Renaissance and Reformation

  • Period: 1140 to 1492

    Renaissance Government: Spain

    In the midst of 1140, Spain consisted of three places, Castile and Leon, Portugal, and Aragon ( Editors). James I, conqueror of Aragon, was joined by Ferdinand III of Castile, to gain a chance to reconquer Spain out of its corrupt government, but failed ( Editors). Ferdinand of Aragon had married Isabella of Castile and made a Spanish Inquisition and recaptured Grenada ( Editors).
  • 1259

    Treaty of Paris

    The Ruler of France, Louis IX had concluded making a treaty called the Treaty of Paris, with Henry III of England, the year of their Renaissance ( Editors). With this treaty, most of the French territory was still under the control of England but eventually regained ( Editors). This treaty also set relations on a foreign basis between their nations ( Editors.)
  • Period: 1300 to 1498

    Renaissance Government: Italy

    As the Renaissance started in Italy, religious and political issues began between the Holy Roman Emperors and the papacy ( Editors). This struggle had caused the beginning of the five major city-states: the Republic of Venice, the Duchy of Milan, the Republic of Florence, the Papal States, and the Kingdom of Naples, and the Republic of Venice was the most stable between these states ( Editors). Venice had a ruler which was called a Duke, whom was elected by the Council.igni
  • Period: 1311 to 1483

    Renaissance Government: England

    At the beginning of the fourteenth century, England's king, Edward II was opposed by barons ( Editors). When he died, his son Edward III brought unity to the nation ( Editors). In 1453, England was welcomed by a war that resulted in the end of their Renaissance and in many deaths caused by the plague, "Black Death." ( Editors)
  • 1500

    Changes in art

    Changes in art
    The arts had changed not only in paintings but in architecture too ( Editors)! There are three types of different architecture, Gothic, Byzantine, and Romanesque ( Editors). With the change of art, the artists also changed, the famous Leonardo Da Vinci was named the "Universal man of Renaissance," for not only being skilled in artistry, but also in architecture, botany, engineering, mathematics, physiology, and sculpting ( Editors).
  • 1500

    Inventions in the Renaissance

    Inventions in the Renaissance
    There were many great inventions through the Renaissance, but one of the greatest was the printing press, made by Johann Gutenberg, which he made for carving wood originally ( Editors). Another invention was paper, which was devised in china with the plant of papyrus made to make the original paper in the 1500s ( Editors).
  • 1540

    Jesuit Society

    Jesuit Society
    Spain was a center of catholicism and had one of the best military forces, so they made a new religious group called the Society of Jesus or the Jesuit Society ( Editors). A soldier named Loyola was seriously wounded in battle and had a religious conversion to support catholicism and started the Jesuit Society ( Editors).
  • 1545

    Council of Trent

    Council of Trent
    The Council of Trent was the main reason and paved the way to reformation ( Editors). Charles V was the person that made this Council in order to get an answer to the problems with the Lutherans but failed ( Editors). This Council did not last long with it being only 18 years after they failed to find the problems with the Lutherans ( Editors).
  • 1555

    War in the Netherlands

    War in the Netherlands
    Most of the Netherlands was divided between language and religion ( Editors). Later, Philip II of Spain had conquered the Netherlands and brought Catholicism, Spanish control, and Taxation ( Editors). This had brought the Netherlands and Spain to a war ( Editors).
  • 1560

    War in France

    War in France
    France was broken down due to religious differences and had formed Huguenots or French Calvinists; another group included Catholics who only wanted France to be completely Catholic ( Editors). This caused an all-out war between the religious groups ( Editors).