Renaissance and reformation Timeline

  • Feb 22, 1231

    The Catholic Church (Pre-reformation)

    The Catholic Church (Pre-reformation)
    The Papal Inquisition is established by Pope Gregory IX to deal with heretics against the church. This shows power of the church and anyone who goes against the church will be punished.
  • Jan 1, 1309

    The Catholic Church (pre-reformation)

    The Catholic Church (pre-reformation)
    Pope Clement V moves headquarters of Catholic Church to Avignon, France from Rome. The move is based off of political pressure on the church. This is an example how the church was corrupt and not so worried about its religious duties.
  • Oct 18, 1320

    Literary works

    Literary works
    The Divine comedy was written by Dante Alighieri. The story takes an in-depth imaginative view of the afterlife. The process of the afterlife was very controversial during the reformation of the church.
    Artistic movements of the renaissance
  • May 13, 1386

    Renaissance Art/Artists

    Renaissance Art/Artists
    The Brancacci Chapel began being built in 1386. A painter, Masaccio, painted frescos. These frescos would be one of the first works of art to include the new style of painting during the Renaissance that focused on a more realistic depiction of the human body.
  • Jun 12, 1402

    Daily life/culture of the Renaissance

    Daily life/culture of the Renaissance
    in 1402 Antoine of Burgundy got married. There are accounts that say his father ordered one hundred gowns of green velvet lined with white satin for the guests to wear. This goes along with the knowledge that the grooms father was much in charge of the relationship and bright boisterous colors were seen as elegant.
  • Feb 24, 1405

    Literary Works

    Literary Works
    The book of the city of ladies by Christine de Pizan was an argument by her that if women were as educated as men, they would be just as intelligent and successful. This idea was somewhat of a branch of the new idea of humanism introduced during the renaissance.
    Artistic movements of the Renaissance
  • Oct 7, 1417

    Renaissance Art/Artists

    Renaissance Art/Artists
    Donatello created the statue of Saint George. It was one of most realistic statues of it's time, continuing the movement of Renaissance art which began to depict the human body with more detail.[image1]/0/
  • Dec 21, 1419

    Renaissance Art/Artists

    Renaissance Art/Artists
    Filippo Brunelleschi built the first dome structure ever which was part of the Basilica di San Lorenzo in Florence, Italy. It was the first dome structure, adding to new Renaissance art. Artistic movements of the Renaissance
  • Jan 1, 1456


    The printing press was invented by Gutenberg. It was important because people were now allowed to share their ideas with others from distant lands.
  • Mar 24, 1456

    The Catholic Church (Pre-reformation)

    The Catholic Church (Pre-reformation)
    Johannes Gutenberg prints the first copied version of the bible. People could now have and read own bible. Others being able to read Bible contributed to reformation.
  • Nov 29, 1459

    Daily life/culture of the Renaissance

    Daily life/culture of the Renaissance
    A new form or type of dancing was formed during the Renaissance, ballet. Dancing was often used as entertainment for wealthy people during the Renaissance and the result of in uptake in dancing led to the invention of a new dancing style.
  • Jul 12, 1503

    Renaissance Art/Artists

    Renaissance Art/Artists
    Leonardo da Vinci created the Mona Lisa in 1503. It is one of the most famous works of art of all time, not only the Renaissance, because of the precise details and beauty of the woman he brought out.
  • Jan 15, 1505

    Patrons of the art

    Patrons of the art
    The first commissioned project Michelangelo did for Julius was creating a personal tomb in 1505. He would later go on to commission many more of Michelangelo's projects.
  • Apr 3, 1510

    Renaissance Art/Artists

    Renaissance Art/Artists
    The school of Athens is a fresco that was painted in the Vatican by the famous painter Raphael. The fresco contains many of the famous greek and roman philosophers and important Renaissance people.
  • Oct 31, 1517

    Martin Luther and the Protestant Reformation

    Martin Luther and the Protestant Reformation
    Martin Luther posted his "95 Theses" on the door of the cathedral in Wittenburg. These theses were things Luther saw wrong with the church and what some believe, the start of the reformation
    Martin Luther and the Reformation
  • Dec 2, 1522

    Literary works

    Literary works
    The Luther Bible was translated from hebrew/latin to German by Martin Luther in 1522. This was only an translation of the new testament. He would later go on tho publish the whole bible later. The translation now allowed normal Germans to read the Bible that the church had not really ever allowed.
  • Feb 22, 1534

    Patrons of the arts

    Patrons of the arts
    The Medici's became a patron to Michelangelo and supported him to build the Medici chapel in which he carved sculptures of the members of the Medici family. Michelangelo would permanently leave Rome before he finished these projects himself. These sculptures would later be finished to go along with the chapels, adding to the legacy of the Medici family.
  • May 3, 1543

    Scientific discoveries

    Scientific discoveries
    Nicolaus Copernicus published his theory of a heliocentric solar system. He stated that the Sun was at the center of the universe, not the earth. This was against what most scientists believed at the time and what the church believed. The church would ban Copernicus's work.
  • Sep 25, 1555

    Martin Luther and the Protestant Reformation

    Martin Luther and the Protestant Reformation
    The Treaty of Augsburg was an agreement between the Holy Roman Empire and Germany allowing the coexistence of Lutheranism and Catholicism in Germany. This is the result of the resistance against the church led by Martin Luther.
    Martin Luther and Reformation
  • Oct 21, 1559

    Daily Life/Culture of the Renaissance

    Daily Life/Culture of the Renaissance
    Elizabeth I created a proclamation ensuring that laws relating to peasants being unable to wear certain types of clothing were enforced by magistrates and men of power. During the Renaissance there were strict rules for what peasants could and could not wear.
  • Sep 18, 1567

    Martin Luther and the Protestant reformation

    Martin Luther and the Protestant reformation
    The Catholic church outlaws the sale of indulgences. This is due to the long struggle with Martin Luther and is the result of reformation within the church because of it.
  • Inventions

    The first flushing toilet was invented by Sir John Harrington.The invention of the flush toilet was important because this allowed sewage to be taken out of houses. Houses were then not as smelly because of this invention.
  • Inventions

    The telescope was invented by Hans Lippershey. This invention was important because telescopes now allow scientist to look at the formation of the planets. For a long time scientists and the church have had disputes about the order of the planets. the telescope would then further prove the church was wrong creating more resistance to the church.
  • Scientific discoveries

    Scientific discoveries
    Galileo Galilei builds new and improved telescope. His new telescope allows him to discover new celestial bodies, further proof of a heliocentric solar system. The Church would put him on house arrest for his last years of life because of his work
  • Scientific disoveries

    Scientific disoveries
    In 1595 Tyco Brahe created the Lunar theory explaining the variation in the moon's longitude. He discovered that the moon's oscillations are not constant but vary. This proved that there are oscillations in the longitude of lunar nodes.