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Renaissance France (1500-1800)

By esaun12
  • 1509

    The School of Athens

    The School of Athens
    During the time of the Renaissance's, many people turned to artwork. The artist who created The School of Athens is Raphael. This painting shows that even when you are supposed to follow the "new" normal, the "old" normal is not bad and can even be better than what was asked of you.
  • 1530

    Julius appointed Pope

    Julius appointed Pope
    In the 16th century, there were many things happening all over, but one of the major things that was taking place was the Renaissance was "impacting and impacted by political events throughout Europe".
  • 1555

    The Peace of Augsburg

    The Peace of Augsburg
    The Peace of Augsburg was a short time that created a sense of relief from the Reformation. Many different things came out during this time to help take people's mind off of things such as plays, artwork, and even the literary form (poems).
  • Twelfth Night

    Twelfth Night
    The Twelfth Night was written by William Shakespeare. This was a play that gave people a laughter, but also has a tragedy. During the time this play was written, people all over needed an "out", and Shakespeare gave them that by releasing this play.
  • John Milton

    John Milton
    During the 1600, John Milton created a poem that had gone famous. The poem Paradise Lost was the most famous poem during this time. Milton created this poem in 10 volumes. The poem was written about how Satan tempted Adam and Eve and in a sense damned them from the Garden of Eden.
  • Fashion Alert

    Fashion Alert
    In 1700 people often wore the same types of clothing, but Marie Adelaide De Savoie wanted to stand out. Marie went outside of the "dress code" and wore "a fashionably trained mantua and petticoat, a stomacher, multi-tiered sleeve ruffles, a fontange with a pronounced forward tilt, several mouches (black silk or velvet patches) on her face, and gloves, and carrying a nosegay and a folding fan". Marie set the standards, and as time went on many people started to follow how she dressed.
  • Attire Designs

    Attire Designs
    All throughout the years people all over are coming up with different designs that go along with the time periods. In 1709, Matthijs Naievu created an oil painting that showed "The Fabric Shop". In this painting you can see multiple different types of fabric that was used to create many different people's attire.
  • The Men's turn

    The Men's turn
    Women had undergone their radical clothing change, so it was time for the men's to go through theirs. During yet another radical change, the men started to wear " plain in design and sober in color; it is unadorned with decoration". This was showing others the luxury elements, and in ideal of equality.
  • Time for the men to be fancy

    Time for the men to be fancy
    The men's attire continue to grow and change. Many of the men's attire started to become fancier to most people's eyes. The men started to wear more silk, linen and metal.
  • Concluding the Renaissance period

    Throughout this dramatic time period, many people were overwhelmed and in a sense nervous. They did not know what their future was going to hold. This time period allowed many people to truly express themselves in the most positive yet negative ways possible. Without this time period, the world would not have been shaped in the way it was needed the most.
  • Works Cited

    Bevington, David. “Twelfth Night.” Encyclopædia Britannica, 7 Apr. 2023, Franklin, Harper. “1800-1809 .” Fashion History Timeline, 25 June 2020, Majer, Michele. “1700-1709.” Fashion History Timeline, 10 Oct. 2020, Wilde, Robert. “Key Renaissance Events in Art, Philosophy, Politics, Religion, and Science.” ThoughtCo, 14 July 2019,