Reign of Terror Timeline

By K_00
  • Period: to

    Reign of Terror

  • Louis XVI Execution

    Louis XVI Execution
    The execution of Louis XVI was the day that the the former king was put to death by guillotine in the Place de la Revolution in Paris. He was put to death for convictions of conspiracy with foreign powers. His execution was a turning point in the revolution because it ushered in a new period of brutality which was the Reign of Terror. His death is considered the start of the Reign of Terror.
  • Formation of Committee of Public Safety

    Formation of Committee of Public Safety
    The event of the forming of the Committee of Public Safety was when the committee was created by the National Convention. The Committee of Public Safety was formed in April to protect France against its enemies, foreign and domestic, and to oversee the government. The formation of the Committee of Public Safety was an important event in the Reign of Terror because without the committee, Maximilien Robespierre would not have been able to get his foot hold into the French Revolution.
  • Robespierre elected to the Committee of Public Safety

    Robespierre elected to the Committee of Public Safety
    This event was when Maximilien Robespierre was elected to the Committee of Public Safety. The Committee of Public Safety came to exercise virtual dictatorial control over the French government while under the leadership of Robespierre. This was an important event in the Reign of Terror because it allowed Robespierre to have more power and have a stronger hold over events of the French Revolution.
  • Reign of Terror Begins

    Reign of Terror Begins
    On this day, a group of Parisian radicals that were led by Robespierre petitioned the National Convention to place "terror on the order of the day". This was the start of the Reign of Terror because in response the Committee of Public Safety in Paris responded with ruthless productivity to real and perceived threats to its rule. Overall, this event was essentially what started the Reign of Terror and everything escalated from this point.
  • Law of Suspects

    Law of Suspects
    During the Reign of Terror, the Committee wanted to make terror an official government policy and one of the laws they enacted to do this was the law of suspects. This law said that anyone who was suspected as an enemy of the revolution was to be arrested, tried by a revolutionary tribunal and put to death. This was an important event in the Reign of Terror because it eliminated individual freedoms and contributed to the fear and paranoia that eventually became the Reign of Terror.
  • Law of General Maximum

    Law of General Maximum
    The Law of General Maximum was an extension to the Law of Suspects. The law was made to set price limits, deter price gouging, and allow the continued supply of food to the French Capital. The Law of General Maximums' exceptional measures gave rise to violent reactions. The violent reactions of this law was an important event of the Reign of Terror because it was part of the violence in this period.
  • Marie Antoinette Execution

    Marie Antoinette Execution
    Marie Antoinette was executed nine months after her husband Louis XVI was executed. She was executed by guillotine after she was found guilty at her Revolutionary Tribunal for treason and theft. This was an important event in the Reign of Terror because it added to the violence and brutality that was already going on during this time.
  • Execution of Girondins Deputies

    Execution of Girondins Deputies
    At this point in the Reign of Terror, the Girondins escaped to the provinces in the summer. They did this to organize federalist uprisings against the Convention but they failed mostly due to lack of support. Since the Jacobins were in control at this time, they arrested and tried the Girondins. After being tried, the Girondins were put to death about a week later. This was an important event because it added to the leadership of the Jacobins and escalated their cause.
  • Robespierre elected president of National Convention

    Robespierre elected president of National Convention
    On this day, Robespierre was unanimously elected president of the National Convention. This position allowed Robespierre greater control over his followers and gave him more reach throughout the government. This was important in the Reign of Terror because this event gave Robespierre more power and influence before his downfall.
  • People begin to oppose Robespierre and his followers

    People begin to oppose Robespierre and his followers
    Six days after Robespierre was elected president of the National Convention a law was passed that suspended a suspect's right to public trial and legal assistance. This law led to about 1,400 "enemies of the revolution" being guillotined in a month. This was important for the Reign of Terror because it led to coalition of the left and right forming to oppose Robespierre and his followers, due to the large amount of violence, death and injustice.
  • Robespierre Execution

    Robespierre Execution
    The Reign of Terror ended with the execution of Maximilien Robespierre. The Convention charged Robespierre and his allies with crimes against the Republic and theywere accused, condemned, and executed all within a two day period. This was an important event in the Reign of Terror because his execution marked the end of the reign of terror.