2500 BCE
Indus River Valley Civilization
The civilization in the Indus River Valley develops and the beginnings of the religion of Hinduism can be found. -
1813 BCE
Abraham is born
Abraham is known as the founder of Judiaism and created the covenant between the Jewish people and god. -
1713 BCE
Abraham forms covenant with God
This is the first covenant with God formed by Abraham and created the relationship between the Jews and God. -
1600 BCE
Aryans invade Indus river Valley
The Aryans conquer the area and with them they bring the Verdic religion. -
1250 BCE
Moses leads Jewish exodus out of Egypt
Moses leads the Jewish people out of Egypt, where they have been enslaved for hundreds of years. -
950 BCE
First Temple built in Jerusalem
King Solomon builds the first temple in Jerusalem. It was a very sacred site where the Ark of the Covenant was located. -
920 BCE
Israel splits into two kingdoms
After the death of King Solomon, the kingdom split into two with the kingdom of Israel in the north and the kingdom of Judah in the south. -
800 BCE
Major Upanishads written
The Upanishads are the major texts that the religion of Hinduism is founded on. -
800 BCE
Verdic Age begins
Hinduism is founded on the same principles as the Verdic religion. -
722 BCE
Assyrians conquer Israel
The Assyrians take over the kingdom of Israel, forcing the Jews to leave and starting the Jewish diaspora. -
600 BCE
Start of Caste System
The caste system is an official social hierarchy in India that is still in place today. It is an important part of Hinduism. -
551 BCE
Confucius is born
The founder of the philosophy is born. -
550 BCE
Daoism formed
This is the start of the religion -
500 BCE
Confucius appointed Minister of Justice
Confucius becomes the Minister of Justice for the State of Lu. -
497 BCE
Confucius travels teaching his beliefs
Confucius resigns from his government position and begins traveling through China with his disciples teaching his philosophy. -
490 BCE
Siddhartha Gautama is born
Siddhartha is the founder of Buddhism and is later known as the Buddha. -
479 BCE
Confucius dies
The teacher of Confucianism dies. -
455 BCE
Gautama becomes the Buddha
While sitting under a tree, Siddhartha became enlightened and understood that to end his suffering he must let go of human desires. -
410 BCE
Gautama's death
He dies after traveling and teaching for 45 years. -
350 BCE
Zhuangzi writes chapters of the Taote Ching
Zhuangzi furthers the ideas in the Taote Ching by writing more and clashes with the ideas of Confucianism. -
330 BCE
Mencius spreads Confucianism
Mencius helps to spread the teachings of Confucius even more. -
300 BCE
Epic Poem of Ramayana Written
This poem is one of two major pieces of literature that is read in the Hindu religion. -
261 BCE
Buddhism becomes India's state religion
Emperor Ashoka makes Buddhism the official religion of India after he converts to it. He played an important role in the spread of the religion. -
206 BCE
Execution of many Confucian scholars and burning of texts
During the Qin Dynasty, the Emperor orders the death of many Confucian scholars and that the texts of Confucius be burned. -
200 BCE
Hindu Laws Codified
The strict laws and guidelines of Hinduism are created. -
25 BCE
Buddhist scriptures first written down
The sermons and teachings of the Buddha is written down for the first time allowing people to have better access to them. -
Birth of Jesus Christ
Jesus is believed to be the son of God and the Messiah sent to save the Israeli people. -
Crucifixion of Jesus
Jesus is killed on a cross and rose from the dead to allow everyone's sins to be washed away. -
First Gospel Written
The first gospel is published and believed to be written by Mark.. It is the beginnings of the Bible. -
Confucian texts become basis of burecrat training
The Emperor Han Wudi makes a part of the training to become a bureaucrat is that they must known the Confucius texts. -
Zhang Daoling becomes first celestrial master
He helps further the religion and founds the Sect of the Hay of the Five Bushels of Rice. -
Zhang Lu makes religious communities
Zhang Lu turns the Five Bushels of Rice into a religious community, which further organizes the religion. -
The Mishna is created
The Mishna is one of the first collections of texts and teachings by rabbis compiled. -
Han Dynasty collapses
The fall of the Han Dynasty marks the increase influence of Daoism in China. -
Wei Huacun becomes first female leader of the Shangquing Sect
This is an important event in the progress of women in the religion. -
Armenia mkes Christianity offical religion
Armenia is the first country to make Christianity its official state religion. -
Constantine Converts
Constantine, the emperor, is the most powerful man in Roman. His converting to Christianity furthered the spread and influence of the religion even more. -
Christianity becomes legal religion in Roman Empire
Christians are no longer persecuted in the Roman Empire and it is accepted by the government allowing the religion to grow. -
Master who has Embraced Simplicity written
Ge Hang writes the the Master who Embraced Simplicity about the leader Daoism. -
Buddhist texts translated to Chinese
The Buddhist texts have started to be translated to Chinese causing Buddhism's influence in China to grow. -
Mahasanghika school emerges
After the meeting of the council, a dispute forms causing a split in Buddhism creating the Mahasanghika school of thought. -
Augustine converts to Christianity
Augustine converts and writes many important texts and papers in the religion.