Tori kepek 13


  • 1000

    Cluniac monks

    Cluniac monks
    Their reforms were accepted
  • 1095

    letters of indulgence

    letters of indulgence
    The Roman Catholic Church sold letters of indulgence to reduce a soul's time in purgatory.
  • 1200

    Saint Francis of Assisi

    Saint Francis of Assisi
    His reforms were accepted as well
  • 1400


    John Wyclif (14th century), Jan Hus (15th century) thought that the Pope had too much power and that the Bible should be translated into several languages. The Church rejected their reforms.
  • 1500

    worldliness of popes and bishops

    worldliness of popes and bishops
    They cared about money and power and patronized arts. They organized building programs, for example the Saint Peter Basilica and a lot of them led a luxurious way of life.
  • 1500


    Uneducated and ignorant priests, who neglected their parish. Immoral clergy, popes with children, murder and prostitution and simony and nepotism.
  • 1500


    Practise of buying and selling church positions for money.
  • 1500


    Practise of favoring your relatives and friends in your professional life
  • Oct 31, 1517

    Martin Luther

    Martin Luther
    He was an Augustine monk and a professor of theology and he questioned lots of teachings of the Church. He nailed his 95 theses on the door of the Church in Wittenberg.
  • 1518

    Teachings of Luther

    Martin wanted to reform the Church. Salvation by faith alone (faith is not buyable). Not the pope is the ultimate authority for the Christian life, but the Bible.
  • 1519

    Differences in beliefs between Lutheran and Catholic

    Differences in beliefs between Lutheran and Catholic
  • 1519

    Jean Calvin

    Jean Calvin
    He established Calvinism with Ulrich Zwingli. He was a French reformer who fled to Switzerland because he was persecuted for his ideas. Later he settled in Geneva.
  • 1520

    Differences in Churches between Protestant and Catholic

    Differences in Churches between Protestant and Catholic
  • Period: 1520 to 1521


    Pope Leo X excommunicated Luther, later Charles V declared Luther heretic.
  • Period: 1524 to 1525


    It was started by Thomas Münzer. He rejected infant baptism. He became popular among the lower classes. Even Luther rejected this group. Its result was the German Peasant's War.
  • 1529

    Diet of Speyer

    Diet of Speyer
    They called all Germans to stop conversion. They prohibited the followers of Luther from spearing their faith. Age of Wars Religion.
  • 1539

    Work as a virtue

    It was Calvin's idea which said that all kinds of work are appealing to God and being wealthy is not a sin.
  • 1539


    It was Calvin's idea. He said that everyone is predestined to go to heaven or hell even before they are born.
  • 1539


    It was Calvin's idea which said that everyone (even rulers) got their power from God.
  • 1539

    Democratic Consistory

    It was Calvin's idea which said that not only pastors but presbyters could participate in the control of the Church.
  • 1539


    It was Calvin's idea which said that Church leaders control the state
  • 1553


    It was started by Michael Servetus. It rejected the Holy Trinity. It said that there was only one God, Jesus was only a human.Transylvania became the refuge of the Unitarians.