

  • 5 years old

    5 years old
    When I was 5 years old my father gave me my first bicycle.
  • 7 years old

    7 years old
    At age 7, i did go with my parents to see my first film in the cinema .
  • 9 years old

    9 years old
    When I was 9 years old, my mother gave me a play station 1 in Christmas and I was the happiest boy in the world.
  • 11 years old

    11 years old
    When I was 11 years old, I did make the first communion in the church "el divino niño jesus".
  • 13 years old

    13 years old
    I was in seventh grade when I was 13 years old at the school "JUAN LOZANO Y LOZANO" in Ibagué city.
  • 15 years old

    15 years old
    When I was 15 years old I inherited my father's guitar with which I learned to play.
  • 17 years old

    17 years old
    When I was 17 years old I graduated from the school "JUAN LOZANO Y LOZANO".
  • 19 years old

    19 years old
    In June of 2009 I participated in a festival of rock music with my first band.
  • 21 years old

    21 years old
    When I was 21 years old, my son Andrés Felipe was born.
  • 23 years old

    23 years old
    when I was 23 years old I worked for the IBAL aqueduct company in ibague city.
  • 25 years old

    25 years old
    At age 25, I worked as a security guard at the ibagué airport.
  • 27 years old

    27 years old
    At age 27 I had the opportunity to know the city of Medellin and its beautiful Christmas lights.
  • 29 years old

    29 years old
    I am currently 29 years old and I study in the SENA institute giving thanks to God for this beautiful opportunity