Sep 15, 1415
Jan Huss and John Wycliffe call for reform of the Roman Catholic Church
Jon Wycliffe made an english translation of the bible King James Version he was conciderd a "precursor". Jan Hus was a philosepher with followers named Hussites, The Catholic church conciderd his teachings "heretical" and dicided to excomunicate him and then burn him on a stake 1415<- date when jan huss was burned -
Jan 1, 1517
Luther writes the 95 Theses
Martin Luther wrote the 95 Theses because he did it in protest of Friar Johann Tetzel giveing out indulgences to people so that they could buy there way to heaven. Luthers actions caused the Refromation, the movement for the religous reform -
Sep 15, 1534
England's Parliament passes the Act of Supremacy
This act called on people to take an oath recognizing divorce & accepting Henry as the Offical head of england. -
Jan 1, 1536
John Calvin publishes the Institutes of the Christian Religion
This book was written as an introductory on Protestant Faith. -
Jan 1, 1540
St.Ignatius calls on the pope to establish the Society of Jesus
Ingnatius gather followers, then in 1540 the pope created a religious order called The Soicety of Jesus, they called themselves Jesuits. They focused on three things: 1.founded schools in Europe 2. Non-christians into Catholicism 3. Stop spread of Protestantism. -
Jan 1, 1559
Elizabeth I established the Anglican Church
Elizabeth wanted to set up the Anglican Church with her in power.It was the only Legal church in England, Elizabith wanted to create a state church that current catholics and protestants might both accept. -
France passes the Edict of Nantes
Henry Iv promised Protestants could live peacefully in France & They could have houses of worship in a few cities. Henry then used his time to restore France. -
The Catholic Church meets to confirm its teachings
The Ctholic Church creates an Index of Forbidden Books
The Wars of Religion are fought between Catholic and Protestants in Central Europe