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Religion 1788-1850

  • Sunday Church

    Sunday Church
    Governor Philip ordered all convicts to attend Sunday church and if anyone refused they would get flogged
  • First Fleet

    First Fleet
    Out of all of the convicts,one tenth of them were Catholics
  • Period: to


    Catholics had to keep up their faith by reciting prayers in private
  • Catholic Churches

    Catholic Churches
    5 convicts asked for a catholic priest, the early governors said no to requests for a Catholic Church
  • Father Dixon

    Father Dixon
    Father Dixon was transported to Australia, governer King allowed him to conduct a school he was also given special permission to present mass for Catholics
  • Catholic mass

    Catholic mass
    The first Catholic mass was celebrated
  • Privileges

    Fr Dixon’s privileges were withdrawn he soon after returned to Ireland
  • Father Jeremiah Flynn

    Father Jeremiah Flynn
    Fr Jeremiah Flynn arrives to minister the Catholic convicts
  • Priests

    Fr John Therry and Fr Philip Connolly Australia’s first priests arrive in Sydney
  • Father Connolly

    Father Connolly
    Father Connolly leaves for Hobart and Father Therry is left as the only priest on the mainland
  • Catholic schools

    Catholic schools
    There were about 10 Catholic schools in Australia
  • John Bede Polding

    John Bede Polding
    John Bede Polding became the first Catholic bishop in Australia
  • Religious order

    Religious order
    The first religious order of priests were the Jesuits