Religious symbols


  • 3000 BCE

    Rome religion past

    Rome religion past
    Past they sacrifice the animals just like ancient Greece.They worshiped old temples.They have many gods and goddesses.
  • 2600 BCE

    Past Indus

    Past Indus
    They had a religious system to a mother goddess.They have also have found a yoga sitting statue still today and thought it was of an representing a hindu god. They believe in buddhism and hinduism.2600 bc
  • 425 BCE

    Greece religion past

    Greece religion past
    Before the all the greeks were together called as greek orthodox
    They sacrificed animals to the god 430-425 bc
    They had temples to worship the lord.
  • 717

    Present Greece religion

    Present Greece religion
    Now greek religion is sinking because 98 percent are becoming christians
    Not sure if the greeks have stopped sacrificing animals 33 ad 717 ad
    They have churches instead of temples.
  • Present indus

    Present indus
    People still believe in hinduism and buddhism today in 2017.we do not if they still have a religious system for the mother goddess.
  • Religon present Greece

    Religon present Greece
    Present 2017- they still sacrifice animals.They still go and worship the lords and goddesses in old temples.