Renaissance and Reformation Timeline

  • 1300

    Invention: Eyeglasses

    Invention: Eyeglasses
    Eyeglasses were not invented by a certain person. They were made out of wood, bones, leather, copper, and other materials. Eyeglasses were invented after the printing press because many people had a book that they couldn't read because of poor vision. Citation:
  • 1364

    Literacy Works: Christine de Pisan

    Literacy Works: Christine de Pisan
    Christine de Pisan was born in France in 1364. She is well-known for her writings that identify women's equality. After her husband's death when she was 25 years old, he began writing on a full-time basis. One of her more famous literary works is The Tale of the Rose written in 1402. Some of her work also contained Christian values and morals. Citation:
  • 1380

    Literacy Works: John Wyclif

    Literacy Works: John Wyclif
    John Wyclif was a professor at Oxford University in England. He was also a church worker with the Church of England. He was forced from his position. However, during this time away, he translated the Bible from the Latin language to the English language; this allowed the common people to read the Word of God. It was a big change in the Renaissance Period. Citations:
  • 1389

    Patrons of the Arts: Cosimo de Medici

    Patrons of the Arts: Cosimo de Medici
    In 1389, Cosimo de Medici was born. Cosimo de Medici is the son of Giovanni de Medici. He was the first of the family to become the leader of the city of Florence. He started a family tree that would last for two hundred years as the Medici ruled the city of Florence. He helped many artists over the years but he did some famous ones also. He supported the sculptor Donatello and architect Brunelleschi. Citations:
  • Period: 1400 to 1500

    Daily Life: Fashion and Clothing

    During the Renaissance, women wore long skirts that were high waisted. The dresses also had long sleeves. Women did wear expensive jewelry like sapphires and pearls. Men wore tights or stocking with a coat and shirt over top. They could also be seen with wearing a hat. Citation: Life During the Renaissance Notes
  • Period: 1400 to 1500

    Daily Life: Music

    During the Renaissance, there were three instruments that were invented. They were the Harpsichord, Hurdy Grudy, and the Lute. The Harpsichord is like a piano. The Hurdy Grudy is like a violin. The Lute is like a guitar. They played music during their free time. Also during this time period, each noble was to know how to play at least one of these instruments. Citations: Life During the Renaissance Notes
  • Period: 1400 to 1500

    Daily Life: Education

    Education during the Renaissance was for middle-upper class boys. Education focused on math, writing, and reading. All the teaching were based on religion. Citation: Life during the Renaissance Notes
  • 1434

    Patrons of the Arts: Medici Family

    Patrons of the Arts: Medici Family
    The Medici Family was known for ruling the city of Florence during the Renaissance in 1434. Their family grew very wealthy with working a bank and wool merchants. They also became wealthy because they would pay artist commissions for their work. They were able to help an artist become more engaged with their work because they were not worrying about money. The family did more than just that they also supported science.
  • 1476

    The Catholic Church: Indulgences

    The Catholic Church: Indulgences
    Indulgences were a way that people could cancel their debt of any sin that they had. People could even pay to have other people's sins removed while the dead waited in purgatory to enter heaven. The Catholic Church gained incredible wealth by the sale of indulgences. Luther challenged the use of these indulgences in regards to people gaining salvation, which was based on faith alone. Indulgences started to sell in 1476 during the Renaissance. Citation:
  • 1483

    Martin Luther

    Martin Luther
    Martin Luther was born in Germany in 1483. He became a monk after survive a horrible storm. He lived in Wittenberg and studied Law. Until one day when he chose to go against the church and criticized their practices. In 1517, Luther nailed his 95 theses. He made 95 theses and nail them to the church for all to see. His arguments persuaded many people to follow Luther and go against the Roman Catholic Church. Citations: Martin Luther and the Protestant Reformation Notes
  • 1495

    Renaissance Art and Artist: Leonardo da Vinci

    Renaissance Art and Artist: Leonardo da Vinci
    Leonardo da Vinci was an artist during the Renaissance. He painted many paintings. He painted many paintings. Some of them include Mona Lisa, Madonna with Child, Small Annunciation , St. John the Baptist, The Last Supper. The painted The Last Supper is an important painting because it represents the last supper with Jesus.
  • 1500

    Renaissance Art and Artist: Self-portrait

    Renaissance Art and Artist: Self-portrait
    The self-portrait was painted by Albrecht Durer. His inspiration to paint himself was to show his skills off and to show Italian Renaissance painting can be just as good as German traditional paintings. This painting marked a key point in Albrecht Durer's life. Citations:
  • 1513

    The Catholic Church: Pope Leo X

    The Catholic Church: Pope Leo X
    Pope Leo X was not a very nice pope for The Catholic Church. He spent lots of money and enjoyed a very amusing life. He became pope in 1513. The selling of indulgences was one of his special traits. He was challenged often by Martin Luther for his corruption in the Roman Catholic Church. Citation:
  • 1517

    Martin Luther: The Printing Press

    Martin Luther: The Printing Press
    The Printing Press helped Luther's 95 theses spread. Luther's supporters and followers began to spread and hand out many copies of his speeches and essays. After people heard of Luther's 95 theses, many decided to start following Luther instead of the Roman Catholic Church. Citations: Martin Luther and the Protestant Reformation Notes
  • 1521

    Martin Luther

    Martin Luther
    Martin Luther was excommunicated from the Church in January 1521 because he did not recant 41 of his theses. Luther was brought before the church to recant but he did not. Luther did not recant because he said the bible is the only source of the truth and salvation comes through faith through Christ. Citations: Martin Luther and the Protestant Reformation Notes
  • 1545

    The Catholic Church: The Council of Trent

    The Catholic Church: The Council of Trent
    The Catholic Church was in fear that it would lose membership of people to the newly-formed Protestant Church due to the Reformation of Martin Luther and other leaders. In order for the Catholic Church to continue its beliefs, the pope and his followers set up the Council of Trent. Anyone who did not agree with the beliefs of the Catholic Church could be excommunicated by heresy or punished by death.
  • 1565

    Renaissance Art and Artist: Hunter in the Snow painting

    Renaissance Art and Artist: Hunter in the Snow painting
    Hunter in the snow was painted by Peter Bruguel. He painted this to show the preparation of the hunters during the winter. This painting was painted to show one of the six seasonal activities that happen in a year's worth. Citations:
  • 1569

    Renaissance Art and Artist: Peter Bruegel

    Renaissance Art and Artist: Peter Bruegel
    Peter was an artist during the Renaissance. He painted Hunters in the snow, the Beggars, the Tower of Babel, and the Landscape of the Fall of Icarus. One of his most famous painting is the Landscape of the Fall of Icarus. This painting tells the story of the death of Icarus. Citations:
  • Invention: Microscope

    Invention: Microscope
    The microscope was invented by ancient scientists. The first microscope was not the best. It was blurry and very hard to see out of. The microscope was controlled by three tubes that slide up and down. Today, the microscope is used to see small objects. It can see an object up to one hundred times bigger. Citation:
  • Invention: Flush Toliet

    Invention: Flush Toliet
    The flush toilet was invented by Sir John Harington. The toilet during the Renaissance was a pan that had a hole at the bottom that was closed by leather. The toilet was connected by pipes, levers, weight, and handles. Once the pans were full they were dumped into the streets. Citation:
  • Literacy Works: William Shakespeare

    Literacy Works: William Shakespeare
    William Shakespeare was a popular literary writer of the Renaissance Period. He wrote 37 plays and many short stories. One well-known play, written in the year 1597, was the love story of Romeo and Juliet. This play was known as a type of tragedy that people in this time period may have experienced. This play displayed his ability to describe families that did not get along, even though their children fell in love. Citations:
  • Scientific Discoveries: Telescope

    Scientific Discoveries: Telescope
    Galileo was given credit for having developed the first telescope. He used it to see ships that were far out in the ocean. Later, Galileo was the first person to use this discovery to state that the sun was the center of the universe. He also used the telescope to discover the moons that orbited around the planet Jupiter. Citation:
  • Scientific Discoveries: Submarine

    Scientific Discoveries: Submarine
    Although Leonardo Da Vinci was known to have written the designs for the submarine, Cornelius Drebbel is given recognition for having invented this discovery. It was able to hold 12 people in the leather sub. It was only able to go 15 under water and could stay there for two hours. Citation:
  • Scientific Discoveries: Barometer

    Scientific Discoveries: Barometer
    Torricelli is the one who is credited with inventing the mercury barometer in 1643. A barometer is a means of determining what the air pressure is in the weather. Barometers are also useful in identifying the speed of the wind and the humidity levels of the atmosphere. Citation:
  • Renaissance Art and Artist: Girl with the Pearl Earring Painting

    Renaissance Art and Artist: Girl with the Pearl Earring Painting
    This painting was painted by Vermeer. This painting was painted to represent a 16-year-old girl who was a maid to Vermeer. Her mature attitude she had caught Vermeer's eye. Citations: