Reign of terror

  • The Jacobins

    The Jacobins
    They were a political Club that was very prominent and was taken over after Robespierre was killed
  • Girondin

    The Girondin was a label applied to a loose grouping of republican politicians they also were Lawyers, intellectuals and journalists, the Girondins brought businessmen, merchants, industrialists etc.
  • The Guillotine

    The Guillotine
    Is a razor blade hoisted high then dropped on the victims neck to cut their head off. Killed over 15000 to 40000 people Antoine louis invented it in 1792
  • The French

    The French
    Largest in western europe and was a period of the fall of the monarchy
  • Comittee for public safety

    Comittee for public safety
    The job was to oversee and protect the country from domestic and foreign threats early on 9 then later 12 memebers
  • Reign of terror

    Reign of terror
    Its purpose was to clean France of enemies of the Revolution and keep the country safe from foreign invaders. Robespiere was in charge and Rousseau was the third question
  • Fall of Robespierre

    Fall of Robespierre
    He sent friends and citizens to the Guillotine which people didnt like so they killed him
  • Thermidorian Reaction

    Thermidorian Reaction
    It reulted in Robespierre falling and the collapse of revolutionary fervour and the Reign of Terror in France.
  • Robespierre

    best known and most influential of the members of committee for public safety and was a big part of everything from killing peoprl and taking over france