church to show people that the church was lying to them. This started a conflict between the beliefs of the people and the church. Many people died because of this conflict but Martin did not want people to die because of what he had written. Martin Luther: The Protestant Reformation notes
  • Jan 3, 1521

    Martin Luther was excommunicated

    Martin Luther was excommunicated
    Martin Luther believed that the church was lying and not doing things according to the Bible so he would not apologize and take back his writings. Martin Luther didn't really care that he was being excommunicated because he knew the Church did not have the power to make him go to heaven or hell. https://www.luther.de/en/bann.html
  • 1534

    The Bible was translated into German

    The Bible was translated into German
    The Bible was a literary work that was made public in the renaissance time period. Having the Bible available to the public in their own language changed a ton. Now that the people could read the Bible they could see what the church was telling was a lie or the truth. The Church had to change because of the Bible being available to the public. https://courses.lumenlearning.com/boundless-worldhistory/chapter/literature-in-the-renaissance/
  • Oct 13, 1534

    Pope Paul III became pope

    Pope Paul III became pope
    Alessandro Farnese also known as Pope Paul III reigned from 1534–49. He was the first pope counter-reformation, he started the reform movement. https://www.britannica.com/biography/Paul-III
  • Romeo and Juliet was written

    Romeo and Juliet was written
    Romeo and Juliet was written in about 1594 and it gave people a hobby, to read books and stories. This book was a love story and it was the most popular love story in a book during the Renaissance. People had more time to read, go to plays and rest from working hard most of the day. https://www.enotes.com/homework-help/how-does-juliet-reflect-historic-context-172809
  • Telescope

    Hans Lippershey invented the telescope in 1608. The telescope helped discover new planets in our solar system, this also helped to realize that the earth is not the center of the universe. https://www.smore.com/prg52
  • The 3 laws of motion were created

     The 3 laws of motion were created
    Isaac Newton discovered the 3 laws of motion that better describe to us how and why objects move the way they move. The laws of motion help us even today when we are trying to launch a rocket or throw a rock. This discovery helped to advance knowledge of mechanical force and propelled the advancements of the technology to move things.
  • Submarine Invention

    Submarine  Invention
    The submarine was invented in 1776 by Cornelis Drebbel. The first submarine was a single manned propelled wooden ball/boat. Since the first invention, many changes have been made. For example, we have added a lot more room inside, oxygen makers, a motor, weapons, and better materials https://www.smore.com/5btf4