Renaissance and reformation Timeline

  • Jun 20, 1304


    Humanism was based on the classics. Humanist studied many fields such as grammar, literature, rhetoric, poetry, philosophy, and history. Petrarch devoted scholar was named the father of humanism. He was a famous writer of his time
  • 1347

    Black Plague

    Black Plague
    One of the daily life things in the early part of the Renaissance was the overcoming of the black plague. It wipes out 75% of the population in Europe. It was carried from traders and merchants that sailed back from the black sea.
  • 1405

    Christine de Pizan book was published

    Christine de Pizan book was published
    There was a widespread of Latin that many people used in the writings of scholars, lawyers, and theologians. A female writer by the name of Christine de Pizan was known for one of her books that was the defense of Women. It was about how women should be able to get an education like men. Many male writers argued her on this.
  • 1413

    Donatello made saint George

    Donatello made saint George
    After studying the sculptors of the roman and greek Donatello created a realistic sculptor of Saint George. The sculptor was free standing. It was one of the stunning advances during this time period.
  • 1436

    Architecture - Filipino Brunelleschi

    Architecture - Filipino Brunelleschi
    An architect Filipino Brunelleschi happened to get inspired by one of the buildings in Rome. He later designed the church of San Lorenzo. It was a classical column with rounded edges.n It was finnished in 1436.
  • 1440

    Scientific Method

    Scientific Method
    It is defined as a method of research. Many scientists used the method to calculate data. It helped them make a hypothesis. It was invented by Johannes Gutenberg in 1440
  • 1486


    they are a type of painting done a fresh, wet plaster. They were painted with a water-based type of paints. This style of art was created by Masaccio. His painting included human figures that looked flat. A famous fresco was the birth of Venus. It was painted by Sandro Bottecelli
  • 1495

    Games Deck of cards

    Games Deck of cards
    A deck of the card was made to play a different type of games. It had a set of 52. They played games such as blackjacks. It was a form of entertainment. It was introduced in 1495
  • 1503

    Lenardo Da Vinci

    Lenardo Da Vinci
    he was known as the common renaissance man because he was talented in many areas. He was an artist, inventor, musician, mathematician, engineer, botanist, scientist, anatomist, etc.
  • 1510

    Vernacular Literature Machiavelli

    Vernacular Literature Machiavelli
    Many Humanist emphases on classical Latin. Latin was the language that was widely used in writings. It was mainly used and studied by scholars, lawyers, and theologians.He was famous for writing the prince in 1513 but not published till 1532
  • 1511


    He was one of Italy's best painters during his time. He was mainly known for his frescoes. His achievement was to make beauty to surpass human standards. He painted the school of Athens which taught world balance, harmony, and order, he finished 1511.
  • 1511

    Corruption of the church

    Corruption of the church
    The popes during the renaissace failed to meet the church's needs. Instead of being worried about the church they were more worried about Politcal and worldly intrest than the spritual matters.The Popes and Priest seemed ignoranyt of their spiratual duties because they do what they need to get more wealth and power.Pope Alexander VI who was accused of corruption. Such a simony, nepotism, and fathering four children.
  • 1512


    He was a painter, sculptor, poet, and architect. He was driven to create his art with passion and energy. He painted the god creating Adam on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel. He finished the Sistine chapel in 1512.
  • 1516

    Christian Humanism Thomas More

    Christian Humanism Thomas More
    The major goal for this type of movement is the humanist wanted to reform the catholic church.This group believed in the ability that humans could change to reason and improve themselves. They also believed in order to change society they would have to change humans first.Thomas morre was a famous humainst. He wrote a book called Utopia in 1516. He died shortly hafter of an untimely dealth and the catholic chirch later made him a saint.
  • 1517


    A monk named john Tesel went to Wittenburg and sold indulgences to the people to gain wealth for the church. And indulgence was said that no matter your sins if you buy one you can get into heaven. Martin Luther was not pleased by this event because it was a scam.
  • Oct 31, 1517

    Martin Luther's 95 theses

    Martin Luther's 95 theses
    Martin Luther posted the 95 theses in the door of the church in Wittenburg. It included his protest against indulgences. Luther had the intention to was to open a dialogue on how there were abuses and wrongs made by the Catholic church.
  • May 8, 1521

    Banning Luther's writings.

    Banning Luther's writings.
    the council released banning Luthers writtings. This act was called Edict of Worms. The claimed him as a convicted heretic.He was a wanted men in the country. He translated the new testament into english so that way anyone could read it.
  • Apr 4, 1524

    Peasants War

    Peasants War
    German Peasants revolt and this creates the Peasants War. The peasants revolted against their lords. It was the duty of all the germans princes to put the revolt to an end. After it ended it lead to Luther and his growth of the reformation of the church to occur.
  • 1543


    After the invention of the telescope, Galileo improved it and he was able to see the solar system. And make discoveries like the stars and planets. Copernicus made a discovery that the sun was the center of the solar system and that planets orbit around it in the year 1543.
  • 1543

    Medicine and Anatomy-andreas

    Medicine and Anatomy-andreas
    Human dissection was started during this tie so scientist could learn more about the human body. They were able to learn about the body parts and functions such as the brain. Medicine was updated at this time.andreas Vesalius was one of the most important figures that wrote De Humani Corporis Fabrica Libri Septem books on human anatomy.
  • microscope/invention

    Zackarias Jenssen was the first inventor of the microscope. Hans Lippershey the inventppr of the telescope helped Jenssen inevent the microscope when he was a teenager. t was two objective lenses put together near an object to magnify it further by the second.
  • Poetry

    Was one of the most valued type of writings. In the poems its main purpose was to capture essence beauty. It was a way that poets expressed their feelings towards different things. Edmund Spencer was a famous poet and one of his fmaous works were Faerie Queene
  • Flush Toilet/invention

    Flush Toilet/invention
    It was invented by Sir John Harington. It was a godson gift for Queen Elizabeth. The first toielet was a 2 foot bowl, his flushing pot required 7 galons of water. He realized that atleast 20 people could use it till it needed to be flushed again.
  • Music and dance

    Music and dance
    The instruments they used to make the music was the harpsichord, Hurdy Gurdy, and the Lute. Another form of entertainment was the dance. Their way of dancing was elegant and a way to interact with people or to show off their fashion. The Canario dance started in 1600s based on the Canary Islands.
  • Telescope/invention

    It was an invention created by a Dutch lens maker Han Lippershey. His idea came when he was watching two children playing in the store that made weather vanes appear bigger. After he invented the telescope it made objects appear 3x bigger and made them seem closer.