
  • 1095


    The indulgence were based on a belief purification after death where souls were believed to undergo temporary suffering before entering heaven. The indulgence could be obtained through various means, such as charitable acts or Financial contributions to the church. In my opinion I believe that The indulgence were a Cause of the reformation because The indulgence gave a people a reason to go broke during this period because their putting their life funds into the church to get into heaven.
  • 1436

    Printing press

    Printing press
    Printing press was invented in the 1400 century By Johannes Gutenberg to help people spread ideas during the renaissance. It helped make more affordable books, religious ideas and most important it wrote the Bible in english for the people who didn't speak latin. I believe printing press was an effect of reformation because it showed people the idea and beliefs of the church which probably changed some people's perspective of the Catholic Church.
  • 1478

    The inquisition

    The inquisition
    The inquisition were made in response to the spread of heretical movements, such as catharism and waldensianism, which challenged the authority and teachings of the Catholic church. Its main goal was to Prosecute and eliminate heresy within Christian communities. I believe this was an effect of reformation because it changed these peoples perspectives of the Catholic church which made them challenge the church.
  • 1513

    pope leo x

    pope leo x
    Pope leo x was the head of the catholic church from 1513 until his death in 1521. Pope leo x was often associated with the sales of indulgence. Even though He faced bad political challenges such as the rise of martin luther and the protestant movement, he still made significant contributions such as rebuilding of St. peters Basilica in Rome and Supported artist like michelangelo. I believe Pope leox was a good effect of reformation because he helped lead recover Rome during political challenges.
  • Oct 31, 1517

    95 theses

    95 theses
    The 95 theses were a set of opinions written against the Churches by Martin luther in 1517. These were documents that supposedly granted forgiveness of sins and reduced time in purgatory. I believe the 95 theses were a cause of the reformation because he showed people all his beliefs against the church and how you don't need to follow the Church's exact orders to get into heaven.
  • 1536

    John calvin

    John calvin
    John Calvin was born 1509, He was known for shaping reformed theology, Also known as Calvinism. He super acknowledged the importance of education. And he had a long lasting impact on protestant christianity. I believe that john calvin was an effect of reformation because he was against some of the catholics beliefs and was a huge impact on christianity.
  • 1540


    The Jesuits, formally known as the society of jesus, is a religious order within the catholic church. It was founded by The Ignatius Of Loyola in 1540. They were primarily committed to education, social justice, and spiritual formation that has left a lasting impact on the churches and the world. I believe that Jusuits was an huge cause of the reformation because it educated people the way they wanted to.
  • 1547

    Henry Vlll

    Henry Vlll
    Henry Vlll was one of The most notable monarchs in England ruling from 1509 until his death. He was born 1491 and died 1547. He was really known for transforming England into a protestant nation and sufficiently made the course of european history. Hes also really know for his huge appetite and the amount of time hes married ( Henry Vlll has six wives)
  • 1555

    peace of Augsburg

    peace of Augsburg
    The peace of augsburg was a treaty signed in 1555 in the of Augsburg Germany. It brought a end to the religious conflicts between catholics and protestant factions in the holy roman empire. This meant that each holy romans empire had the authority to determine the religion of his own territory. How ever the treaty did not extend religious freedom to all individuals. I believe This treaty was an effect of the reformation because it wanted to stop the conflict between the 2 countries. For a while.
  • 1563

    Council of trent

    Council of trent
    The Council of trent was a council held between a number of different churches that took place between 1545 and 1563 in Italy. It provided a unified response to the challenges posed by the protestant reformation and helped better build catholic doctrine and practice. I believe that The council of trent was an effect of the Reformation because it helped build the catholic community through the reformation.
  • 1570


    Humanism is when people acknowledge the worth/ values of human beings and the importance of critical thinking, scientific inquiry, and evidence based reasoning. It values the human rights, equality and social justice. It was characterized by the studies of classic greek, roman literature and art. I know Humanism was a huge cause of the reformation because as People read the bible they started to question the church which they never liked and humanism was brought about so people can be heard.
  • Aug 24, 1572

    St.bartholomews day massacre

    St.bartholomews day massacre
    St Bartholomew Day massacre is an event that took place in france On August 24 1572, that targeted and attacked against the protestant huguenots by the Catholic authorities which caused a lot of lives to be lost. They killed a range from Several to 10 thousand which lasted almost 2 months. I believe the Massacre Of August 24 1572 was a huge effect of reformation because this particular group of Catholic people targeted " Huguenots" because of their beliefs.
  • Edict of Nantes

    Edict of Nantes
    The edict of nantes was an order issued by King henry lV of France in 1598 that aimed to bring an end to religious conflicts between The Catholics and Protestants. It served as a model for future religious tolerance policies in other countries. Once again I believe this order was an effect of the reformation because it was an act to stop the conflicts between religious beliefs And somewhat did Like " Peace of Augsburg" did but they only stopped the conflict for a period amount of time.
  • Elizabeth l

    Elizabeth l
    Elizabeth l was born in 1533 and died 1603 she was the queen of England from 1558 until her death. She was the daughter of Henry Vlll and was described as one of the greatest monarchs in english history. She was known for her intelligence, political acumen and diplomacy. She helped guide England through a period of remarkable cultural and political development. I believe that Elizabeth was a huge effect of the reformation because she helped her economy through a rough time period.