Jan 1, 1271
The travels of Marco Polo
Marco Polo develop into a adviser to the Empleror Khubilai and voyage greatly through China. -
Jan 1, 1325
The voyages of Ibn Battuta
Iban Battuta gave orders to the story of his voyage that is known as the Rihla. -
Jan 1, 1400
Prince Henry sponsors Portugese Explorers
Prince Henry led the way in sponsoring exploration for Portugal and without him there will be no support and countries might have not explored. -
Jan 1, 1419
Prince Henry the Navigator
Prince Henry the Navigator set a voyage school next to the coast of Portugal. -
Jan 1, 1429
Hundred Years' War
Joan of Arc attended the French to conquest in the war that continued 100 years opposing England. -
Oct 12, 1492
Christopher Columbus discovers the Caribbean Islands
Christopher Coumbus desired to spread the East Indies by him sailing west across the Atlantic Ocean. -
Jan 1, 1493
Columbian Exchange
From the start of 1493 Columbus brought about 1,200 settlers and varation of European animals and plants. -
Jan 1, 1495
Leonardo Da Vinci Paints the Last Supper
The Leonardo original painting of The Last Super is at Santa Maria Delle Grazie -
Jan 2, 1497
John Cabot
John Cabot declare coastal lands of the current day in Canda and U.s. for England. -
Jul 8, 1497
Vasco da Gama reaches India
Vasco da Gama set a sail for India with four ships that reaches to India on Juky 8,1497. -
Jan 1, 1500
Spanish Settlers and Missionaries
The flood of Spanish settlers and missionaries result conquer to Spanish new kingdom. -
Jan 1, 1504
Michelangelo creates the sculpture of David
Michelango establish a mold of David which is a bibical hero. -
Jan 1, 1510
Raphael Paints The School of Athens
The painting of Ralph obtain on how the Renaissance was and it includes of brilliant artists. -
Jan 1, 1519
Leonadro da Vinci paints the Mona Lisa
Mona Lisa is what used to be the style at that certain time period. -
Jan 1, 1521
Ferdinand Magellan
Ferdinand Magellan mange the first expedition to naviagate all over the world. -
Jan 28, 1521
Diet of Worms
Empire diet was recongized of thinking group of the Empire. -
Aug 13, 1521
Hernan Cortes Conqueres the Aztecs
Hernan Cortes created a backland trip with 600 men16 horese, and minor of cannons against the Aztec capital Tenochtitlan. -
Jan 17, 1524
Giovanni Verrazano
Giovanni was a Italian guide that traveld the northeast coast of North America. -
Oct 1, 1529
Marburg Colloquy
Th e Marburg Colloguy had a reunion Marburg Castle, Marburg, Hesse, Germany that seek to clarify a debate among Martin Luther and Ulrich Zwingli past the Real Presence of Christ in the Lord's Supper. -
Jun 25, 1530
Augsburg Confession
Augsburg Confession and Latin Confessio Augustana that the 28 articles create a essential declartion of the Lutheran churches. -
Oct 11, 1531
Death of Ulrich Zwingli
The battel among Catholic and Protestant cantons of the Swiss confederacy that Zwingli was execute from the conflict of Kappel. -
Feb 7, 1535
Thomas More
Thomas More is shoot from the order of Henry VIII beause of declining the help the English Reformation. -
Oct 6, 1536
Tyndale executed
William Tyndale was mislead by his friend (Henry Phillips). -
Jan 1, 1541
Michelangelo paints The Last Judgement
The wall of the alter of Sidtine Chapel is what Michelangelo painted. -
Jan 1, 1550
Commercial Revolution
The economic shift was the start of the direct links among Asia, Africa, and Americas had long reaching economic result for the Europeans and their colonies. -
Jan 1, 1559
The Fight Between Carnival and Lent
The painting shows two sides that one of happiness and the second is of church. -
May 27, 1564
Death of John Calvin
John Calvin accomplish by the Theodore Beza and dies. -
Oct 31, 1571
Martin Luther 95 Theses
Martin Luther attached a copy of his 95 theses at the entry of Wittenburg Castle church. -
Theodore Beza
French Protestants are assumed tolerance by Henry IV in the order. -
Samuel de Champlain
Samel de Champlain explorer and guide that generalized most of northeaster North America that began a settlement in Quebec. -
Treaty of Paris
Treaty of Paris orderly the worldwide are among the British and French and its the fifth biggest important beause the war finshed a lengthy war that advised America to become more. -
Luther dies
Martin luther was badly shot at the Lorraine Motel and dies at the age of 62. -
Niccolo Machiavelli
Niccolo wrote a book called The Prince which is how to be a great ruler considering he got tossed off his stand.