renaissance reformation scientific revolution timeline project

  • 310 BCE

    Heliocentric Theory

    Heliocentric Theory
    Greek astronomer, was first to maintain that the earth rotates on its axis and revolves around the sun. This was a dangerous assertion at the time and could not win over supporters of the geocentric model, a model that persisted for over a thousand years.
  • 1200


    The Inquisition was a powerful office set up within the Catholic Church to root out and punish the Inquisition is infamous for the severity of its tortures and its persecution of Jews and Muslims.
  • 1400

    Johan Gutenberg

    Johan Gutenberg
    Johannes Gutenberg was a German blacksmith and inventor known for developing the first mechanical moveable type printing press. He was able to print the first book ever. He printing the bible, a latin language bible.
  • 1400


    Renaissance Humanism began in the later 13th century when Europeans' hunger for studying classical texts coincided with a desire to imitate those authors in style. Renaissance Humanism began to use knowledge, love, and maybe even obsession with the past to change how they and others saw and thought about their own era.
  • 1430

    Printing Revolution

    Printing Revolution
    Johann Gutenberg wa sthe first ever to invent the printing press. He was able to produce books faster. By doing this the prices of books went down and more copies where made in a better time.
  • Jan 1, 1449

    Lorenzo de Medici

    Lorenzo de Medici
    increased the wealth of the family and established the Medici Bank, and became one of the richest men in the city of Florence. He held the balance of power within the Italic League, an alliance of states that stabilized political conditions on the Italian peninsula for decades, and his life coincided with the mature phase of the Italian Renaissance and the Golden Age of Florence.
  • Apr 15, 1452

    Leonardo da Vinci

    Leonardo da Vinci
    He was a painter, architect, inventor, and student of all things scientific. His natural genius crossed so many disciplines. . He had the power of intellect - he could be the master of anything he turned his mind to.
  • Feb 29, 1468

    Pope Paul III

    Pope Paul III
    he feared that the spread of Protestantism would greatly weaken Papal authority. He was described in diplomatic reports as shrewd and affable, deliberately slow of speech yet loquacious, expressing himself in an elegant Italian or Latin with learned allusions, and scrupulously refraining from tying himself down to a definite “yes” or “no” until the final settlement of an issue—but then able to act with swift, uncompromising dispatch.
  • 1473

    Scientific Method

    Galileo used controlled experiments and analyzed data to prove, or disprove, his theories. The process was later refined by scientists such as Francis Bacon and Isaac Newton.
  • Feb 19, 1473


    Copernicus finished the first manuscript of his book, "De Revolutionibus Orbium Coelestium". Nicolaus Copernicus was a Polish astronomer who put forth the theory that the Sun is at rest near the center of the Universe, and that the Earth, spinning on its axis once daily, revolves annually around the Sun.
  • Mar 6, 1475


    He was a sculpter, painter, and architech. One of the best artist during the renaissance. His amazing art influenced the reaissance and so also did his amazing sculptures.
  • Feb 7, 1478

    thomas more

    thomas more
    Thomas More was an English lawyer, social philosopher, author, statesman, and noted Renaissance humanist. During the renaissance he was a well known and successful man. Thomas one of More's first acts in Parliament had been to urge a decrease in a proposed appropriation for King Henry VII.
  • 1483


    He was a great italian painter.He was noted for his clarity of form and ability to convey grandeur. He made many wonderful paintings during the renaissance.
  • Nov 10, 1483

    martin luter

    martin luter
    Martin Luther also contributed to the renaissance by being a unwitting religious reformer. he was also known for staring the Protestant 1517 Luther penned a document attacking the Catholic Church’s corrupt practice of selling sin, 95 thesis.
  • Jun 28, 1491

    Henry VIII

    Henry VIII
    Henry ruled england for almost 40 years. But what he was well known for was having 5 wifes. it was also said that he had executed some of his ex wifes.
  • Jul 10, 1509

    John Calvin

    John Calvin
    John Calvin is known for his influential Institutes of the Christian Religion.Calvin made a powerful impact on the fundamental doctrines of Protestantism, and is widely credited as the most important figure in the second generation of the Protestant Reformation.
  • Sep 7, 1533

    Elizabeth I

    Elizabeth I
    at a time of religious conflict and she provided a successful course between Roman Catholicism and Protestantism. She oversaw a period of peace and prosperity; and provided an environment for the flowering of the arts and literature.
  • 1545

    Council of Trent

    was the 19th ecumenical council of the Catholic Church. Prompted by the Protestant Reformation, it has been described as the embodiment of the Counter-Reformation.
  • 1564

    william shakespeare

    william shakespeare
    William was a well known contribution to the renaissance. He was well known for his plays as well as his way to combine different styles into one for well known entertainment.Shakespeare’s plays are incredibly complex, interweaving narratives into multilayered stories replete with human drama and comedy
  • Feb 15, 1564


    Galileo was an Italian astronomer, mathematician, physicist, philosopher and professor who made pioneering observations of nature with long-lasting implications for the study of physics.
  • isaac newton

    isaac newton
    Newton developed the three laws of motion which form the basic principles of modern physics. His discovery of calculus led the way to more powerful methods of solving mathematical problems