The Birth Of The Church
The Holy Spirit was bapitised on the day called Pentecost as it went upon everyone apart of the Christian Community. TIme: 30AD -
Early Christian Communities/Spread of Christianity
The religions of Judaism and Christianity went into their seperate ways because they didn't agree on the same conditions. 30AD-300AD -
Council of Jerusalem
This was the occasion of persecution. The Christian community spread due to good paths and shipping systems. Christianity aimed to attract others into its beliefs, practices and ways. As a result, people that are apart of other religions were put into persecution. Time: 49AD -
Christianity Becomes The Official Religion
Emperor Constantone granted freedom of religion to all the Roman Empires, which resulted in Chrisitianity becoming the official Religion. Time: 313-381AD -
Great Schism-East/West Split
The Seperation between the Eastern and the Western Churchs. Time: 1054AD -
Christianity started a war to drive the Turkish armies from the Holy Land. Time:1096-1202AD -
Men and women unite in religious orders through resolving around work and prayer. Time: 1153AD -
Protestant Reformation Early 16th Century
A major religious movement protesting certain conditions and aiming to reform the church. People who were significantly involved included Martin Luther, John Calvin, Henry VIII.