Recovery, relief and reform

By MaddyG
  • CWA

    Then: Employed 4 million people to build everyday land marks
    Now: Ended that spring due to overspending
  • FCA

    Then: Helped farmers refinance their mortgages
    Now: Their agency today services their authority to the Farm Credit Act of 1971
  • AAA

    Then: Would pay farmers not to raise or produce certain products
    Now: The Administration ended in 1942
  • FDIC

    Then: Government insurance for back deposits
    Now: The FDIC covers all types of deposits received to an insured bank
  • SEC

    Then: Created to regulate the stock markets and stop fraud
    Now: Civil enforcement will bring action against firms and individuals who violate security laws
  • National Labor Relations Board

    National Labor Relations Board
    Then: Gave workers the right to unionize and bargain as a group
    Now: Dedicates work and power to the rights of employees to determine weather to have unions as their bargaining representatives
  • Social Security Act

    Social Security Act
    Then: Provided financial security for older Americans, unemployed workers, and others
    Now: Provides benefits for retirement, disability, Medicare, survivors, and SSI
  • Federal Housing Authority

    Federal Housing Authority
    Then: Improved house financing, standards, and increase employment in the home construction industry
    Now: provides funds to increase supply and affordability for housing and ownership for low-income families