renaissance and reformation

  • Dec 5, 1310

    Dante writes the Divine Comedy

  • Dec 5, 1390

    Chaucer writes The Canterbury Tales

  • Dec 5, 1415

    Donatello creates his statue of St. Goerge

  • Dec 5, 1434

    Jan van Eyck paints the arnolfini portrait

  • Dec 5, 1447

    Last Visconti ruler of Milan dies

  • Dec 5, 1494

    Charles VVIII of France invades Naples

  • Dec 5, 1500

    Erasmus write his satire The Praise of Folly

  • Dec 5, 1505

    Leonardo da Vinci pants the Mona Lisa

  • Dec 5, 1513

    Machiavelli writes The Prince

  • Dec 5, 1517

    Martin Luther post the Ninety-five Theses in Wittenberg

  • Dec 5, 1521

    The church excommunicates Luther

  • Dec 5, 1527

    Invading Armies Sack Rome

  • Dec 5, 1528

    Castiglione writes The Book of the Courtier

  • Dec 5, 1531

    War between the protestant and catholic states in switzerland

  • Dec 5, 1534

    The act of supremacy is passed in england

  • Dec 5, 1540

    the society of jesus becomes a religious order

  • Dec 5, 1545

    the councvil of trent is formed

  • Dec 5, 1553

    mary tudor, bloody mary becomes queen of england

  • Dec 5, 1555

    The Peace of Augsburg divides Germany