Renaissance and reformation

By Izack23
  • Sep 15, 1095

    The Partial Indulgences of the Catholic Church

    The Partial Indulgences of the Catholic Church
    This indulgence is a good way of helping out people who have done bad things and to try and make them great again and not have any suffering or punishment for what they have done. Also this indulgence is just great because if you do something bad this could remove you from the bad and try to get you to go to heaven and not hell.
  • Oct 28, 1397

    The Medici Bank in the patron of arts.

    The Medici Bank in the patron of arts.
    This bank had supported and helped out a lot with these painters by paying to help there work and to buy it off them. One of them was no other then Leonardo DE Vinci and another one was of course Michelangelo because these two were a big factor in that time and everyone loved there work and wanted it immediately. Another thing is that the people who ran the bank really provided the money and support they needed because they were just painters and needed money to keep painting and to live.
  • Apr 23, 1400

    The Pocket watch for Inventions

    The Pocket watch for Inventions
    The pocket watch was made by Peter Heinlein and you would use these to tell time and it would be very easy to tell time because you keep a hold of it in your pocket to see what time it is. Also the pocket watch would be very useful too if anyone asks for what time it is when your out and about. Another thing is that if people had these things that would mean that they were wealthy and became an easy task.
  • Sep 30, 1419

    Loreno DE Medici patron of arts

    Loreno  DE Medici patron of arts
    He became a patron of arts and wanted these painting that people made like Basilica, Michelangelo, and Giovanni and he bought and support these artists paintings by hanging them up in his house . Also he is there biggest fan and get paintings made for him because he has paid them in advance so they already knew he paid. Lastly he just really liked how there painting would come out and how much time they took into making them that he couldn't stop buying them.
  • Aug 23, 1450

    Daily Food in The Renaissance

    Daily Food in The Renaissance
    There food back then was barley anything to what we eat now. They would eat soup or mush for there food and they would usually have some black bread too. Also these are what the peasants would eat these because they have no money or anything to buy food and they would basically make this stuff there self's because they had no way of really getting money to eat.
  • Feb 3, 1468

    German Johannes Gutenberg Discoveries

    German Johannes Gutenberg Discoveries
    So this guy was a crazy inventor who created and did a lot of things in his time of living. He was a goldsmith and he helped create the printing press and ink to make books and when he did this people would buy the books he made from the printing press and made money off of it. Also he made weapons for people in that era and just did everything he could to get stuff out.
  • Jun 15, 1509

    Mathematics in scientific discoveries

    Mathematics in scientific discoveries
    Mathematics were made for many reasons and some of them were to tell people how to count,measure, and calculate to teach people these things to make people smarter. Also they would learn shapes and motions of physical objects so they can have a better understanding on these things that they see. Another thing is that the Greek Archimedes is the father of Mathematics and taught a lot of people how to do things they didn't know before.
  • Jun 23, 1510

    Man in the red cap painting for Renaissance Arts

    Man in the red cap painting for Renaissance Arts
    This painting has influenced a lot of people in that era and he opened a lot of painters eyes. The painter was a man named Titian and he finished this painting around 1510 and when this was published everyone loved it because of the color and detail he had in the painting. Last thing was that when he dropped this painting everyone wanted to buy it because of how nice it was and this was a big painting to drop because it showed how people would dress in that time and it was there fashion.
  • Sep 30, 1512

    The Creation by Michelangelo for Renaissance art

    The Creation by Michelangelo for Renaissance art
    This painting was finished in 1512 in this church because he wanted people to see this creation he had. Also the meaning of this painting is that it was the start of the human race and the relationship Michelangelo has forged with his creation because he wanted to show off his own way about human race and what it could be. Another thing is that this painting is saying that the person is being made and is pointing out the kid that is being made.
  • Sep 28, 1514

    Madonna of the Chair Painting by Raphael in Renaissance art

    Madonna of the Chair Painting by Raphael in Renaissance art
    This painting dates back to 1514 when it was finished and its about this girl is embracing the child of Christ while the dude in the painting is watching because he is a baptist and he believes the kid is something special. Also this painting is talking about how these relate back to the Italian Renaissance and is now a painting that is very special and is in a museum to show off the kid and the baptist.
  • Mar 28, 1517

    The Corruption of Martin Luther in the Protestant Reformation

    The Corruption of Martin Luther in the Protestant Reformation
    The Corruption of what Martin Luther did led to modern democracy, skepticism, civil rights and individual rights because of what he had published in his books. As he did this people started to do these things because they wanted to be strong and do there own thing and not all like be with someone else and do what they wanna do. I think that he helped out people that would read his stuff because it was very powerful stuff.
  • Apr 23, 1517

    Mona Lisa by Leonardo DE Vinci for renaissance arts

    Mona Lisa by Leonardo DE Vinci for renaissance arts
    This painting is very iconic because when this was finished in 1517, it shocked everyone at how good it was and it was made out of oil pastel and everyone loved it. It was so special because Leonardo did what he was supposed to do and paint his wife and call it Mona Lisa because it was by the Renaissance at historian Giorgio Vasari and when Leonardo painted it that is when everyone loved because of how special it was to everyone.
  • Apr 24, 1517

    The Protestant Challenge in the Pre-Formation of the Catholic Church

    The Protestant Challenge in the Pre-Formation of the Catholic Church
    This Challenge of the Catholic church happened when Martin Luther had went against the church and made this thing called the 95 thesis and the people at the church hated it and tried to take it down. Also this challenge also had people go with Martin because it kinda made sense to them and some people went with him and fought for him to try to make it right.
  • Nov 10, 1517

    The 95 Thesis of Martin Luther and the Protestant.

    The 95 Thesis of Martin Luther and the Protestant.
    The 95 Thesis were something that Martin Luther had made to tell people that the church and what they are doing are wrong and need to try to fix it but they don't like that at all. Also he made it to try to tell them about how to make the church better and basically tell them what to do because of how bad they were running it. Another thing is that Martin Luther knew exactly how to fix the church and had followers out there to help him out.
  • Jul 15, 1534

    The Religion of the Renaissance

    The Religion of the Renaissance
    The Religion they had in the Renaissance was Christianity and there main church was the Catholic Church and they would live to tell this religion. Also back then they would do everything to have people know that they were Christians and would follow everything they had to do to stay in that religion.
  • Feb 12, 1541

    Lady Margret Butts painting by Holbein for Renaissance arts

    Lady Margret Butts painting by Holbein for Renaissance arts
    This painting here was started on 1541 and when she started this she really just wanted it to look just like her and how she looked and dressed because she was important in that time span and wanted to show people who she was. Also as she was making this painting she was more focused on what outfit to put in this painting then what her face looked like because she tried to show what she wore to be more known in the streets.
  • Jan 22, 1545

    The Council of Trent with Martin Luther protestant Reformation

    The Council of Trent with Martin Luther protestant Reformation
    This council of Trent was something that had failed because another war broke out between France and Charles and as so the protestants had refused to do anything about it. So pretty much this thing was sent out to try to stop this thing from happening but it had failed and another war had been made. So the council of Trent was just something to stop wars and things that caused harm.
  • May 12, 1551

    Utopia of the Literary works

    Utopia of the Literary works
    These novels were made for Religious purposes and this guy made these to try to make the readers have a better understanding about there religion and what it is. Sir Thomas More wrote the first Utopia and basically means that there is no place or nowhere but it was a pun and that means that the real meaning is a good place .
  • Romeo and Juliet Literary works

    Romeo and Juliet Literary works
    This was made by William Shakespeare which was about these two people who were lovers and would kill these people together as a couple. Also this writing was a tragic thing Shakespeare wrote about these two who were very crazy and killed just for fun and when he did write this everyone loved about this couple and wanted to get there hands on this book to read about this crazy couple.
  • Hamlet of the Literary Works

    Hamlet of the Literary Works
    This Literary works was something very different then all the other things that were made. This one is also made by William Shakespeare and this one is about revenge tragedy with a hero named Hamlet to seek vengeance against his father's murderer. Another thing is that Shakespeare is just trying to get his revenge about his death of the king which was Hamlets dad and Hamlet does what he can.
  • The Telescope for Inventions

    The Telescope for Inventions
    The Telescope was made by a guy named Hans Lippershey and you would use this telescope to see out of a lens and through a small long tube to see things far away like seeing half of the moon. Also They made it very small at first and got the lens from like a camera or something that could be seen through a long tube and when you do look through it its supposed to look like your seeing something far away through this long tube.
  • The Discovery of Astronomy.

    The Discovery of Astronomy.
    When they discovered this everyone went crazy about it because it would tell people things about the planets and how the motion of the planets as well. Also it was developed by Galileo and when they discovered this people had wanted to know and learn so much about these planets and how the motion worked up in space.
  • Daily life Housing in the Renaissance

    Daily life Housing in the Renaissance
    The housing back then is a lot different then in today's world and this was pretty much of they lived in that time. They were made out of wood or stone that lived in the lower classes. Some other ones had pulled over windows and shutters made out of wood and they also had a fire place in the center for getting warm and cooking.
  • The Parachute for Inventions

    The Parachute for Inventions
    This Parachute was brought to the attention from Leonardo DA Vinci and he made the first one. It was made with stretched fabric at the top and the ropes tying to a light piece of wood that someone would hold on too use the parachute. This invention was made to make people feel like they could fly and see things in the world and just have fun while doing it because you are basically gliding in the air and seeing everything in the sky.
  • The relic of Mary's Holy Belt of the Catholic Church

    The relic of Mary's Holy Belt of the Catholic Church
    These Relics that were a thing in the Pre-formation were something that was special and this one was shown around because of how it looked and what it meant. So pretty much Mary handed her hand woven to this guy named Thomas before she went to heaven. Now this belt is shown off to people about five times a year and back then people watched it to take care of it.,28804,1983194_1983193_1983101,00.html