Renaissance & Reformation Timeline

  • 1300

    Madonna and Child by Michelangelo

    Madonna and Child by Michelangelo
    The woman in this painting is Mary. This painting can either be seen with just Mary is Mary holding her child Jesus.
  • 1300

    Culture of the Renaissance

    Culture of the Renaissance
    They figured out what art meant to the human's emotions
  • 1317

    The Protestant Reformation

    The Protestant Reformation
    Pope Gregory then moved the papacy back to Rome in 1377.
  • 1320

    Divine Comedy

    It was written by Dante is about soul traveling threw salvation.
  • 1405

    The book of the city of ladies

    This book was written by an Italian man named Christain de Pizan and it is written to show that women had equal rights to men even tho they didn't have many education opportunities.
  • 1410

    Oil Paintings

    Oil Paintings
    OIl painting took a huge role in art back during the renaissance. The man who started this type of art was Jan Van Eyck.
  • 1440

    Printing press

    The printing press was invented by the German Johannes Gutenberg in 1440
  • Period: 1495 to 1498

    The Last Supper

    The Last Supper was created by Leonardo Da Vinci. This painting is representing when Jesus was having his last meal with his apostles.
  • 1500

    Catholic Church (pre-reformation)

    Pre-Reformation Catholic Church it whne everyone what Romen Catholic Church.
  • 1503

    Mona Lisa

    Mona Lisa
    The Mona Lisa was created by Leonardo da Vinci. The reason the Mona Lisa is so famous is her smile. He painted this her so that her eyes fall into the center of where the views are looking. and then while you looking into her eyes you see her smile.
  • 1509


    In 1509 the microscope was invented by Han Linnershey and his son.
  • 1512

    The Creation of Adam

    The Creation of Adam
    The Creation of Adam was created by Michelangelo. This painting is symbolizing when God gave Adam life.
  • 1513

    St. John the Baptist by Leonardo da Vinci

    St. John the Baptist by Leonardo da Vinci
    This was found to be one of Leonardo's paintings. he is seen pointing and people believe that he is pointing to salvation threw baptist.
  • 1514

    Romeo and juliet

    Shakespeare was the director of the play Romeo and Juliet. That was written in 1514
  • 1516

    First Flush able Toilet

    First Flush able Toilet
    Alexander Cumming is the person who got the credit for inventing to the flushable toilet. The first modern flushable toilet was described in 1596 by Sir John Harington.
  • 1517

    Martin Luther- 95 theses

    Martin Luther- 95 theses
    Martin Luther was a priest that wrote 95 things he had a problem with to the church and how they run the church.
  • 1581


    The clock was invented by Christiaan Huygens in 1581.
  • The Scientific Method

    This was used by scientists to provide data to see if their prediction was right or wrong.
  • Telescope

    The telescope was a very big deal at this time because this was the first thing like this at this time.
  • Four moons on jupiter

    Galio made many discoveries at this time and one of them were the 4 moons on Jupiter.
  • issac newton

    He found the formula E+mc^2
  • Compass

    The compass was brought back to life in 1745 by Gowin Knight,