Religion from the Colonial -- Revolutionary Era

  • 1630, "House Upon a Hill" is published

    John Winthrop publishes "House Upon a Hill", a scripture that discusses his wish for the colonies to be a beacon of devoutness to other countries, which he hopes will follow in the colonies' path. (
  • 1689, John Locke's " A Letter Concerning Toleration" is published

    John Locke publishes " A Letter Concerning Toleration", which describes his goal for religious toleration, and describes how discriminating against someone because of a different religion is in itself sinful and hypocritical.
  • Salem Witch Trials begin after two puritan girls are cast into fits that are attributed to "witchcraft"

  • Thomas Jefferson makes a statement entitled the "Virgina Statute for Religious Freedom"

  • "In God We Trust" begins to be printed onto money

    During the civil war, the Secretary of Treasury Salmon P. Chase recieved many appeals urging him to recognize God on American bills and coins, and the action was passed in January 1837, thus establishing the motto "In God We Trust" (History of 'In God We Trust'