China invented paper -
Nov 13, 1431
He was burned at the stake for being heretic -
Aug 3, 1492
Christopher Columbus
He was sponsered by Queen isabellato sail westward to reach Asia -
Nov 13, 1495
leonardo da vinci
Painted the last supper -
Nov 13, 1498
He sculpted the Pieta -
Nov 13, 1500
slaves was shipped along the middle passage of triangulartrade -
Oct 31, 1517
martin luther nails the 95 thesis on the churh door.
The Ninety-Five Theses question the Catholic Church's practice of selling indulgences and view skeptically the notion that a papal pardon rather than penance or genuine contrition can achieve forgiveness of sins. Luther argued that Christians were being falsely told that they could obtain absolution for souls in purgatory by buying indulgences. -
Nov 13, 1518
Catholic Church
Followers of Martin Luther met at the Catholic Church -
Nov 13, 1519
hernaid cortes
overthrew the aztec empire -
Apr 27, 1521
ferdinand magellan
was a Portuguese explorer who organised the Spanish expedition to the East Indies from 1519 to 1522, resulting in the first circumnavigation of the Earth. -
Nov 13, 1533
Henry the 8th
Henry the 8th broke from the church in rome and divorced his wife -
Defeats the Spanish Armada -
Henrey the 5th
Issued the Edict of Nantes. -
elizabeth the 1s
became the head of the Anglican Church -
John Calvin
developed the idea of predestination