
Renaissance and Reformation

  • Period: Feb 24, 1138 to Feb 24, 1254

    Hohenstaufen Rulers restore the Holy Roman Empire

  • Period: Jan 31, 1200 to Jan 31, 1500

    Aztec civilization

  • Period: Jan 31, 1200 to Jan 31, 1500

    Inca civilization

  • Period: Nov 15, 1265 to Nov 15, 1321

    Life of Dante

  • Period: Nov 15, 1267 to Nov 15, 1337

    life of Giotto

  • Feb 24, 1273

    Rudolf I founds Hapsburg Dynasty

  • Period: Nov 15, 1304 to Nov 15, 1374

    life of Petrach

  • Period: Aug 18, 1350 to


  • Period: Nov 15, 1386 to Nov 15, 1466

    life of Cosimo de' Medici

  • Period: Nov 29, 1394 to Nov 29, 1460

    Life of prince Henry the Navigator

  • Nov 15, 1401

    Ghiberti wins competition for design of the Batistery doors

  • Period: Nov 15, 1407 to Nov 15, 1457

    life of Lorenzo Valla

  • Nov 15, 1420

    Work begins on Brunelleschi's dome

  • Nov 15, 1434

    Cosimo de' Medici begins to rule Florence

  • Period: Nov 29, 1449 to Nov 29, 1492

    Life of Lorenzo de' Medici

  • Period: Nov 29, 1452 to Nov 29, 1519

    Life of Leonardo de Vinci

  • Nov 15, 1453

    The Turks Capture Constantinople

  • Period: Feb 15, 1466 to Feb 15, 1536

    Life of Desiderius Erasmus

  • Nov 29, 1469

    King Ferdinand marries queen Isabella

  • Period: Feb 15, 1471 to Feb 15, 1528

    Life of Albrecht Durer

  • Period: Nov 27, 1477 to Nov 29, 1478

    Boticelli paints La Primavera

  • Period: Feb 15, 1483 to Feb 15, 1546

    Life of Martin Luther

  • Period: Jan 31, 1485 to Jan 31, 1576

    Life of Titian

  • Nov 29, 1488

    Bartolomeu Diaz first rounds the Cape of Good Hope.

  • Period: Feb 15, 1494 to Feb 15, 1536

    Life of William Tyndale

  • Nov 29, 1494

    Savanorola control Florence

  • Period: Nov 29, 1495 to Nov 29, 1498

    Da vinci paints The Last Supper.

  • Nov 29, 1498

    Savanarola is burned at stake for heresy

  • Period: Feb 15, 1500 to Feb 15, 1558

    Life of Charles V

  • Feb 15, 1507

    Luther is ordained a priest

  • Feb 15, 1509

    Erasmus publishes IN PRAISE OF FOLLY

  • Jan 31, 1513

    Ponce de Leon explores Florida and Gulf of Mexico

  • Period: Apr 4, 1514 to Apr 4, 1517

    Life of John Knox

  • Feb 15, 1516

    Erasmus publishes his Greek New Testament

  • Feb 15, 1517

    John Tetzel sells indulgences in Germany

  • Feb 15, 1517

    Luther finishes his 95 Thesis

  • Period: Jan 31, 1519 to Jan 31, 1521

    Cortez subdues the Aztec

  • Feb 24, 1521

    Luther testifies before the Diet of Worms

  • Period: Feb 24, 1524 to Feb 24, 1525

    Peasants of Germany revolt

  • Period: Jan 31, 1527 to Jan 31, 1529

    Sebastian Cabot explores the rivers of South America

  • Period: Feb 15, 1529 to Feb 15, 1569

    Life of Pieter Breugel

  • Feb 15, 1530

    Charles V is crowned Holy Roman Emperor

  • Period: Feb 15, 1530 to

    Life of Ivan the terrible

  • Feb 24, 1530

    Lutherans present the Augsburg Confession

  • Jan 31, 1532

    Pizzaro conquers the Incas

  • Jan 31, 1539

    De Soto explores the future southwestern United States

  • Period: Jan 31, 1540 to Jan 31, 1542

    Coronado explores the future southwestern united states

  • Feb 24, 1555

    Protestant Princes force Charles V to accept the Peace of Augsburg

  • Period: Apr 4, 1558 to

    Elizabeth I rules England

  • Apr 4, 1560

    Scots establish Presbyterianism under John Knox

  • Period: Apr 4, 1577 to Apr 4, 1580

    Drake circumnavigates the globe

  • Mary, queen of the Scots, is beheaded

    Her son, James, rules as James VI of Scotland
  • Period: to

    Shakespeare writes and preforms plays