Jan 1, 1309
Move to Avignon
In 1309, Pope Clement V moved the Catholic church headquarters to Avignon, France. He just didn't want to move to Rome, so he moved the whole thing. Martin Luther and Reformation Notes. -
Jan 1, 1378
Papel Schism
The Papel Schism is when the people didn't believe the church had power. They thought the french governament had more power over it. Martin Luther and Reformation Notes -
Jan 1, 1378
Move Back to Rome
After six popes lived in Avignon, the Papel Schism began. Many people believed that the French king had to much power over the church, so it was moved back to Rome. Martin Luther and Reformation Notes. -
Jan 1, 1397
Harpsichord was Invented
The Harpsichord is a piano-like instrument. Unlike a piano, you don't hit a key for it to be played, a string is plucked for a note to be made. Life During the Renaissance Notes -
Jan 1, 1456
Printing Press was Invented
The Printing Press was invented to make books and copy people's writings. The Printing press was used to spread Luther's word in the 95 theses. http://www.historyguide.org/intellect/press.html -
Jan 1, 1464
Lorenzo de Medici
In 1464, Lorenzo's wealth began to grow and so did his interest in art. During this year, he began to seek out artists. https://www.britannica.com/biography/Lorenzo-de-Medici -
Jan 1, 1472
Leonardo de Vinco- First Painting.
"The Annunciation" was the first public painting done by Leonardo da Vinco. He was commissioned to paint it by Lorenzo de Medici. http://www.italian-renaissance-art.com/Annunciation.html -
Jan 1, 1472
Lorenzo and de Vinci
Lorenzo de Medici was a big fan of da Vinci's work. He commissioned de Vinci first public painting, called "The Annunciation". http://www.italian-renaissance-art.com/Annunciation.html -
Jan 1, 1498
The Last Supper
The Last Supper is a painting by Leonardo da Vinci on a wall inside the Santa Maria Delle Grazie in Milan. The painting portrays the last meal Jesus had with his disciples before he was betrayed and then crucified. http://mentalfloss.com/article/64372/15-things-you-should-know-about-last-supper -
Jan 1, 1499
Michelangelo- First Statue
Michelangelo's first statue was called "Pietá". His statue portrays the virgin Mary holding Jesus. This statue is currently at St. Peters Basilica in Rome. http://mentalfloss.com/article/63602/15-things-you-should-know-about-michelangelos-pieta -
Jan 1, 1500
Trade with the Americas Began
In the late 1400s and early 1500s, trade with the Americas became very popular. They started to trade major items like sweet potatoes and turkey.
Life During the Renaissance Notes -
Jan 1, 1503
Mona Lisa
This was painted by Leonardo de Vinci. This painting has quite a bit of mystery behind it because no one actually knows who this woman is in the portrait. https://www.google.com/search?q=mona+lisa&rlz=1CADEAC_enUS707US710&oq=mona&aqs=chrome.0.0j69i57j0l4.1760j1j4&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8&safe=active&ssui=on -
Jan 1, 1504
David (statue)
The Statue of David is a sculpture by Michelangelo. This statue shows David from the biblical story "David and Goliath". http://www.accademia.org/explore-museum/artworks/michelangelos-david/ -
Jan 1, 1511
Erasmus Published The Praise of Folly
This was originally an essay about a god's daughter named Folly. -
Oct 31, 1517
95 Theses
The 95 Theses were 95 things Luter believed the Catholic church was doing wrong. He posted these theses on the doors of a church in Wittenburg so that many commoners would be able to read and see it.
Martin Luther and Reformation Notes -
Sep 15, 1522
Translation of the New Testament
Luther believed that the only way to live a good life was to be able to read the bible. At the time, the New Testament was only in Latin so not many people could read it, so Luther translated it into German so that more people had the ability to read it too.
Martin Luther and Reformation Notes -
Jan 1, 1532
Machiavelli published The Prince
Jan 1, 1535
Heliocentric Solar System
Jan 15, 1541
Martin Luther was Excommunicated
Due to Luther's beliefs and posting the 95 Theses, he was told to either recant his teachings or be excommunicated from the church. He had to go on trial and after days of thought, Luther didn't recant his beliefs. He was then excommunicated from the church.
Martin Luther and Reformation Notes -
Shakespeare's Hamlet was Published
Hamlet was and still is one of Shakespear's most famous plays. It is based on a Norse legend from 1200 A.D.
http://www.shakespeare-online.com/sources/hamletsources.html -
Telescope was Invented
The telescope was invented in 1608. After it was invented, it's first discovery was Venus.
https://telescopehistory.wordpress.com/ -
Microscope was Invented
Originally, the microscope was only a hollow, round cylinder. -
Galileo's Published his Theory
Galileo's theory about the heliocentric solar system is the same as Copernicus's, but he was the first to publish his theory.
http://www.polaris.iastate.edu/EveningStar/Unit2/unit2_sub5.htm -
Kepler's Theory
Kepler's theory dealt with three different laws of gravity and motion. He also proved Sir Isacc Newton's laws correct in the process.
https://www.britannica.com/science/Keplers-laws-of-planetary-motion -
Lute was Invented
The Lute is a guitar-like instrument. Unlike a guitar, the back of a Lute is curved.
Life During the Renaissance Notes