Paper was invented by the Chinese
They also invented Compass, silk, and porcelain. -
Jul 6, 1415
Jan Hus was burned at the stake for being a heretic.
Bohemian religious leader who advocated ideas similar to Wycliffe. -
Aug 3, 1492
Christopher Columbus was sponsored by Queen Isabella to sail westward to reach Asia.
Instead found America. -
Oct 23, 1492
Tobacco was shipped along the Columbian Exchange
The triangle trade linked Europe, Africa and the Americas, slaves, sugar, and rum were also traded -
Oct 15, 1495
Leonardo Da Vinci painted the Last Supper
This painting is over 500 years old. -
Oct 15, 1499
Michelangelo sculpted the Pieta
In St. Peter's Basilica in Vatican City, Rome. -
Oct 31, 1517
Martin Luther nailed 95 Theses to a church door.
They were later printed in German and distributed to the populace- leading to support for Luther and thus alarming the Catholic Church. -
Oct 15, 1519
Hernando Cortez the Navigator and his forces overthrew the Aztec Empire.
The Spanish had gained control of northern Mexico by 1550. -
Oct 23, 1530
John Calvin developed the idea of predestination.
Expansion of the Prostestant Movement -
Apr 20, 1534
Jorques Cartier explored the St. Lawrence River to Montreal for France.
His exploration led to France laying claim to Canada -
Aug 15, 1534
The Jesuits were created during the Catholic Reformation
The Council of Trent reaffirmed most Church doctrine and practices -
Oct 15, 1534
King Henry VIII broke from the Church in Rome and divorced his wife.
Declared himself to be head of Church of England. He married 5 more times- executing two of those wives. -
Oct 15, 1558
Elizabeth I became head of Anglican Church
Tolerance for dissenters -
Elizabeth I defeated the Spanish Armada
Leading to expansion and colonialism. -
Sir Francis Drake crew was the first to circummnavigate the globe.
First English man to circumnavigate the globe. He also helped defeat the Spanish Armada. -
King Henry IV issued the Edict of Nantes.
Gave Huguenots the right to worship as Protestants and returned many of their civil privileges. -
The Hapsburg Dynasty got France involved in the Thirty Years' War.
The Thirty Years' War was a series of conflicts between 1618 and 1648 mosttly in the Terrritory of today's Germany. -
Gutenburg invented the printing press
It made growth of literacy and the Bible was printed in English, French, and German -
Mohammad began the Islamic religion.
Allah is their GOD