
  • Jan 1, 1300

    Patrons of the Arts

    Patrons of the Arts
    The Medici family was a very wealthy family. The Medici family was a banking family. There offices branched out to Italy and Europe. Cosimo de Medici was the wealthiest European around his time.
  • Jan 1, 1300

    Patrons of the Arts

    Patrons of the Arts
    Merchants were wealthy and they developed in each Italian city-state. Merchants dominated politics and they also did not inherit social rank. Merchants used their wits to survive.
  • Jan 1, 1300

    The Catholic Church

    The Catholic Church
    The Church selling indulgences met that the people would get salvation. The popes running the Church would not let the people learn from the Bible. The people had to do everything the Church wanted them to do and they had to believe in everything they would tell them.
  • Jan 1, 1330

    The Catholic Church

    The Catholic Church
    Martin Luther went to Rome and seen everything the church was teaching their people. Luther would speak at their church and that made him gain many followers and many supporters. He taught the people that indulgences would not save them. Luther nailed the 95 theses to the door and many people went up and looked at it. He wrote the Bible in their language so that they could learn on their own and believe the things in the Bible. This lead to them having a good life.
  • Jan 1, 1330

    The Catholic Church

    The Catholic Church
    The Catholic Church did not teach the right things a normal Catholic Church would teach. The Church would sell their people indulgences and tell them that those indulgences were a free way out of Hell. The people would think that they were free of all their sins and would go to heaven if they bought an indulgence.
  • Jan 1, 1340

    Martin Luther & the Protestant Reformation

    Martin Luther & the Protestant Reformation
    Martin Luther was born in Germany in 1483. He was in a very violent storm and he survived and became a monk. He moved to the city of Wittenberg. He went around to other places and taught teachings of the Church. He died in 1546.
  • Jan 1, 1350

    Martin Luther & The Protestant Reformation

    Martin Luther & The Protestant Reformation
    The only source of truth is the Bible. The people could now read the Bible because the Bible was written in another language. The people could now understand the meaning of salvation, hell, purgatory, and everything else that is taught. Salvation only comes through Faith in Christ.
  • Jan 1, 1360

    Martin Luther & The Protestant Reformation

    Martin Luther & The Protestant Reformation
    Luther gained many followers and his supporters began to organize a new Christian development. There was a new Church. Luther's followers soon began to disagree with his teachings of the Catholic Church. They also rejected the authority of Church councils and the pope.
  • Jan 1, 1400

    Renaissance Art/Artists

    Renaissance Art/Artists
    Humanism was the big idea for everyone to paint. The concept was for people to look around the world for insight and inspiration. Painters were more focused on human form then they were on religion.
  • Jan 1, 1440


    During the Renaissance the printing press was invented by Johannes Guttenberg. Johannes started producing the printing press in 1436 and he borrowed money and was successful with his invention of the printing press in 1440. To demonstrate the effectiveness of the printing press he printed the Holy Bible.
  • Jan 1, 1450

    Scientific Discoveries

    Scientific Discoveries
    Johannes Gutenberg was a scientific discoverer. He invented the printing press. By the 1500's the printing press was throughout Europe. The printing press made people be able to share their works and learn from one another.
  • Jan 1, 1450

    Literary Works

    Literary Works
    During the Renaissance there was a poem that was called 'The Divine Comedy'. The poem was about the soul's journey to salvation. This man goes through an imaginary journey to Hell and Heaven.
  • Jan 1, 1460

    Daily Life/Culture of the Renaissance

    Daily Life/Culture of the Renaissance
    The daily life was split up. There was the Nobility, Townspeople, and the Peasants. The Nobility had important political positions like the King's advisors. The Nobles had to be creative, talented, grace, and character. They were held on a very high standard. For food the nobles would have huge feasts. They would have soups and broths. They would also have beef or pig roasts.
  • Jan 1, 1460

    Daily Life/Culture of the Renaissance

    Daily Life/Culture of the Renaissance
    Townspeople had a population of 7-13% total. There were four divisions, there was the patricians, burghers, workers, and the unemployed. Patricians were in the trade, industry, and banking. Burghers were made up of "skilled workers" and they were shopkeepers, artisans, guild masters, and members. Workers had to help keep the other divisions running. Finally the unemployed didn't not have a job.
  • Jan 1, 1460

    Daily Life/Culture of the Renaissance

    Daily Life/Culture of the Renaissance
    Peasants had a population of 85-90% total. The peasants had the same job and responsibilities as the Middle Aged Peasants did. They worked on farms for very low/poor wage. Many of the peasants became legally free. For food peasants would eat soup or mush made from left over scraps. They had very low meat in their diet. They also had poor education
  • Jan 1, 1460

    Literary Works

    Literary Works
    During the Renaissance there was a book that was called 'The Book of the City of Ladies'. The book was about how women she have the same/equal rights as men. They believed that they would be just as intelligent and successful as men if they were given the same education.
  • Jan 1, 1460

    Literary Works

    Literary Works
    During the Renaissance there was 'The Canterbury Tales'. It was a collection of stories told by the pilgrims that were going to the tomb of St. Thomas Beckett in Canterbury, England. St. Thomas Beckett was the archbishop of Canterbury. Beckett was murdered by the followers of King Henry.
  • Jan 1, 1490

    Renaissance Art/Artists

    Renaissance Art/Artists
    A famous painter named Leonardo da Vinci painted the Mona Lisa. Mona Lisa is an example of a humanism painting. The painting was one of the first portraits to depict the sitter before painting an imaginary landscape.
  • Jan 1, 1500

    Renaissance Art/Artistst

    Renaissance Art/Artistst
    Leonardo da Vinci was the master of painting "realistic" paintings. He wanted to understand how human bodies worked and so he would dissect human bodies that were no longer functioning. He set the new standard of beauty.
  • Jan 1, 1500

    Renaissance Art/Artists

    Renaissance Art/Artists
    Filippo Brunelleschi was a popular painter who painted architect. He was inspired to paint architect from seeing buildings of classical Rome. Filippo painted and designed the Basilica di San Lorenzo in Florence.
  • Jan 1, 1500

    Renaissance Art/Artists

    Renaissance Art/Artists
    Donatello was a artist/designer. He studied the statues of Greeks and Romans. He created a figure of Saint George that was very realistic and could stand on its own.
  • Feb 19, 1508

    Scientific Discoveries

    Scientific Discoveries
    Nicolaus Copernicus was a scientific discoverer. He discovered that a heliocentric solar system, the sun rather than the earth, is the center of the solar system. In 1508, Nicolaus started creating his own celestial model. He believed that the size and speed of each planet orbit depended on the distance from the sun.
  • Scientific Discoveries

    Scientific Discoveries
    Galileo Galilei was a scientific discoverer. He invented the telescope to help him understand the world and the things around him. Galileo observed the moons of Jupiter, the rings of Saturn, the phases of Venus, sunspots, and the rugged lunar surface. In 1583 Galileo made his first discovery that described the rules that govern the motion of pendulums.
  • Inventions

    During the Renaissance the Submarine was invented by Leonardo Da Vinci. Leonardo was successful with his work and was able to get the submarine to go 12 to 15 feet under the water. The submarine was made out of wood and was covered in water proof leather.
  • Inventions

    During the Renaissance the flush toilet was invented by John Harrington. The flush toilet helped keep the cities clean because the toilet had a wash-down design to empty the bowl. The toilet eventually started to get problems and the Queen had fragrances and herbs in the rooms of her palace.