Jan 19, 1000
Muhammad began the islamic religion
Jan 15, 1492
Christopher Columbus
was sponserd by queen Isabella to sail westward to reach asia -
Dec 14, 1495
Leonardo da Vinci painted the Last supper
He painted the last supper -
Jan 15, 1499
Michelangelo sculpted the pieta
Oct 31, 1517
Mrtin Luther nailed the 95 theses to the church door.
He defiaded the church by putting the theses to the church door. -
Jan 15, 1519
hernan cortes over through the aztecs
Sep 20, 1519
Ferdinand Magellan (Fernão de Magalhães) was the first person to circumnavigate the globe.
Magellan first set sail in September 1519 as part of an epic attempt to find a western route to the spice-rich East Indies in modern-day Indonesia. -
Jan 15, 1534
king henry vII broke away from the catholic church and divorced his wife
Jan 19, 1534
jacques cartair explored the st. lawerence river
Jan 15, 1545
John calvin developed the idea of predestination
Dec 13, 1545
the pope adn his followers meet at the council of trent.
slaves where shipped along the middle passage
the edict of nantes was issued by henry VII
empror frenraid got france ivolved in the thirty years war