1525 Peasants' Revolt
Thomas Muntzer led peasants influenced by Luther's ideas, and they protested against the social system. However, Luther didn't approve and ordered German princes to be violent on shooting them and their ideas down. 100,000 peasants in this revolt died over the course of a year. -
1542 Roman Inquisition in Spain refounded
It was refounded to combat heresy, and as part of the Catholic Counter Reformation. -
1553 Mary Inherited Throne
Mary was a devout Catholic, and her mother had been rejected by Henry when he established the Anglican church. Henry's son made the English Church protestant, but she wanted to make England Catholic again, and so carried out bloody purges on Protestants. In 5 years, around 300 Protestants were victims and died, and many fled to Europe. After 5 years she was succeeded by her sister, Elizabeth.