Papaer was invented by the Chinese
This is 105 AD not BC and paper was invented by Chinese., -
Nov 17, 610
Mohammad founds Islam
The prophet founds a religion. -
Nov 17, 1440
Gutenburg invents the printing press
Thus, literacy rates increased -
Oct 12, 1492
Columbus is sponsered by Queen Isabella to reach Asia
Christopher Columbus sailed the ocean blue in fourteen hundred ninety two. -
Aug 11, 1497
da Vinci paints the last supper
The infamous painting of Jesus and his deciples is painted. -
Nov 17, 1499
Michelahgelo Sculpts the pieta
The infamous sculpture of Mary holding the dead Jesus. -
Nov 17, 1510
Slaves were shipped in the Middle Passage
Slaves were shipped to the Americas. -
Oct 31, 1517
Martin Luther nails 95 theses on a church door
This was the beginning of the Protestant Reformation. -
Nov 11, 1519
Magellan and crew were first to circumnavigate the globe.
The first crew to make it all the way around the world by sailing. -
Nov 17, 1519
Cortes overthrows the Aztecs
Cortez COnqueres the Aztecs -
Aug 16, 1533
Henry VIII breaks from the Church in Rome
King Henry VIII left becaue the pope didn't grant him access to divorce his wife. -
Apr 20, 1534
Cartier explored the St. Lawrence to Montreal
The French go to Canada. -
Aug 15, 1534
The Jesuits founded
A new division of christianity. -
Nov 17, 1536
King Henry VIII becomes the Head of the ANglican CHurch
Nov 17, 1545
Catholics meet at the council of Trent.
3 Catholics met at the COuncil of Trent. -
Nov 17, 1561
John Calvin develops the idea of predestination.
And thus, the Calvinist religion was created. -
Drake Defeats the Spainish Armada
Sir Francis Drake defated the spainish Armada for England -
Cardinal Richelieu got france in the 30 years war
France joined a really long war -
Louis XIV issues Edict of Nantes
The Edict of Nantes was issued.