
  • Dec 11, 1475

    pope leo x

    pope leo x
    he was the head of the catholic church and ruler of the papal states.In 1520 he issued the papal bull exsurge domine demanding luther retract 41 of his 95 theses and after luther refused to he excommunicated luther
  • 1478

    The inquisitions

    The inquisitions
    The inquisition was a powerful office setup so the catholic church can root out and punish heresy throughout europe it resulted in consolidating power in the monarchy
  • Nov 10, 1483

    martin luther

    martin luther
    he is a german theologian and religious reformer who was the catalyst of the 16th century protestant reformation
  • 1490


    it is using roman and greek reasoning to educate and question morality, a social and political consequence as it was what brought down the reign of the church
  • Jun 28, 1491

    Henry VIII

    Henry VIII
    he wrote a treatise against luther's view called assertio septem sacramentorum or defence of the seven sacraments.The King replaced the Pope as the head of the Church in england which caused a bitter divide between catholics and protestants
  • Jul 10, 1509

    John calvin

    John calvin
    he was a french theologian ,pastor and reformer in geneva during the protestant reformation.he was know for his influential institutes of the christian religion which was the first systematic theological treatise of the reform movement
  • 1513


    pieces of paper that were sold by the catholic church to forgive ones or others sin to reduce the amount one would spread in purgatory before being able to go into heaven brought economic causes and consequences as only the rich and wealthy could afford them or relatives out of an eternity in hell
  • 1517

    printing press

    printing press
    the printing press was a mechanical device that helped martin luther pass his message along to everyone it was quicker instead of having to write them one by one so they were able to spread from one town to another
  • Oct 31, 1517

    95 Theses

    95 Theses
    Martin luther wrote opinions about the teaching of the christian scripture also known as the bible and practices of the roman catholic church and nailed it up so everyone can see
  • 1521

    The Diet of Worm

     The Diet of Worm
    it was a imperial diet of the holy roman called by emperor Charles V and conducted in the holy Roman Empire called by emperor Charles V and conducted in the imperial free city of Worms.Martin Luther was summoned to the diet in order to renounce or reaffirm his views in response to a papal bull of Pope Leo X
  • 1530


    its was a community who were very religious that preachers ,missionaries,and convent reformers .it caused a lot of catholic education
  • 1533

    elizabeth l

    elizabeth l
    was the queen of england and ireland from november 1558 until her death in 1603.daughter of Henry Vlll .she was also the last monarch of the house
  • Period: 1545 to 1563

    council of trent

    it was the 19th ecumenical council of the catholic church prompted by the protestant reformation at the time it has been described as the embodiment of the counter reformation
  • Aug 25, 1555

    peace of augsburg

    peace of augsburg
    it was a treaty between Charles V,Holy Roman Emperor,and the Schmalkaldic League.The peace allowed the state princes to select either lutheranism or catholicism as the religion of their domain and permitted the free emigration of residents who dissented
  • 1572

    The St. Bartholomew's massacre

    The St. Bartholomew's massacre
    it was a targeted group of assassinations and a wave of Catholic mob violence directed against the huguenots which were french calvinist protestants during the french wars
  • Edict of Nantes

    Edict of Nantes
    was guaranteed freedom and intended to end the religion based on warfare in france