Renaissance and Reformation

  • Jan 17, 1377

    Pope Gregory XI Moves the Papacy back to Rome

    Pope Gregory XI Moves the Papacy back to Rome
    The papacy was moved to France in 1309, and the church became more corrupt. It was less focused on religion, and more on power and kings. (
  • Jun 1, 1410

    Donatello Creates Statue of St. George

    Donatello Creates Statue of St. George
    The exact date that Donatello started working on his statue is unknown, but we do know that he worked on it between 1410-1417, and it was very sophisticated for this time. His statue included such immense detail that it is no wonder how it took him 7 years to create. (Artistic Movements of the Renaissance PP,
  • Jul 6, 1415

    Jan Hus is Burned at the Stake for Questioning the Church

    Jan Hus is Burned at the Stake for Questioning the Church
    Jas Hus questions the vast wealth of the church, and because of his statement of fact, he was killed. His execution took place in 1415, after being accused of heresy against the doctrines of the Church. (
  • Jun 1, 1420

    Filippo Brunelleschi is appointed leader of construction

    Filippo Brunelleschi is appointed leader of construction
    Filippo designed and build the Basilica di San Lorenzo in Florence, alongside his long time rival, Lorenzo Ghiberti. Filippo is the one who designed the dome structure, and did the calculations on how to distribute weight. (Artistic Movements of the Renaissance PP, (Unknown exact date)
  • Jun 1, 1430

    Arnault de Zwolle creates a diagram of the function of the Harpsichord

    Arnault de Zwolle creates a diagram of the function of the Harpsichord
    The Harpsichord was an instrument invented in the Renaissance period. It is an older version of the piano, but plucks strings instead of hitting them with a hammer.
  • Sep 5, 1434

    Cosimo de' Medici becomes leader of Florence

    Cosimo de' Medici becomes leader of Florence
    Cosimo was the first of the Medici family to become the leader of Florence. His future generations would also reign after his death, and continue to support the arts. He is the most famous patron of the Renaissance time. (Medici Reading and Review)
  • Jun 1, 1440

    Printing Press is Invented

    Printing Press is Invented
    The printing press is one of the most significant and important inventions of all time. Created by Johannes Gutenberg, the device could copy works of art many times over, allowing things to spread throughout the world on paper. (
  • Jan 1, 1449

    Lorenzo de' Medici is Born

    Lorenzo de' Medici is Born
    The Medici family were a huge power in Italy. They had bloodlines connecting to royalty and religious figures. The son of Lorenzo became Pope Leo X, who was the pope during much of Martin Luther's time. The Medici's were also huge Patrons of the Arts during this time. (Medici Reading and Review)
  • Mar 15, 1493

    Christopher Columbus Brings Sweet Potatoes to Europe

    Christopher Columbus Brings Sweet Potatoes to Europe
    Sweet Potatoes became a delicacy in Europe after Columbus brought them back from his voyages to the Americas. They were already a well established food in South and Central America at this time, but were unknown to the Europeans.
  • Jun 1, 1496

    Wallpaper is Created

    Wallpaper is Created
    Paper was widely used in England and throughout Europe in the Renaissance, and hence came wallpaper. It became a widely used product among higher ups and royalty for a long time. (
  • Jun 1, 1503

    da Vinci Creates the Mona Lisa

    da Vinci Creates the Mona Lisa
    The Mona Lisa is considered the most popular work of art in all of history. It is a portrait of Lisa Gherardini. The exact date that it was started and finished is unknown.
  • Jun 1, 1504

    Raphael Paints The Marriage of the Virgin

    Raphael Paints The Marriage of the Virgin
    Raphael painted the historical image of the Virgin Mary getting married to the well known St. Joseph, both are historic figures in Christianity. (
  • Jun 1, 1508

    Michelangelo Paints the Sistine Chapel Ceiling

    Michelangelo Paints the Sistine Chapel Ceiling
    The Sistine Chapel ceiling is extremely well known, especially for its art, painted by Michelangelo between 1508 and 1512. It is rumored that he had people painting for him, and he himself took credit after. (
  • Jun 1, 1508

    Pavane has its Earliest Roots

    Pavane has its Earliest Roots
    The Pavane is a dance that was very popular in the 16th century. It was more of a slow walk to show off clothes, rather than a dance. (Life During the Renaissance PP)
  • Mar 3, 1513

    Leo X Becomes Pope

    Leo X Becomes Pope
    Pope Leo X was the pope during Luther's time, and was a main factor in the corruption of the church, as he allowed it to happen and encouraged it. (
  • Jun 1, 1513

    The Prince is Written

    The Prince is Written
    The Prince, by Niccolò Machiavelli, is a book about his opinions on how a leader should work, and how they should rule. It was a very popular book at the time, and its content and ideas are widely known throughout the world. (
  • Feb 21, 1517

    Pope Leo X Offers Indulgences to be Sold

    Pope Leo X Offers Indulgences to be Sold
    The selling of indulgences was one of the most corrupt things that the church did. Indulgences that were bought were supposed to lower the amount of time a person or their loved one spent in Purgatory, the time between divine judgement. (
  • Oct 31, 1517

    Luther Nails his Theses To the Door of Wittenburg Castle Church

    Luther Nails his Theses To the Door of Wittenburg Castle Church
    The 95 Theses are ideas and statements by the Reformist Martin Luther. He nailed them to the door of Wittenburg Castle Church so that the church officials could see their own corruption. (Martin Luther and Reformation PP)
  • Jun 1, 1534

    Luther's Completely Translated Bible is Published

    Luther's Completely Translated Bible is Published
    The bible was always in Latin before Luther's time. No one could read it, except high church officials and the rare other people that spoke Latin. His bible was a turning point in the Reformation. (Martin Luther and Reformation PP)
  • Jan 22, 1561

    Francis Bacon is Born

    Francis Bacon is Born
    Francis Bacon was another very well known philosopher. He is also well known for promoting the scientific method. (
  • Lenses are Invented

    Lenses are Invented
    The first lens guided microscope was created in the Netherlands, and revolutionized the world. Astronomers were able to create telescopes to observe space at a whole new level, and glasses were then used as well. (
  • Shakespeare Writes Romeo and Juliet

    Shakespeare Writes Romeo and Juliet
    Romeo and Juliet is one of the most influential and famous plays of all time. It has many adaptations in movies, music, and operas. The musical is about 2 rival families who have children who fall in love with each other, and end up dying. (
  • Rene Descartes is Born

    Rene Descartes is Born
    Descartes is considered the father of modern philosophy, and is the creator of the Descartes rule in math. He helped to figure out many mathematical functions that we still use today. (
  • Hamlet is Written by William Shakespeare

    Hamlet is Written by William Shakespeare
    Shakespeare is regarded as one of the best writers in history, and wrote many books and plays. Many of which are regarded as some of the most important literary works of all time, like Hamlet. It, along with Romeo and Juliet, is one of the most recreated shows of all time. (
  • Galileo Publishes His Book

    Galileo Publishes His Book
    The Operations of the Geometrical and Military Compass was a book published by famed astronomer Galileo Galilei. He made many different discoveries during his life, and was shamed and punished for many of them. (