Bible quotes
Bible quotes -
The Council of Nicaea
Put the forgiveness of grave sins under the authority of the bishops.The Council of Nicaea also spelled out a penance for those who had pass three years among the hearers; for seven years they shall be prostrators; and for two years they shall communicate with (Nicaea Canon XI) -
Begining of Early Christian penance
Early Christian penance — from the Apostolic times till 6-7 c -
Jan 1, 601
Begining of Tariff penance
Tariff penance — from 7th c. till 12th-13th c. -
Nov 12, 650
Council of Chalons-‐sur-‐Saône
This council approved the Celtic monastic practice and tried to establish Episcopal control over it.The severity of penances led to fewer Christians practicing sacramental penance. Some found other persons who would take on the penance and prayers for them. -
Jan 1, 1000
Beginnings of practising the sacrament of penance
Beginnings of practising the sacrament of penance in the form of individual confession as we know it now, i.e. bringing confession of sins and reconciliation together, can be traced back to 11th c -
Jan 1, 1215
Fourth Lateran Council
Confessions started.The eucharist forgives sins Many eucharists have room (The Coptic, Chaldean, Eastern Syriac, Nestorian and Malabar Christians) for forgiveness, even of mortal sin without private confession -
Jan 1, 1215
Fourth Council of the Lateran
The Fourth Council of the Lateran made it canon law that every Catholic Christian goes to confession in his parish at least once a year. -
Aug 16, 1215
Fourth Lateran Council
Fourth Lateran Council should at least once a year faithfully confess all their sins in secretve communion.␣ Sanctions were imposed for breaking the secrecy (seal) of confession. A priest who revealed a sin was deposed from his␣ Repeated absolution of sins was officially accepted and deemed nece -
Dec 31, 1299
End of Tariff penance
Tariff penance — from 7th c. till 12th-13th c. -
Jan 1, 1458
Frequent Confesion
Frequent confession has been recommended by Popes. Confession of even venial sin, while not strictly required, is "strongly recommended by the Church." (CCC 1458) According to Pius XII and Pope John XXIII, "We particularly recommend the pious practice of frequent confession, which the Church has introduced, under the influence of the Holy Spirit, as a means of swifter daily progress along the road of virtue." Paul VI said that frequent confession is "of great value." -
Jan 1, 1500
Century Council of Trent
Ignorance of the eucharist as normal sacrament for forgiveness of sin due to great emphasis put on the sacrament of penance by council the Council of Trent decreed the sacrament of penance as the sacrament of forgiveness of sins and specified demands concerning this sacrament. -
Dialogue between penitent and pastor
causing breakdown of small parish and growth of parish in modern time. Changed by being shorter meeting anonymously with unknown priest in dark box to get absolution. -
Early child removals occur through the establishment of church-run missions.
1788 - mid 1800s Early child removals occur through the establishment of church-run missions. There are also reports of European settlers kidnapping Indigenous women and children to use as cheap domestic labour. -
Vatican II
The Vatican II (1964) document Lumen Gentium emphasized that in addition to receiving pardon for their sins, penitents are reconciled with␣ There became a renewed sense that sacramental penance reconciles sinners with God and with the Church community -
A revised rite of the Sacrament of Reconciliation
A revised rite of the Sacrament of Reconciliation was given to the Church by Pope Paul VI. He new rite presents the sacrament in three different ritual forms: -
Rite of Penance
The Church “possesses both water and tears: the water of baptism, the tears of penance”Eucharist is the traditional sacrament of forgiveness of post baptismal -
Hope for the communial rite
Paul VI said in 1974 that he hoped this communal rite would "become the normal way of celebration." -
Program of fostering and renewing the focus on Reconciliation
In 1984 pope john paul issued Reconciliatio et Paenitentia which cited the Gospel of Mark 1:15, where Jesus said: "Repent, and believe in the Gospel". In 2002 he issued Misericordia Dei which cited the Gospel of Matthew 26:73-75 which said Jesus was born to "save his people from their sins" and the teachings of Saint John the Baptist calling for repentance.Quoting the Epistle to the Romans 8:21, he stated that "Salvation is therefore and above all redemption from sin, friendship with God -
national inquiry for the separtation of Aboriginal children
1995 The Commonwealth Government establishes the National Inquiry into the Separation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children from their Families. -
Court Case
Civil authorities in the United States are usually respectful of this confidentiality. However, in 1996, an attorney in Portland, Oregon secretly recorded a confession without the knowledge of the priest or the penitent involved. -
Kevin Rudd's sorry speech
Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd in 2008 made a public apology to the Aboriginals of the stolen generation on behalf of all Australians. This saw a reconcilliation between the Aboriginals of australia and other Australians. -
End of Early Christian penance
Early Christian penance — from the Apostolic times till 6-7 c -
Third Council of Toledo
This council tried to maintain the old system of reconciliation and remain with once-‐only reconciliation and rejected the Celtic monastic practice. -
Augustine distinguished three kinds of reconciliation with God through the Church:1. The remission of all previous sin through baptism. 2. The daily remission throughsins.␣ 3. The formal one-‐time remission of deadly and serious sin throughpublic penance. -
The Christianization of the Rus' Khaganate
The Christianization of the Rus' Khaganate is supposed to have happened in the 860s and was the first stage in the process of Christianization of the East Slavs[citation needed] which continued well into the 11th century. Despite its obvious historical and cultural significance, records detailing the event are frustratingly hard to come by, and it seems to have been forgotten by the time of Vladimir's Baptism of Kiev in the 980s