Recreational Drug Use

  • Marijuana Tax Act

    Marijuana Tax Act
    The marijuana tax act was introduced on April 14th, 1937 by Robert L. Doughton of North Carolina. It was a tax on the sale of Cannabis.
  • Leary v. United States

    U.S supreme court case dealing with the constitutionality of the Marijuana Tax Act of 1937. Timothy Leary, a professor and activist, was arrested for the possession of marijuana in violation of the Marijuana Tax Act. Leary challenged that the act required self-incrimination, which violated the fifth amendment. The decision was made that the Marijuana Tax Act was unconstitutional.
  • House votes on a bill

    The house votes 366 to 0 to authorize a $1 billion, three-year federal attack on drug abuse.
  • The flow of drugs

    The pentagon spends $40 million on interdiction. By 1990, the General Accounting Office will report that the military's efforts had no discernible impact on the flow of drugs
  • The Solomon-Lautenberg Amendment

    The Solomon-Lautenberg amendment is passed saying that states should suspend the drivers license of anyone who commits a drug offense. As a result many states put into affect that any drug offense is punished with a mandatory six month drivers license suspension.
  • The Rohrabacher–Farr amendment

    Passed the U.S. House and was signed into law, requiring annual renewal, prohibiting the Justice Department from interfering with the implementation of state medical cannabis laws.