
Reformers Of America: Nat Turner

  • Nat Turner Birth

    Nat Turner Birth
  • Period: to

    Nat Turner

  • Benjamin Turner loaned Nat and his mother, along with some other slaves, to work

    date is unknown
  • Marries a slave named Cherry

    date is unknown
  • After the death of Samuel Turner, Nat, his wife, and his mother are split apart

    date is unknown
  • Nat Turner has a vision which he inteprets as God telling him to lead an uprising of slaves

  • Date chosen for Nat Turner's rebellion. It was postponed because Turner was sick.

     	Date chosen for Nat Turner's rebellion. It was postponed because Turner was sick.
  • Lloyd Garrison publishes a song encourageing slaves to 'strike for God and vegeance'

    Lloyd Garrison publishes a song encourageing slaves to 'strike for God and vegeance'
  • The Slave Revolt Begins

    The Slave Revolt Begins
  • The Slave Revolt Ends

    More than fifty whites were killed
  • Nat Turner is discovered by Benjamin Phipps and goes to jail

    Nat Turner is discovered by Benjamin Phipps and goes to jail
  • Nat Turner Makes Confession to Attorney Thomas R. Gray

    Nat Turner Makes Confession to Attorney Thomas R. Gray
  • Nat Turner is tried for leading an uprising

  • Nat Turner is hanged for leading this slave revolt

  • Turner is made a symbol of "Black Power and social liberation"

    date and year is unknown, in the 1960's
  • The Confessions of Nat Turner is published

    The Confessions of Nat Turner is published
    date is unknown